toldailytopic: What should be done to the man responsible for the Oslo Norway murder


New member
nevertheless, i'll "recuse" myself now ...[/QUOTE]

i wasnt really renaming u, just referring to the whole death penalty camp and not just u specifically ... and whats wrong with calling it the "pro-death lobby"? ... dont get hung up over a few words ...

when you made the bigotted comment lumping all people who support capital punishment as pro death, you ad hominemed us. I understand on the left that isn't that big a deal. But intellectually speaking it's a fallacy that avoids arguments by labeling the arguerer with a "bad name" and discrediting them on the name's purpose, not their arguments or beliefs.

Don't sweat it, I'm used to the left pulling this. Since I'm one of those, you most certainly DID call me pro death. You played the "you people" card and I'm one of those people.

PRO DEATH means you promote death.
If a person is pro death, they would want to encourage deaths.
I'm acknowledging a person in for a lifer, on average kills 2.3 more people even while incarcerated.
A person left outside, free, who committed a capital crime is almost always a repeat offender, or their threshhold is moved to the point they COULD be for much less reason than the first time.
So to leave them alive, would promote death. THAT IS YOUR VENUE, not mine.
I promote life, by removing one that is a threat, like a cancer, to society, and sparing 2.3 more.

You need to check your logic, your ad hominems, and your denseness please.

umm ... me no understand what is a stickman ...
anyway, its my understanding that unfortunate businessmen who find themselves behind bars only due to their greed and lust for money arent kept with the psychopathic murderers who dont deserve to live ...

Sigh, you probably don't.

Ahh, the poor limitations the left have, namely selective education, a nicer way of saying deliberate ignorance. :|

Only capital offenders who received a capital punishment are seperated out. OR someone who committed a capital offense while in prison. <<<< read that slowly <<<<

You wish to remove the capital offense, apparently, which would put the capital offenders in the general populace, causing "turf wars" and screwing up the 2.3 average. You would cause deaths, by all empirical history we have to date, and want to call me pro death. That's foolish. I can't believe that you really believe the crap you are saying. It's so shortsighted you MUSt be about to drop a "GOTCHA" in here somewhere.

oh, i get it now! ... and ur "lady justice", right? ... no? ... then why do u feel empowered to determine the life or death of another human being?

1) I'm not judging anyone. That's above my pay grade.
I acknowledge the need for that crime's punishment.
Tell me which is it...
Taking a life is bad,
or not?

Your way takes 2.3 more lives than mine.

I'm a net 1.3 lives above your moral standard.
If you release the person and they take 1.3 more lives, that makes you promoting death, not me.

i do appreciate ur concern tho for those poor innocents who are unfairly misjudged first time around ... of course, justice could never fail on appeal ...

You are right, they are all just misunderstood. Like your pro-death stance. What a pee wee herman move, try to assign your offense to the others. No I'm not, That's YOU!!!!

The system is set up with a large time for appeals. Appeals are ruled unjust, and just. The system works. It's a lot less perfect than what you can propose. You are merely one more lemming parroting bad philosophy found only on the left.

ok, thats the second time u've used "petulant" so now i have to look it up ...

:) you keep your humor, that's good. You are funnY!

lol ... u mean like the demonic horde of badness that needs to be executed in spite of the weak capital punishment argument?

:think: You must mean the weak capital punishment argument that you say is weak, over and over, but have yet to present convincing reason to prove it's weak, other than your emotional and ad hominal appeals. Because you've ONLY presented emotional arguments based on YOUR perception of Justice, and not bothered to justify them as superior, or worse than the status quo. Here lemme help.

or the demonic horde of badness that needs to be invaded in spite of the weak weapons of mass destruction argument? ... quite a lucrative little invasion tho for the oil producers ... wasnt georgy b an oil guy? ... sorry, u diverged first ... ;)

Ahhh the selective education of the left again. Let me show yo uhow your Washington left politicos have turned you into a lemming, or a :sheep:, The clinton plan to invade, remember back when they were all on TV saying they needed to go Saddam was bad... Their plan was to pay for the war, by using their oil to pay for rebuilding etc...

During the BUSH run, they campaigned that was evil and it was only oil motivated. cough cough ACCCCCK patoohie. You don't connect those as issues. Is there a face with a white cane in the smilies??? someone get on that.
During the time BUSH was in office, and the end of Billy's term, the only people that profited from the OIL in IRAQ , was GERMANY, RUSSIA, FRANCE, the three who voted against the invasion. They were selling weapons for oil under the food for oil program. That's well documented to anyone that passed gas enough their head was free to look.
THE U.S. made no money from oil in Iraq, notice our debt was climbing because of the war?

