Who says that ? Never heard that one. Blind a choir ?Tomorrow? High notes, low notes and enough points between to blind a choir. :shocked:
Who says that ? Never heard that one. Blind a choir ?Tomorrow? High notes, low notes and enough points between to blind a choir. :shocked:
:think:...me?Who says that ?
It's not as good as my "craptastic" but it'll do...if you sight read.Never heard that one. Blind a choir ?
It's not as good as my "craptastic" but it'll do...if you sight read.oly:
I'm aware. Are you suggesting that someone who felt all Mexicans were of that stripe wouldn't feel superior to that group?Let's define 'racist': the doctrine that one's own racial group is superior or that a particular racial group is inferior to the otherslain: Because if you don't feel superior to a group you're insulting it mostly loses the sting and point, don't you think?
You should really let his mistaken overgeneralization be a cautionary tale for you.He wasn't really speaking of all Mexicans. This is exactly what you all do-you abuse what people say.
Well, we may differ on a great deal, but not on the notion of this fellow as the leader of the free world.trump turpitude -remember you heard it here first -you have to give town an assist on this
It only seems that way to you because you understand you.I seem to be clearer about it
Rather, what I've stated is that the moment of conception is the beginning point where the vestment of right is as arguable as not. Every point up until birth is similarly situated. The argument follows the implications of that in relation to the foundation of the compact involving right.... you employed your son (among others) as obvious demonstration to such right and asserting that the sperm/egg co-mixture assumes (as per human life in general) the same right your son enjoys.
No difference in the one aspect that controls what we can or can't do to either.The implications are obvious...you're claiming no difference between your son and the sperm/egg i.e. A=A; they both identify under the rubric of "life".
It's usually one of two things: world domination OR selling you comfortable shoes at affordable prices.Hey Knight or AMR or anybody that knows, what is the deal with bots ? Why do they get sent out to infiltrate discussion boards and who sends them ? What do they hope to accomplish or what is their purpose ?
A declaration is neither evidence nor argument. Get on with it.A cell is not a "person ". Period . Get over it !lain:
Or maybe it's just your head.The universe is expanding because there's not enough room for your contradictory biases :idunno:lain: (either)
I'm a person. I don't agree. Most people knew the sun circled the earth once upon a time. Then someone said, "No, it really doesn't and here's why..."People naturally know that abortion is not murder.
-Obamacare is not the evil demon many conservatives make it out to be
-There should have never been a 'Violence Against Women' act because instead of deterring violence against women it simply makes them confidently berate and manipulate men.
-Immigration is a problem, only a complete imbecile says otherwise
Trump is still better![]()
Slow day around the stacks?"...enough points in between to blind a clutter of spiders"
'cause of the eight eyes, per
you see?
I won't speak for anyone else, but that's a fair statement. I use it to dismiss a flawed and unreasonable approach to establishing a rule. Anecdotes are only worthy as illustrations of rules established by a broader means. Else, you might stub your toe and declare the world hobbled with as much reason.It seems to me like when it comes down to it, many of you resort to words like 'generalization' or 'anecdotal' to dismiss something.
Simply not true. According to Gallop, last year (a better year for pro choice than many of late) only 29% of Americans thought abortion should even be legal in any circumstance. 51% allowed it should be legal in limited circumstance. 19% opposed it in every case and 1% were without opinion. So most Americans will be surprised to hear you misstate their case.The thing is, with this, you have a majority of society who do not see abortion as wrong in any sense
Neither declaration, nor numbers, nor the arrogance to confuse them with truth will silence truth or answer reason.- and many more who do not see it, at least, as murder- and that automatically makes such arguments frivolous.
It began with:
A pretense of good humor. But why call it pretense? Because not even you will defend it for its appearance in a moment. What’s clear to me is that at some point I gored your ox. I don’t know if it was an issue or a friend, but it got under your skin sufficiently that you reached out with a strained complaint. Met with an example of how someone who was what you thought would approach...... said the resident grammarian. :chuckle:
Now that hostility was harder to miss, especially given you went back and literally corrected the goofy points I made about the grammar in your post, blowing by the point of doing it and the things surrounding it that should have told you what I was illustrating. Instead you continued to beat the drum:Oh, come on now big boy ... if you can dish it out you can take it.
Now I’m not only the resident grammarian, I’m habitually so and then, necessarily, habitually being stripped of a defensible position or I couldn’t routinely jump on the grammar wagon in defense. That’s an interesting corner you’ve painted for yourself.Ah ... but you so often do when stripped of a defensible rhetorical position ... and I guess that would be my point.
