Thought about starting an Idol thread...but these days I'd have to put it in the political section, one way or the other.
I have toyed with the idea of using the blogs on here. Not sure what I would write about thought. :think:I've started using the blog feature again. This time to preserve some of the older and funnier bits from Quixote's, or advance a new angle on who knows what.... Today's blog is a look back on the Anti-Social Social Club, from beginning to, well, not so much an end as a limbo like now. So you might want to give it a look between now and the next Gazette if you're bored or curious, or curiously bored. That sort of thing.
I thought about using it for a series of one-off editorials on topics that won't die. Call it The Last Words.I have toyed with the idea of using the blogs on here. Not sure what I would write about thought. :think:
Nice! I have kinda fallen off the band wagon. Not really sure what is out there anymore.I thought about using it for a series of one-off editorials on topics that won't die. Call it The Last Words.![]()
you have it set as font size 1
What looks small to you? I'm just reproducing the script size except for the lead ins, which I set for 1, but on my monitor it looks fine and larger than the original script size within the quotes. Does it look different on yours? :think: I look at everything on a 25 inch monitor, so that might account for my not finding the problem. Sod mentioned something about size, but given he could care less about anything assisting something I write I didn't pay it much attention.I can't read it, why is it so small?
Are you going to a Boy Scout meeting later in the week to mock their uniforms? Or, if you're only there to disrupt something that others value maybe you should spend that time somewhere else...where you value what's happening.
Hopefully no one will show up to tell you why it's a bad idea.
...Lee owed a greater service to the moral right. He was a man of good repute and character. He had an appreciation of the want of virtue in the practice of slavery even if he failed to fully appreciate it's evil. In fulfilling a lesser duty he failed his more substantive obligation to the good. That is why Lee should be preserved as a tragic figure, a cautionary tale for generations. He should not, under any circumstances, be celebratedWhen are you guys going to get real and stop categorizing the problem as "racism"?...Lee, and the other Confederates, were known primarily for their resistance to progress. There's nothing to celebrate there.
What's said, "You know, I never thought of it that way before."
What's left unsaid, "You know why? Because I'm not stupid."lain:
What's said: "Well, I've heard/read somewhere that..."
What's unsaid: "I'm completely making this up."
What they want isn't important if what they do is that very thing.Well, Apple's argument is not that they want to make anything immune from the law.
You don't have a right to be secure in criminal enterprise or to make safe the criminal enterprise of another though.It's just a natural consequence of the reasonable (and Constitutionally validated) desire for security.
Due process is the only real security you have. Recourse. The rest is mousetraps and mice.Due process can't offer the technical means of security, and in a world and domain where borders and geography are less and less meaningful, it's especially critical that the technical means of security be more than symbolic.
I know the law is the guarantor of recourse for the violation of right and I'd say your obligation rests within the confines of the law, as does that recourse. Lastly, the government needn't be in possession of the key that could be misused.You have faith in the law as the final guarantor of right. I have faith in the math and the technology, and I don't feel obligated to submit myself to inspection on demand, and I'm not willing to assume against the evidence that the government will respect my privacy.
That sounds about right.It strikes me that this is just the sort of discussion that you'd expect a lawyer and a computer scientist to have about encryption.
Decided to share this thought, because I think it's an important one...careful with the name calling. Why? The same reason I once suggested we fill the ranks of our army with kids and old people. Because that way if you lose you don't have to feel badly about it.The Dumbocrats also have problems. All they can find to run are socialists or communists.lain:
I find it a curious thing that you don't know I've spent a lot of time taking on antitheists around here....I find it a bit typical that someone such as yourself has never stated this to an atheist in a Christian place.
You can call me Dan Marino, but I'll never throw that spiral.As in, you, the lib.![]()
Though to be fair, the man does squint a lot.lain:
How can I care about something I don't know about?of course you dint know - you dint carelain: It's not like I'm running for president.
I was wondering if you'd take that angle. :chuckle: Well, thanks then, actually...and how odd is that...well, the font's better anyway :thumb:
That was the idea.Crimson and Clover comes to mind.
I don't see what you're seeing. My intros are all larger fonts than the quoted material that follows it when I look at the page on my monitor. In the old format everything was of a size unless you altered it. I'd must bold the same sized bits. Maybe that's what I'll do now, if the quoted bits are looking okay for you. Strange that we're seeing it differently. :idunno:It's still one size too small.
The intro to the bit has to be larger than the size of the largest size in the bit.
We scan the headers to pick which exchanges to read all of or to skim yada yada yada.
If the header is smaller we have to focus out to see the next header as we scroll and then focus in to read it then focus out to scroll again.
Strange. On my screen at 3 size (which is what that Gazette is set at on the intro) it looks appreciably larger than the quoted type on my monitor. No idea why. I'll bump the next one up two sizes on the leads and one more on the header and you guys can let me know if that's too much or idea why I'm seeing something so different, but there you go.View attachment 23617
[Click to enlarge]
Above is how I see it on a high resolution screen (4K) with TOL web pages set to 125% magnification. (Note that the above pix is not a high resolution screenshot so it will look fuzzy.)
If persons are using the Chrome browser and having problems, this fix may work (it did for me):
Are you going to a Boy Scout meeting later in the week to mock their uniforms? Or, if you're only there to disrupt something that others value maybe you should spend that time somewhere else...where you value what's happening.
Hopefully no one will show up to tell you why it's a bad idea.
I do. Look at the post before you repeated that one and you'll see a different sizing. I can see the size is different. The problem is that for whatever reason, on my monitor, the way I had it before wasn't coming across the way it was being seen by a few of you. In edit, my resize looks ridiculously large compared to the quoted bits. But if that helps, it helps. So what looks bloated to me will, I suppose look normal to everyone using other monitors or - do you see a difference in the font size between the following?
interesting - this is one from 2013 and the fonts are all the same size
and yes, your post three up is much better - i was gonna pull your tail and tell you it's too big now, but i won't
('cause i don't want you to know it's too big :banana: )
Are you going to a Boy Scout meeting later in the week to mock their uniforms? Or, if you're only there to disrupt something that others value maybe you should spend that time somewhere else...where you value what's happening.
Hopefully no one will show up to tell you why it's a bad idea.
This feels like one of those old cartoon episodes with Ralph and Sam, in between punching the clock. Okay then, thanks. I'll go with that from here on.that looks to me like it used to :thumb: