toldailytopic: What should be done to the man responsible for the Oslo Norway murder


New member
Arm him, provide for him, and drop him in the middle of Moamar Quadaffi's camp. He's got a fighting chance of atoning for his sins. He gets a chance to work it out of his System, and he probably still dies. You can tax the gambling on if he hits the ground alive or not.


New member
But he's a Christian already. And I get the impression he's quite a big fan of the 'tough love'* that seems very popular among extreme-right fundamentalists. So I imagine he does plenty of 'preaching' (read: yelling abuse) to Muslims already...

*Just in case anyone takes offence, I'm not saying that any of the 'tough love' people around here support shooting sprees, by the way.

And, the chat boards wonder why I put up a fight to not be labeled a Xian. It's plain to see, I don't qualify.


New member
They should attempt to find out why he felt compelled to do what he did. They should deal with him as compassionately as possible while still protecting other people. They should neither capitulate to the demands of him and his ilk, nor should they overcompensate by introducing draconian 'anti-terror' controls, as this will only fuel people's anger. They should use his case as a means to learn as much as possible about people with extremist viewpoints, and put peaceful steps into practice to prevent people from reaching the point where they want to do this sort of thing. They should devote as many resources as possible (after having dealt with the bereaved and injured, of course) to rehabilitating the man and to resolving the horrendous psychological issues that led to the act. Nothing they should do should be motivated by the desire for vengeance or the desire to inflict suffering on this person.

I left camp to ummm go make dirt. I left four people around the camp fire sleeping. I ran across a rabid 'coon. I could not have shot it and walked back to camp. If so, he would have followed me and maybe infected my pals.

For something that has a proven propensity for active violence, violence is the answer. Give me a nation of totally passive people, and I'll show you a nation with a foreign leader.

A scorpion crawled to the edge of a river. It saw a frog and asked, "Mr. Frog, will you take me across the river?"

Frog says, "Why would I do that, you would sting me and kill me if I let you close?"

The scorpion promises not to, so the frog lets him on his back.

In the middle of the river, where the current flows strongest, the scorpion shivvers and stings the frog who asks, "why did you do that? Now we'll both die!"

The scorpion with miniscule regret responds, "It's my nature."

In High school our debate topic one year was change some federal law. Most people abolished Capital Punishment.

We won state by making it mandatory. We had proof from two studies, that a person condemned to life without parole, on average killed 2.3 more people while he was kept. If life was valuable, killing the one saved the many.

So tell me, is it really the life that is valuable,

or is the far left, just queasy and wants everyone to think they are nice guys, even to the point of allowing WORSE evil to do it?


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
Arm him, provide for him, and drop him in the middle of Moamar Quadaffi's camp. He's got a fighting chance of atoning for his sins. He gets a chance to work it out of his System, and he probably still dies. You can tax the gambling on if he hits the ground alive or not.

:think: Ohhh...I like that. It's constructive.... a destructive kind of way? :AMR:


New member
Arm him, provide for him, and drop him in the middle of Moamar Quadaffi's camp. He's got a fighting chance of atoning for his sins. He gets a chance to work it out of his System, and he probably still dies. You can tax the gambling on if he hits the ground alive or not.

I like it, since Norway does not have a death penalty.

See how he does against armed adults, versus unarmed innocent children. I do not know what upsets me more the wickedness of his murder spree, or the cowardice of it.... shooting children at a summer camp on an island, with virtually no escape, while dressed as a police officer; all the while, knowing if captured, his own country can not ,and will not ,execute him. :madmad:


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for July 25th, 2011 08:32 AM

toldailytopic: What should be done to the man responsible for the Oslo Norway murder spree?

I am normally a very gentle and kind individual when you meet me in person, but I have no love for people who set off bombs in populated cities and shoot defenseless children. Norway doesn't have a death penalty-- too bad. So lets clap the loser in a cell with a three musclebound thugs armed with chains and see how long he lasts.


TOL Subscriber
Put him in a state penitentiary and accidentally tell the other convicts he has a "thing" for children. Be sure to stitch him back up again and again, and leave him in general population for as long as he survives.

Or the pitbull idea was nice. :D


New member
I'm also wondering about the possibility of consecutive sentences. That should keep him locked up for a few centuries, assuming it would be allowed by law.


He should be confined to a prison for the rest of his life, where he should be forced to read the New Testament and Platonic and Kantian philosophy every day. He should be visited frequently by priests and academic philosophers, in order that he might experience a change in heart, feel sorrow for his crime and be converted to love for God and all humanity.


The 21 years thing is federal Norwegian law.
No criminal can be sentenced to more than 21 years on a single sentence.

Norway also has no death penalty.

The best that can be hoped for a sentence extension after his first prison term is over.

Unless an upstanding private citizen takes matters into their own hands.

As to what I THINK should be done to him?
Fire a number of bullets equal to the number he used into semivital areas and let him bleed out on national television.

On the contrary:

"To no man rendering evil for evil. Providing good things, not only in the sight of God, but also in the sight of all men. [18] If it be possible, as much as is in you, have peace with all men. [19] Revenge not yourselves, my dearly beloved; but give place unto wrath, for it is written: Revenge is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord. [20] But if thy enemy be hungry, give him to eat; if he thirst, give him to drink. For, doing this, thou shalt heap coals of fire upon his head. [21] Be not overcome by evil, but overcome evil by good" (Romans 12:17-21).


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Keep him at Guantanamo just long enough to waterboard him a few times to make sure we have all the intelligence we need from him, then swiftly and painfully execute him.

Works for me! :thumb:


Nick M

Born that men no longer die
Hall of Fame
He should be confined to a prison for the rest of his life, where he should be forced to read the Traditio philosophy every day. He should be visited frequently by godrulz and academic philosophers, in order that he might experience a change in heart, feel sorrow for his crime and be converted to love for God and all humanity.

Ezekiel 13:19

And will you profane Me among My people for handfuls of barley and for pieces of bread, killing people who should not die, and keeping people alive who should not live, by your lying to My people who listen to lies?”

Should he die?

Exodus 21

12 “He who strikes a man so that he dies shall surely be put to death. 13 However, if he did not lie in wait, but God delivered him into his hand, then I will appoint for you a place where he may flee.

Nick M

Born that men no longer die
Hall of Fame
Why not just sentence him to picking up litter and then send him off with a coupon to McDonalds?

Seriously, the guy needs to be executed.

Send him to America. We will give him a drivers license, the right to vote, a paycheck and free to him health insurance!


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Although My darker side wants to go with the pit bull idea I need to point out a couple of things;
A pile of wooden boxes had been set up at the base of a tree, where Washington was reportedly castrated and doused with coal oil.[8] The chain was secured to a tree limb, and Washington was hoisted above the flame.[8] He made numerous attempts to climb the hot chain, and the crowd cut off his fingers to prevent his escape.[9] The boy was raised and lowered into the flame in front of a crowd of approximately 15,000 people

An illiterate, mentally handicapped 17year old convicted after a 1 hour trial and 4 minutes of jury dileberation.

What we let happen to the worst of us can happen to the best of us.
Gitmo is a great example, offer a $50 reward for a tip and you have people turning in their neighbors just to get the $50 and the neighbor is off to Gitmo for ten years being tortured everyday and guess what?
They start making stuff up so you will stop torturing them.
Wouldn't you?
Imagine one of your loved ones being arrested and accused in a case of looking like a terrorist or a mass murderer and taken off to "innterrorgation" and next thing you know he's signed a confession and you know it's false because he was sitting next to you the whole time? And if you contest the confession they're just going to torture you until you confess?

This is madness.
If we are going to execute people we have to do it humanly, not because it says somthing about them but because it says somthing about us.
Just in case you find out later that he was innocent, at least you know you killed him in a well considered and peaceful way, not that that makes it right.
If you find out you were wrong and you boiled an innocent man in oil then fed him still alive to some hogs then you just did somthing really bad.


New member
Although My darker side wants to go with the pit bull idea I need to point out a couple of things;

An illiterate, mentally handicapped 17year old convicted after a 1 hour trial and 4 minutes of jury dileberation.

What we let happen to the worst of us can happen to the best of us.
Gitmo is a great example, offer a $50 reward for a tip and you have people turning in their neighbors just to get the $50 and the neighbor is off to Gitmo for ten years being tortured everyday and guess what?
They start making stuff up so you will stop torturing them.
Wouldn't you?
Imagine one of your loved ones being arrested and accused in a case of looking like a terrorist or a mass murderer and taken off to "innterrorgation" and next thing you know he's signed a confession and you know it's false because he was sitting next to you the whole time? And if you contest the confession they're just going to torture you until you confess?

This is madness.
If we are going to execute people we have to do it humanly, not because it says somthing about them but because it says somthing about us.
Just in case you find out later that he was innocent, at least you know you killed him in a well considered and peaceful way, not that that makes it right.
If you find out you were wrong and you boiled an innocent man in oil then fed him still alive to some hogs then you just did somthing really bad.

It is done aas humanely as they know how. Most that have seen an execution in TX think a firing squad would be more Humane. That death is over with mjnimal mental anguish. The chemicals, you sit there in a dream state knowing what is happening and can do nothing but wait.

In the town I grew up in, home of "The Last Picture show", there was a young man pulled up, got out of his car and marched to the front door. The man inside served, foreign and domestic. He carried a baseball bat. The biu pulled out a handgun and killed him in one shot. Don't give a mercy to everyone, only.the ones that will accept it. Of you threaten my family.and show up, I wont wait to talk to you. You may.get the.drop on me, and will be unorotected.

Talking someone down is a nice far left thought. So if they.think that role is a ggood one, give the job to walk up to a schizin maniac, emotionally charged, emotionally distraught man coming of a shroom high, and talk to them in a sensicL way. I don't talk to avalanches, or tornadoes either, for much the.same rreason I have determined their nature.

You remove cancer.


New member
Hall of Fame
Well for all this blood lust the teenagers and others he murdered remain dead.

All I can hope for is that he's never given an opportunity to spout more of his hatred and filth and isn't given a platform and chance to inspire even more lunatics.


That is not entirely accurate. Yes, he will get 21 years as that is the maximum penalty. But he will most likely be secured ("forvaring"), which in practice means that he can be locked up for the rest of his life. The link mentions this as well:

"Norwegian law does allow for a convict to spend more than 21 years locked up, as experts can keep him or her behind bars up for additional five-year stretches if the prisoner is deemed dangerous. "

But yes, 21 years is too low. Actions like this should result in a life sentence without having to renew that in 5 year stretches.

I agree. Whether it is in a psychiatric facility or a prison. He should not be allowed to rejoin society after indiscrimately killing men, women, and children.