I don’t even believe my worst enemies have ever said that. I note my actual, infrequent usage and...
And now it’s when I’m out of rhetorical ammo. In your world I routinely gripe about grammar after, it necessarily follows, routinely running out of ammo and having been stripped of a defensible position.No, actually you routinely gripe about grammar ... usually when you've run out of rhetorical ammo. That is okay. We each have our quirks and I'm not suggesting that is inherently bad.
Asked for quotes and examples to support that fairly strong observation…
Not actually confronted by anything more than declaration. You seriously made my request for support of a claim that should be as easily called to mind as you do the circumstances, about my memory instead of your inability to produce them. That’s brass. :thumb:Another aspect of your online participation that I have noted is that you seem to suffer from amnesia when confronted with past offerings and want others to remind you of what you have said ...
And this bit of polish:
Consider how dramatically out of proportion the nature of this thing is for you to drag the Judgment Throne into it and how personal the root of this must be for you to hide a lack of ability to illustrate a thing that should be on the tip of your tongue behind yet another accusation.and I don't think you are old enough to offer that for a defense just yet in the court of public opinion or the Big One. I'm not your Court Reporter but you do have one. Something you might want to consider ... or not. Up to you.
By the next you’re not even believing your beginning was as advertised:
A call out post. A reading of the response that misses the point of the response and a feeling in lieu of actual example.I call you out for your grammatical niggling when confronted with an indefensible point and then you grouse about my grammar in another thread ... I think the point sufficiently made. The defense rests.
And your latest?
Yes, I’m particularly well known for not being devoid of a sense of humor.For what it's worth you are intelligent and not devoid of a sense of humor ...lain:
So I have a habit of carping or niggling about grammar, habitually enough to make it the rule in your mind, even though you can’t actually recall it happening particularly, let alone repeatedly, which is obviously my problem for expecting you to provide evidence in support because you aren’t a Court Reporter…only a judge without evidence of much beyond that dead ox.and you tend to carp about grammar when backed into a rhetorical corner and get a little forgetful on similar occasions.
And that, fzappa, is how you use a mirror. Hold a person to what they say, offering proof on the point, not declaration slathered in the pretense of humor or helpfulness and masking, thinly, ire.
Like having your BMI critiqued by Chris Christie.:think:
because you're pretentious?lain:
Sustained by the composition and the open nature of my challenge to consider its parts. Or, reason itself will tell you that the argument is from it. Whether it is sufficient or flawed is another matter and the nature of the challenge you have before you to meet or fail.What is absolutist is your conviction that your opinion is an "argument from reason"
If so it must be illustrated. Else, that's a declaration from arrogance.when in fact it is an argument from ignorance
Not at all. Rather, I present the contextual framework for how right is viewed in the law and address what is known and our obligation within both in how we address what either isn't known or may not be knowable, objectively. If it isn't certain the reasoning will out it.You presume that what you see to be certain IS CERTAIN
That's really not true, which is why you'll say it, maybe on some level really believe it, but never illustrate me doing it with, you know, my actually doing it.Everything about your posts indicate otherwise. You stoop to surprisingly low means to dismiss any and every objection that confronts you
I always suspected that's how you counted.I couldn't count on my hands and feet the amount of times you all do what you just did.lain:
Who judged that you managed that? :think: It was you, wasn't it? Just a guess, mind you, but I'm betting you did that.I just showed you to be wrong on the very statement you just posted.
Have you ever noticed that what tends to follow that is often the same sort of thing that follows, "Not to sound racist..."With all due respect,lain: Okay, let's see if you shook the hubris out with your last exercise.
I think you were censored because he found you objectionable. How you presented the idea, not the idea itself....Fact is, I got censored simply because the moderator in question found my views objectionable.
I read it. You were given an opportunity to do what I suggested and instead of proclaiming what you understood to be the truth in a way to invite your continued presence and an actual discussion, you gave the moderator what for...And just so that you don't think that I'm looking at things through rose colored glasses," here is the actual conversation:
It depends on your purpose. If you mean to persuade people, you're wrong. If you meant to remain in play in the hope of reaching someone, you're wrong. If you wanted to strut and fret your hour on that stage and leave...mission accomplished....The burden isn't on me to change my approach and soften my claims.
So there was a chance to engage and discover. Instead you made another choice and learned nothing, taught nothing, and accomplished less.