Haliburton was the predecided company for this contingency of problems. The government has these little lists, if we face this, we use these guys because they are the best and here's why. if they can't these guys are next best and here's why. It's the same list Clinton had.
Your left won't tell you things like this. I'm sorry you are starved for information and fed sheep umm skubalon.

LMAO!!! ... are u serious????!!?! ... ur all here clamouring for the death of this Norwegian guy who wont get a death sentence coz Norway is a civilised country that doesnt have one

This whole post is made on a presumed lie. No one is clamouring for the death. There is no campaign. The OP asked what would you do. And people are honest and admitting. You won't admit to what you would do, you just bash folks. Let me declare for you, based on what you have shown us so far.

YOU would:
...allow him to take another 1.3 lifes in prison, OR allow him his freedom with counseling, so he could plan better and get away next time.
... Sign the death warrants for the 1.3 people knowing they were going to die.
... belittle the value of the lives of those lost, and that will be lost by your political decision.

I give up.

- unlike such states as China, Russia, Somalia or the US - and ur asking me to point out "anyone" who thinks more ppl should be sentenced to death???

Another lie.

I wish you guys wouldn't do that. I mean you just look stupid when you do it. We are embarassed FOR YOU, and we know you aren't going to figure out you should be embarassed.

You said PRO DEATH, not people should be sentenced to death. TOTALLY DIFFERENT THINGS. You are proven to be the death promoter above. YES we feel sentencing them to death is just. We are not promoting deaths, or we'd let him free like you would. Once that threshold is crossed, ....

wait ... when did i become "far left" ... im sure my profile just says "more left than right" ... ur really a man of extremes ...

In the last dozen years the "center" has moved so far left, that anyone slightly left is historically far left. JFK would run under the republican party today, or would totally change the left. The difference in Him and Nixon's policies was minimal. That's how close it was back then.

A man of extremes? I did get a philosophy degree in Greece from the School named for and that taught the great philosophy of the great Greek thinker, Facetious. The school was located on an island off the north easter coast called Hyperbole. It's known for it's proximity to the Isle of Catharsis, where so many vacation to releive stress.

and it can never be stupid to be morally better ...

Only the moral deficient claim moral superiority. You pro death promoting ad hominem name changers. :p

i dont know how i let this slip in my first post ... ur admitting here that capital punishment is evil, right?

No, I'm admitting captial murder is evil. And that a capital murder offender has crossed a threshhold and is inherently more likely to commit more deaths. And a murderer has removed the freedom infinitely more thoroughly than the govt can do, by removing their freedom to live.

only that allowing them to live to kill 2.3 white collar criminals is a "worse" evil ... well, ok then,

This has to be posturing, your vocab insinuates you aren't this dense. Which if posturing makes you very dishonest intellectually, and if on accident, very unqualified to have this discussion.

There is a difference in capital crimes and killing someone. You argue the human life has value, and no one has the right to remove.

You are faced with a dilemma of needing to pass judgement on someone who took a life and will most likely take more.

If you release them in any of the ways we've discussed, the ODDS ARE they will take 2.3 more lives which you argue have value. Plus he's removed the freedom of the ones he has killed, permanently.

You seem to have a problem applying to HIM the offense he has given, and most likely will give again. BUT not only that, but you knowingly put him in a position to offend again. And you want to call this just?

If you were the judge and this guy killed my wife, I'd kill you first then the criminal. You both signed her death warrant.

if ur willing to acknowledge that capital punishment is evil

NO ONE on here has acknowledged that. That's your strawman. When you present a real life issue I'll be glad to address them. I'm ignoring this whole part of your post based on a faulty premise.

me still too dumb to know what is strawman ...

I giggle, it's funny.:rotfl:

but seems to me ur the one whose head is screwed around ... ur arguing for evil in the name of justice ... thats seriously screwed up ... dont u see that?

How can it be evil, if it's the law of the land, and it's exemplified in the Bible as well? I'm not sure your theological stand, but that has been a secular humanistic punishment for the crime since the early days of written record, long before the TEN Xian commandments even. You somehow think 12K years later, YOU seem to have the moral compass to be the first to get it right. :| Do you gag on all that hubris? errr

everyone wants a utopia, a heaven on earth ... but u dont get it by killing the ppl spoiling the party ... where to after we kill all the "bad guys"?

