toldailytopic: What things should you look for when picking a good church?

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Biblical teaching, fruit, an ability to allow for differences in belief on nonessentials, lack of driving political ideology, a belief in a living God, prayer, a respect for Christian history and heritage.



I identify as a Christian
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I am really liking this site, especially since it holds the Scripture in such high regard. I am on the another site that is just awful because it has no respect for the authority of the Word. It is anything goes. :vomit: Too many websites are like that.

BTW I just sent a request to add this site to my Face book. I identified myself.

16. Here's another red flag--Passes out printouts from the Elijah List--That's a internet site full of nut job 'prophets'. I ought to open a thread on it.


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I was told this once--The Bible is the plumb-line by which all ideas are measured--That's going in my signature, when I can have one.
You should become a subscriber, and you can post it now, plus lots of other fun stuff!


I identify as a Christian
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I would love to become a subscriber, but I will have to ask my husband. We don't have a lot of money right now. My husband is going to be having cancer surgery on the 23rd of December.


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Unitarian answer to the question: How many Unitarians does it take to change a lightbulb?

"We choose not to make a statement either in favor of or against the need for a light bulb. However, if in your own journey you have found that light bulbs work for you, that is fine. You are invited to write a poem or compose a modern dance about your personal relationship with your light bulb, and present it next month at our annual light bulb Sunday service, in which we will explore a number of light bulb traditions, including incandescent, fluorescent, three-way, long-life and tinted, all of which are equally valid paths to luminescence."

Now, that's funny! Can I borrow it to send it to some Unitarian friends of mine? (Who will also love it!)



The Dark Knight
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Truth. They better be able to back up what they are teaching with the Bible. I went to a Bible study tonight taught by a research chemist working on his doctorate, and he talked about time and said God was outside of time. No Scriptures to support it. Ironically he talked about how so many believers in evolution never support their claims with any real solid data.


New member
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Now, that's funny! Can I borrow it to send it to some Unitarian friends of mine? (Who will also love it!)


You may absolutely use it, but I cannot take credit for it. I printed off a list of lightbulb/religion jokes long ago from the internet, and that was always my favorite. :)


New member
A loving, welcoming environment and loving, welcoming members.

Really, I'm flexible on anything beyond that.
Especially given the number of churches I have attended who had doctrine down pat, did great things in the community, led wonderful worship services, had great sermons.......yet made me feel like an outsider even after six months of membership.


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I would love to become a subscriber, but I will have to ask my husband. We don't have a lot of money right now. My husband is going to be having cancer surgery on the 23rd of December.
I will pray for both of you, and that He will provide for your needs.


I identify as a Christian
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Things that I like in a Church:

1. Preaching from the word:
2. Bible studies -- especially nice meaty ones.
3. The church cares about its members.
4. Allows it members to participate in things like music
5. Keeps a prayer list for its needy and sick members.
6. Has a prayer chain that you can contact for emergencies.

I very strongly believe in prayer. I was sick last year and got better in answer to prayer.

I am not a pentecostal by any stretch of the imagination, but people can and often do get better when people pray for them. The doctors treatments work better when people pray.

Nathon Detroit

I am not a pentecostal by any stretch of the imagination, but people can and often do get better when people pray for them. The doctors treatments work better when people pray.
There is some truth to that. When people are more relaxed, more comforted, their body is more free to do what it was designed to do.... heal.


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There is some truth to that. When people are more relaxed, more comforted, their body is more free to do what it was designed to do.... heal.

Yes, and thank all you have prayed for me.

I am going to bed.

(She should ask you now if she wants that done)


I identify as a Christian
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More red flags.
17. The church has a Horror movie night for Halloween.
18. Requires its members to participate in a soup kitchen. (Yeah I experienced this too)
19. Has requirements for people to join adult bible study.
20. Boots people from adult bible study.

(Knight, Since I cannot contact you any other way--I think you are the only one that can change the title of a thread. Could you change the title of my intro thread from Ultra Conservative Messianic Jew to Right Wing Fanatic?)


TOL Subscriber

toldailytopic: What things should you look for when picking a good church?

* one that preaches the cross

* one that holds fast the form of sound words of our apostle Paul

* one that does not try to integrate the teachings of Christ after the flesh into Body of Christ doctrine or duty


Blessed is the man that......
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toldailytopic: What things should you look for when picking a good church?

How about this one.


I identify as a Christian
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If this is your underhanded way of saying you stir the pot, then good. You should fit in well here. :up:

I stir it only if there is un-biblical teaching being taught. Yes my husband and I have been booted for stirring the pot.
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