That was my understanding of your position. It's an interesting difference between us. I think what we do reflects us...or mostly what matters to us. I doubt God will be overly cross with whoever has it wrong, considering....I have said many times here at tol
-we are what we do our works define us
It isn't my memory that's in question...People like you, who just declare and then invent reasons why they shouldn't have to (I'm not a court reporter) or can't (inferred in the purge bit above) are just making noise to suit whatever ax they're dragging around. Apparently yours has a bit of lawyer stuck to it.Nah, that's how you be a lawyer. Pretend you don't remember what you have said and hope the latest forum purge has removed enough of what you have said that anyone who calls you on it can't dredge it up anymore and offer it in the court of public opinion.lain:
...the judgement throne...that just screams perspective on the point of grammar. Well, I suppose if any of us was above nonsense and uncharitable motivation from time to time, if we always got a thing right and acted the way we should we wouldn't need grace.Just remember ... there is a God and we will all account for every idle word .
...sure, I don't believe in allowing children to view pornography. Do you?I only wish to note that you are arguing in favor of censorship.
I'd hope not.Not that I'm surprised.
I got mine at a bait and tackle shop.Do tell where you got your clairvoyant license.lain:
Then, before you knew it...So...worse than genocide or abortion to your mind.Homosexuality is the final and most egregious immorality a society can commit.lain:
What happened to the Romans was largely about inbreeding and bad pipes. Outside of parts of the Appalachians and Michigan, we have the inbreeding/water thing under control...though some find Congress fairly incestuous, metaphorically speaking.This isn't new either, when morals decline society eventually follows. It happened in Lot. It happened in Rome (to the Romans). It's happening here now.
I don't watch as much news as I once did. Who have they been bombing or shooting? Where was the last gay looting riot?They are transgressing beyond all bounds.
Because many a drug is inherently unsafe. Like processed sugar.Why not decriminalize every drug?
Which I didn't really do. Or I did in the sense that were I to make a grocery list I'd be comparing items.There you have it, folks. Comparing abortion with genocide-lain:
Most white people of European descent saw themselves as superior to opposing cultures. The standard of the day. Labeling Lincoln a "white supremacist" is a bit skewed, contextually speaking.Abraham Lincoln was a white supremacist, as well as most white people.
...I'd say, rather, that liberals have a context and conservatives have another and they move toward their disparate goals. Often those goals conflict. I don't think the point is conflict, but goal oriented.Liberals are against conservative ideology.
Two quick points. I'm not a liberal and you do a disservice to actual liberals (and any sort of rationalist) by doing the standard right wing nonsense of calling everyone to your left a liberal. Second point, my position would be there's no secular justification for criminalizing a private behavior that deprives no one of their right. I don't have to like it anymore than I like the Klan marching on a public street, but that's the nature of the Republic.Now stop pretending like Rebulicans wanting to recriminalize homosexuality isn't for the same reason you all wanted it decriminalized in the first place![]()
That's not really true though...We don't protect the unborn from conception because we assume vestment and the presence of value. We protect them because a) we recognize that whenever vestment of right occurs we have no right to abrogate it and b) the chance for that vestment absent any self-authenticating standard exists as fully in each moment as not. Meaning that if we proceed in law to affirm the right to act we as likely write an unjust law that accomplishes what we have no right to as a just one that affirms what we may do. The only means we have to protect ourselves from doing that which we are not entitled to do is to refrain.Yes I do... because it's question begging. As it goes: We don't know at what point of development to assign a value to the unborn thus we must, by default, assign value at conception. ("error in favor of life")
Though, in effect: the unborn retain value (conclusion) because we're required to place defacto value (supra) upon them (premise)....TH's premise constitutes evidence for his conclusion, a text-book case.
Now the thing that quip doesn't discuss, the thing no one objecting likes to discuss, is that unlike the argument presented they assign an arbitrary point of value themselves, be it the Roe standard or some other, and that from that point forward they are in no part different from the fellow standing just behind their chronological point, objecting.
My argument doesn't do that..
I can see why you wouldn't want it to, but in fact it is important to note that everyone else subscribes to the very thing so many of you announce as the very thing to be avoided, the subordination of the rights of the woman to make a reproductive choice. You only differ as to the where on that line...So among those competing with my approach are a host of prostitutes arguing that virtue is determined by price.The reason such is not discussed is primarily because the issue is patently necessary...It simply doesn't warrant a specific debate.lain:
Try a Post-it® on your refrigerator.idiots have to be reminded every day![]()
Then AB answered...:yawn: I'm not here to teach you Logic 101 (Eph 4:14). :freak:
And I thought...Your threads are more like 'Room 101'...:freak:
She should have stopped after "here".lain:
Cardinal or ordinal? Else, sweet. Then post them, link to the source and lets' see what numbers and what they actually say.Far beyond anecdotal evidence, the numbers are on my side.