It's not about killing bad guys. Get an education, understand the words. Albeit the guys we admit have a right to lose their life are bad guys, we don't promote capital punishment for all legal offenders. You know that. you are either lying in your set up, or you are truly challenged in comprehension.

... handicaps? ... retards? ...

sigh, relax you are safe, no one is asking for your life.

how many ppl dont fit ur ideal society, Hitler?
Well, yeah hitler wouldn't fit, good example. You would let him live to offend again. Mostly I would say those that don't fit are capital offenders that show they hold no value for human life, and would be able to take one with little inhibition or anguish. If you want them to live, build a halfway house they can't escape from and YOU can live with them.

"u killed, so now u die, scum!" ... theres nothing noble, honourable or even "just" in that thinking ...

Does your wife, partner, ?? know that if faced with a man threatening her life, you'd walk away and let him take it?

hatred and other base human emotions

Base, like survival, protection of family, protection of those you govern over... yeah base emotions....

i will accept the idea of an angry, wrathful god who casts sinners into a lake of fire and extends forgiveness only on the blood sacrifice of chickens, virgins or only begotten sons ...

I don't like the idea of a man killing my wife, or children. You seem to have no issue with it. If we follow your words, you can't say you would defende her/them.

such thoughts are the works of savages and barbarians

And capital murder is the work of Social Sophisticates. :) I get it. :rotfl:

umm ... recuse has no validity here since im not being asked to leave due to bias or any conflict of interest ...

That's exactly why I asked you to recuse. Your inherent bias, is thinking your judgement is superior to everyone elses, even God's and that you are qualified to make that call. :)

I bow to your superiority. But I cry for your family if ever threatened.


New member
I didnt cut the rest of ur post just coz of the txting issues but rather coz we're getting kinda long winded and this line pretty much sums it up ...

the norwegian killer, osama bin laden and adolf hitler all believed they were exercising their god given duty to have to take a life some day ... they all believed that they were actly justly, for the good of society and with the blessing of God ...

Ok and I understand you can't judge who did or didn't act justly, so you are ok with injustice. I'm not.

to be honest, i dont really know the details of the norwegian guy and who he killed ... he said he was waging a christian jihad against muslims so were the kids he killed muslims or not?

As stated before the left's selective education. *plop* hear that? Another lemming over the cliff.

anyway, the thing u all have in common is that u divide ppl into subgroups and cast judgement on whether they're worthy to live or not ... for hitler it was jews, for bin laden americans, for the norwegian its muslims and for u its criminals

Liar. For ME it's capital offenders.

what u find so objectionable about murderers in the first place, ie. that they have taken upon themselves to determine the right to life, is what u now take upon urselves in proclaiming that they should be murdered by the state ...

Because I value the lives of the innocent.

the "right to life", if any such thing exists, is not given by the state but by God ...

Why did Jesus show, and Paul write to honor the govt and it's laws as they were appointed by GOD and had their jobs of protecting the people....?

therefore no person, nor collection of persons, is entitled to remove that life which God has created ...

So, God's commanments on stoning, taking their lives, etc... He was out of line. I get it.

i've never said they should be freed, cuddled or made sheriff of a county ... what do i care if they, because of the own moral defeciency, proceed to kill each other in prison?

Because a man with too many speeding tickets was killed and you don't care, is why you are not valid to discuss this topic. You must be THIS tall to talk this talk. You might as well make them fre, sheriff etc.. with your belief structure, and I showed that.

... but it is morally reprehensible, for the state, as the governing body of the ppl, to sanction murder as a just and legitimate action ...

it's more apprehensible for them to have a commitment to protect me, then refuse to do it.

if murder is acceptable as long as its carried out by the state, then theres no moral argument against the nazi extermination of jews, the iraqi murder of kurds or the sudanese murder of sudanese christians ...

Obviously, GOD never passed judgement on a whole civilization before, did he?

if u dont like this argument then the only rebuttal u can provide is that "murder is only acceptable when sanctioned by the state and executed upon a group which 'I' deem deserving" ... jews?

Well if that were the only rebuttal I made I'd worry.

no ... kurds? no christians? of course not! ... criminals? absolutely!

Go back and answer the analogies of protecting your wife adn kids. If you find they can be murdered because the other guy has the right, and you can't protect them if you would kill the other man.... which IS your position based on your words, ... well I can't call names on here, that aren't displayed more clearly....


New member
Spell, man, spell. Words.

Sorry. I didnt think it was such a big deal on an online forum. Nevertheless, noted, I shall attempt to use whole words and sentence structure from now on.

when you made the bigotted comment lumping all people who support capital punishment as pro death, you ad hominemed us.

Actually, all I was doing was short-handing "pro-death-penalty-advocates" and that seemed the obvious choice. Is there an official term I should be using?

PRO DEATH means you promote death.
If a person is pro death, they would want to encourage deaths.
I'm acknowledging a person in for a lifer, on average kills 2.3 more people even while incarcerated.
A person left outside, free, who committed a capital crime is almost always a repeat offender, or their threshhold is moved to the point they COULD be for much less reason than the first time.
So to leave them alive, would promote death. THAT IS YOUR VENUE, not mine.
I promote life, by removing one that is a threat, like a cancer, to society, and sparing 2.3 more.

OK. Now you're the one throwing a stickman. I never said killing 2.3 prisoners was better. I said that for those advocating the death penalty, they were getting a better result by sentencing murderers to life since they ended up with 2.3 times more murderers, rapists and child molesters being killed this way. I was being facetious. I guess I'm at fault for that.

You need to check your logic, your ad hominems, and your denseness please.

I dont really see a problem with my logic. Simply put its this:

1. Taking the life of another human being is wrong;
2. You want to take the life of another human being; (or rather, you want the life of another human being to be taken by a third party acting on your behalf, ie. the State)
ergo. You are wrong (or rather, you are willing, condoning and demanding that a third party carry out a wrong action on your behalf).

It's really not that complicated and doesnt require a doctorate in philosophy or theology to understand. The argument was a lot simpler before I added the bracketed comments but not so technically correct.

Also, it's odd that right after telling me to check my ad hominems you go and call me names.

Sigh, you probably don't.

Ahh, the poor limitations the left have, namely selective education, a nicer way of saying deliberate ignorance. :|

Well, I cant deny being poor and uneducated, but I'm sure that doesnt mean I cant understand logic or discern right from wrong. I'm not sure what you'd call it in Latin, but there must be some logical fallacy for arguing on the basis of wealth, class or educational attainment right?

Is it really your contention that I can't understand truth or justice because I'm unversed in the particular lexicon of logic? Please tell me you're joking.

Only capital offenders who received a capital punishment are seperated out. OR someone who committed a capital offense while in prison. <<<< read that slowly <<<<

This really isnt an argument that has anything to do with me. I'm neither qualified nor interested in debating how prisons should be managed to deal with prisoners of greater and lesser propensity to kill each other. My concern is only in stating that killing them, in particular the "will" to kill them as held by an individual, is not a moral or just reaction to a crime.

1) I'm not judging anyone. That's above my pay grade.
I acknowledge the need for that crime's punishment.
Tell me which is it...
Taking a life is bad,
or not?

I've been saying all along that its wrong. Why the ambiguity?

You are right, they are all just misunderstood. Like your pro-death stance. What a pee wee herman move, try to assign your offense to the others. No I'm not, That's YOU!!!!

The system is set up with a large time for appeals. Appeals are ruled unjust, and just. The system works. It's a lot less perfect than what you can propose. You are merely one more lemming parroting bad philosophy found only on the left.

Baseless name calling. Ad hominems, was it?

:think: You must mean the weak capital punishment argument that you say is weak, over and over, but have yet to present convincing reason to prove it's weak, other than your emotional and ad hominal appeals. Because you've ONLY presented emotional arguments based on YOUR perception of Justice, and not bothered to justify them as superior, or worse than the status quo.

Actually, I'm surprised we even need to have this discussion. I really struggle to understand how someone purporting to be Christian and believe in an ideal of justice and proper conduct can argue positively for the killing of another human being. If your own conscience doesnt testify to its wrongness, theres probably nothing I can say.

I probably just committed another logical fallacy there, huh?
Appeal to sentiment or something, maybe ...

Ahhh the selective education of the left again. Let me show yo uhow your Washington left politicos have turned you into a lemming, or a :sheep:

Perhaps now isnt a good time to point out that I'm not American ...

This whole post is made on a presumed lie. No one is clamouring for the death. There is no campaign. The OP asked what would you do. And people are honest and admitting. You won't admit to what you would do, you just bash folks. Let me declare for you, based on what you have shown us so far.

YOU would:
...allow him to take another 1.3 lifes in prison, OR allow him his freedom with counseling, so he could plan better and get away next time.
... Sign the death warrants for the 1.3 people knowing they were going to die.
... belittle the value of the lives of those lost, and that will be lost by your political decision.

I give up.