I know that you should cut whatever you're having with a lot more of whatever water is.Of course, I realize that someone as deep into the system as you would not realize what water even is. So you can take your vast training and immersion into the system and compare it to my few anecdotes, and feel good about yourself.
You seemed a little conceded.I will concede one point.
You can call it cheese, but I wouldn't try to eat it on a cracker. :nono:Since so many lives are ruined by the injustice of the system, calling it a game doesn't do the system justice. Call it something more like... a gauntlet.
Did you see the first Star Wars film and if so did you think it was about romance across class boundaries?I finally got around to watching the movie "The Force Awakens." The theme seems to be about a Black man who ends up with a White woman, whom they care about each other. Together they fight against the evil White man and his empire.
Was your come away from The Passion that it was about the hazards of changing jobs?My question here, is; Is the story line happen stance, or is there a political motive behind it?lain:
What Jews would do that and why?Jesus and the modern day Jews are a perfect example of what I'm saying here- see, many Jews like to scapegoat the whole thing on the Romans, because Pilate sentenced him to die.
You mean the Sanhedrin and those present who urged Pilate. Most Jews had no part in the process or presence. But you're missing why the sin was compounded on the part of those Jews who sought Christ's death. They used their presence and pleas/insistence to corrupt the judgement and use of power of the magistrate, who derived (as all leaders do) his authority from God. This isn't about God declaring that whoever thinks up a plan is more guilty than the fellow who executes it. You missed his point. And your bit that follows is founded on that errant premise.However, Jesus stated to Pilate that the Jews had the greater sin.
:nono: Supra.The woman, therefore, has the greater sin in abortion, not the one carrying it out.
That too. But to the other point, among the important distinctions between a rapist and the unborn (and that's something I never thought I'd have to write) is the fact that the child is the foreseeable consequence of a consensual act on the part of the mother.Well, I do remember stating that the unborn have no more an inherent right to a woman's body than a rapists may. Not quite sure of any direct comparison...I'd say it's rather direct evidence for the sexual impulse.
I don't have to (see: the as yet standing argument). Sounds like you're repackaging Roe, the point where most on the "Her body/her choice" suddenly become indistinguishable from the "It's a life, not a choice" chorus..Of course. It was simply an allusion by way of contrast. Now, if you have a reasonable method for removing incipient life from the womb sans its subsequent demise....I'm all ears.
Well, no. Maybe you just don't know much about birth control. :idunno: You should Google it.Birth control and abortion are both specifically and uniquely of women.
Many fought for it (with the support and aid of many men), though the Court that gave us Roe...how many women were on that, do you know?They fought for it, they celebrate it- keep it at it's origin: abortionists exist because women who want abortions exist.
You already tried that with the scriptural bit I answered in your last. There's just death and sin and responsibility, your curious need to focus on a single part of the equation notwithstanding.There's a bottom, and there's a bottom bottom.
No, we just saw it differently. You might wonder why that is.It seems that some saw a different movie than I did.
Though most of us aren't marching to "Dixie". :drum:It is because everyone is marching to a different tune! Right?
Yet that's precisely what Roe did and every other attempt manages. "Don't look at the foundation, whether or not a power to do a thing or an obligation to refrain exists, rather, follow us to this new point founded without regard for the consideration and the establishment of a right that cannot exist else." Within Roe we have a tragic usurpation. The Court reduces right to a thing created by fiat and not recognized and protected by reason....You can't place cart prior to horse.
Yes, that's why voting booths often resemble slot machines.the system is rigged
In the sense that a candy bar will make you fat.-trump is electing hillary
Why can't he just dislike the speech?Why didn't you just say you hate trump and drop all that nonsense about his poor speech.
Wait...does that mean that you hate Trump now? :think:It wasn't well prepared...so sue him.
You mean people who support him have developed a self-defense mechanism that mostly involves disregarding what he says and how he says it?These things don't bother people who don't already hate the guy.
Like not voting for him?But when you have to find some way to smear the guy and look smart to your friends.
Well, if there's one thing that I'm sure can't matter to Trump supporters it's impressing people.... Hey...go for it. Just don't expect everyone to be as bothered by it or impressed with you as you would desire.lain:
Then I've lapped you.This would be the only thing in your post worth responding to.