Why should I have an opinion on what I would do with him? Is it my job to sit in judgement and decide on his sentence?

But you're right. I've completely thrown this thread off-topic. Its for expressions of mindless vindictiveness and lynch-mob "justice" not a debate on the validity of the death penalty.

My bad, not a good effort on my first posting session. But I'll try to get better. And at least you taught me something about logical fallacies. :p

Its ok. I give up too.

(well ... almost) ... ;)

There is a difference in capital crimes and killing someone. You argue the human life has value, and no one has the right to remove.

You are faced with a dilemma of needing to pass judgement on someone who took a life and will most likely take more.

If you release them in any of the ways we've discussed, the ODDS ARE they will take 2.3 more lives which you argue have value. Plus he's removed the freedom of the ones he has killed, permanently.

The difference is in the identiy of the agent. What you're suggesting is that in order to remove the "possibility" of an individual committing a sin later (conveniently ignoring, you might say, the sin already committed against the initial victim) I, or rather, the state, should carry the burden of committing our own sin against the offender.

I'm really not comfortable with this argument and I challenge you to find any theological teaching which encourages an individual to deliberately sin for any reason including the prevention of sin by others.

I also want to point out that, even if true that "on average" capital prisoners kill 2.3 people while incarcerated, it doesnt follow that they all kill 2.3 people each. It's entirely possible for an individual to not kill ANYONE while incarcerated so I think its unfair to justify his necessary death sentence on the basis of the guy in the cell next door who's going to kill 4.6 ...

And can you really - and I mean you specifically as a Christian - deny the opportunity for that man to repentence? The man who committed a heinous act but is not lost to barbarism, who feels guilt and remorse for his actions and can, with time, come to repentence with God.

You probably want to revert straight back to the 2.3 and greater and lesser evils but you cant judge the worth of human beings on statistics and probability.

If the "allowed to live" prisoner does indeed go on to kill 2.3 others, thats his own sin to carry. Why make it yours by willfully denying him the opportunity to repent and enter his Fathers kingdom?

You seem to have a problem applying to HIM the offense he has given, and most likely will give again. BUT not only that, but you knowingly put him in a position to offend again. And you want to call this just?

If you were the judge and this guy killed my wife, I'd kill you first then the criminal. You both signed her death warrant.

Dude, please ... this is EXACTLY my point. Of course I have a problem applying the same offense to him!!! If it wasnt an offense, there'd be no harm in him doing it in the first place. You're completely admitting a. that killing him is an offense and b. that your judgement is predicated on retribution - not only will you kill the offender, but the judge as well!!

But how can you morally or logically defend as "just" the same action that you've deemed offensive in the criminal?

Really, truly, I will never understand your thinking on this even though you think I'm posturing and being disingenuous (which, probably, sometimes I am ... but only in substance, not essence ... ;)).

How can it be evil, if it's the law of the land, and it's exemplified in the Bible as well? I'm not sure your theological stand, but that has been a secular humanistic punishment for the crime since the early days of written record, long before the TEN Xian commandments even. You somehow think 12K years later, YOU seem to have the moral compass to be the first to get it right. :| Do you gag on all that hubris? errr

Well, the Bible is no authority for me so that argument carries as much weight as "it must be true since its in the Koran" or "the sutras", or "my mum told me". And I've already mentioned that if "evil" is defined by the state or the "law of the land" then theres no objection to Hitlers policy on Jews.

People also used to believe that the world was flat, the sun circled the earth and gods could be bribed with offerings of goats, chickens, virgins or first born sons. Are you suggesting that because something has been believed for a long time, it must necessarily be true?

I dont gag so much on hubris as I despair at ignorance. Its truly lamentable to view the world today ... on the one hand atheists, agnostics and materialists thinking this life is all there is so we should indulge all our pleasures to the fullest (reinforced by the materialist culture of baywatch, mcdonalds and mtv); on the other hand Christians proclaiming millenia old fairy tales as inerrant truth and painting a picture of God as a tryannical, bloodthirsty overlord who punishes out of wrath and forgives only on the offering of innocent blood.

Thats not only an unattractive picture to try to sell unbelievers, its blatantly and obviously untrue to anyone who spends even a moment of time contemplating the nature of divinity. (Such effrontery to presume I could understand more of the divine nature than the sages and prophets of old!! But I dont necessarily mean all of them, just the ones that are wrong ... ;))

Anyway, I digress - again.
Sorry for derailing the thread. You can have the last word to put me in my place and then lets call it a day ...