Look, seriously, you're entitled to think and say anything that suits you. I'm just telling you how it goes beyond your apparently unfortunate experience.
I could, but you're like some guy who's just been given an insight into the medical profession by his doctor, and can't bother to credit it because you've handed out a couple of aspirin and that's got to put you on par.Tell us morelain:
Because there's a difference between perfect and good. The best restaurants occasionally get an order wrong. The best surgeons make mistakes. Because systems are run by people and people don't always get a thing right.why would anybody have a bad experience with a system that wasn't flawed?
Our system is predicated on that understanding, which is why we put standards and review in place to safeguard against it and to revisit when necessary.
I forgot to send my latest for consideration...which is a shame, because it had Pulitzer written all over it...literally.http://money.cnn.com/2016/04/18/media/pulitzer-prizes-2016/index.html?section=money_latest
Regrettably, I did not win, as the fix was in.
I have not won since 1998, when I won for my "To Do List."lain: I thought it might help.
Supporting Trump means never having to say you're sorry.Does it get tiring always having to clean up after Trump?
...or being unable to, maybe. :think: It's a toss up.
All that time in the dark may have affected your retinas.Us trump people have finally stood up after going underground after Reagan.
If there's one thing everyone can agree upon it's that silencing a Trump supporter is only slightly harder than getting one to listen.We are not going to let your hatred of us silence us again.
Well, if he does away with educational standards you might have a point to put your eye out with. Speaking of education, again...The stereotype you have foisted on us through media and higher education will not last forever.
You know what's funny about your using this?Sooner or later, the truth will come out and it will be discovered that the emperor has no clothes.
That is...that's what's funny.That's a metaphor
No one tell him why, please.![]()
The problem with that is you're only really finding a way to recontextualize the particular situation we're addressing. In what other situation would the notion of uncontested access have meaning? None if the argument is necessity and what other context is there?...]Likewise, by a pure rational standard, you cannot deny the principle in play whereas one human individual has no uncontested right of access to another human individual.
My argument has nothing to do with subjective valuation save the founding principle of law can be called that...which is an argument, but everything that proceeds from it cannot be so situated or the law becomes nothing more or less than an incoherent plea to power.The difference in either rational approach lies exclusively within the realm of moral discernment and subjective valuation.
And unlike my approach, every attempt to foist upon the chronological line of being a point of sudden value is entirely subjective pleading and my argument resists and rejects it.
Arrogant piece of garbage. You think your cool getting away with threads like these? Trash people from other thread and then lock the thread down if they challenge you. You are an example of why so many people hate the establishment. Deceitful. Gaining power from an unwitting site management and then getting your PC back up squad to cover your butt and destroy your opponents.The Sunday Company Gazette
Talked Trump a bit...
And with CSludicrous...
And the law with Yor...
Then Sod asked...
And bottom lines with john w...
Continued to chat politics...
Quip made an end run...
Tomorrow? Cool kids, the arrogance of emotionalism and the remains of the daze.lain: Or something.
Arrogant piece of garbage. You think your cool getting away with threads like these? Trash people from other thread and then lock the thread down if they challenge you. You are an example of why so many people hate the establishment. Deceitful. Gaining power from an unwitting site management and then getting your PC back up squad to cover your butt and destroy your opponents.
You seem a bit...high strung.Arrogant piece of garbage.
Would it help if I promised that every time I put one together I roll a package of cigarettes up in a short sleeved shirt?You think your cool getting away with threads like these?
First, I haven't locked a thread in a very long time and then only to keep out trolls. Second, if reproducing your own writing feels like trashing you might want to think a bit more before you hit send next time out.Trash people from other thread and then lock the thread down if they challenge you.
Deep seated feelings of inadequacy? :think:You are an example of why so many people hate the establishment.
No, which is why people who level that one will never get around to quoting me doing that.Deceitful.
You think people get power from an anonymous internet forum?Gaining power from an unwitting site management
Don't you think at least one of us should know what you're talking about?and then getting your PC back up squad to cover your butt and destroy your opponents.
Second, if reproducing your own writing feels like trashing you might want to think a bit more before you hit send next time out.
If only it was that simple. I also...God help me...provide a link so anyone interested can READ THE ENTIRE EXCHANGE! :shocked:It is just hideously shameful of you to provide other poster's exact quotes!
Well, to hear Yor tell it I'd be the closest thing to a unicorn.You need to apologize for being upfront and honest ...
Close enough?but whatever you do ...