toldailytopic: What should be done to the man responsible for the Oslo Norway murder


Hall of Fame
That was probably unfair. You could be challenged. Let me back up. :(

You have a cancer cell, that multiplies exponentially and makes more and more cancer cells. Cancer cells are bad. they eat up things we need inside to live.

The most common treatment for putting off cancer is removing the bad parts, and keep the cells from spreading.

Now, you have a person in society, who premeditates the cessation of life of another. Once they cross that line, they are categorically more likely to be repeat offenders in society, and 2.3 times more likely to do it in prison on a life sentence. The human body, and the human race are borth organisms. One of the body, one an "organism" of homo sapiens. When you get a bad cell remove it.

There you go, much better.


New member
There you go, much better.

Well, now that I understand the challenge, if it's a chat you are in, I'll try hard to remember to break it down more. :)

But I'd like you to keep this in mind for me. If someone, ME, has done something stupid. It's ok to say HEY THAT WAS STUPID. But if you don't explain why, you are basically acting like a petulant prince who will cut off someone's head if they don't agree with him on something like iron floats, witches don't, whatever.

Dont' make empty assertions, back them up so people can learn from it.


New member
What's rather crazy is that you believe you are speaking for those who commit heinous acts towards other human beings and actually compare them with those of us who want to protect society from such vile cretins.

The comparison im making is in regard to your attitude of self-righteous judgement and the assumption that your own set of values and principles gives u the right to decide who is worthy of life and death. Im not even commenting on the "rightness" or "wrongness" of his vs. ur philosophic principles, merely stating that by taking the stance that you are entitled to remove a man from this world, ur thinking is exactly the same as his who has already taken one - or in this case, many.

Arguments for the death penalty are motivated by anger and self-righteous indignation masquerading as "justice". No one who is motivated by mercy, compassion, forgiveness or forebearance could take such a stance. Which set of values do u think is more noble, more civilised, more Christ-like?

Anyone who thinks killing another person is ok as long as its in accordance with their own values and beliefs is a defective human being; more of a monkey, than a man - this is true of the Norwegian killer, as well as of u ...


Hall of Fame
The comparison im making is in regard to your attitude of self-righteous judgement and the assumption that your own set of values and principles gives u the right to decide who is worthy of life and death.

Believing that murderers should receive the death penalty has nothing to do with self-righteousness.

Im not even commenting on the "rightness" or "wrongness" of his vs. ur philosophic principles, merely stating that by taking the stance that you are entitled to remove a man from this world, ur thinking is exactly the same as his who has already taken one - or in this case, many.

No it is not. I am not making the case that it is okay to go around and unlawfully MURDER innocent individuals. THAT is the thinking of murderers. OTOH, you are condoning their actions by lashing out against those of us who wish to permanently protect society from these types of predators. You are a defense lawyers dream juror ... congratulations!

Arguments for the death penalty are motivated by anger and self-righteous indignation masquerading as "justice".

Anger ... yep. Justice ... yep. Self righteous indignation ... not hardly.

No one who is motivated by mercy, compassion, forgiveness or forebearance could take such a stance. Which set of values do u think is more noble, more civilised, more Christ-like?

I reserve my mercy, compassion and forgiveness for those who are actually deserving of it. Murderers, rapist, pedophiles, etc. are not deserving.

BTW, I see nothing noble, civilized or Christ-like in patting violent murderers and other vile predators on the back and giving them a pass on their criminal acts.

Anyone who thinks killing another person is ok as long as its in accordance with their own values and beliefs is a defective human being; more of a monkey, than a man - this is true of the Norwegian killer, as well as of u ...

I am curious ... would you kill someone if you were defending the life of yourself or a loved one?

Thanks so much for your sweet words and well thought out argument. Perhaps if I live another 20 years, I too will be a paragon of virtue similar to yourself, Ms. Pollyanna Purebred. ;)


New member
The comparison im making is in regard to your attitude of self-righteous judgement and the assumption that your own set of values and principles gives u the right to decide who is worthy of life and death. Im not even commenting on the "rightness" or "wrongness" of his vs. ur philosophic principles, merely stating that by taking the stance that you are entitled to remove a man from this world, ur thinking is exactly the same as his who has already taken one - or in this case, many.

Arguments for the death penalty are motivated by anger and self-righteous indignation masquerading as "justice". No one who is motivated by mercy, compassion, forgiveness or forebearance could take such a stance. Which set of values do u think is more noble, more civilised, more Christ-like?

Anyone who thinks killing another person is ok as long as its in accordance with their own values and beliefs is a defective human being; more of a monkey, than a man - this is true of the Norwegian killer, as well as of u ...

Its so nice of you, to do exactly what you are griping about. You just judged us all on a unilateral decision, where YOU placed yourself as the ultimate arbiter on the topic. I gotta hand it, that left leaning "logic" is beauty in action. Don't even have to buy tickets to this entertainment.

So, you break your legs while we are camping, and while I go get help, or make a gurney, an escaped convict, or Jeffrey dahmer, or whomever, arrives and makes an obvious threat to your life. Beat your skull in then load a rifle and aim it at your head. I decide that he doesn't have the right to impinge on your freedom like that, and I take aim. Headshot, he wont know he's dead.

Then I remember this conversation, and shrug my shoulders and let him kill you. I learned my lesson, yilou taught me well, I don't have that right. I will kiss you. Sorta. I mean, as king as you were around, I knew I would make more sense than someone in the room. B-) small humor, sorry, a rib nudger..

or..... your wife is the third person on her knees. The first one is shot execution style. The second the same. Do yoi shoot the shooter before he kills your wife? If yij se your screwy logic you wont you don't have the right. If yiu say you will then shut yoi, and stopped imposing the double standard.

If you don't, didn't you just abandon agapao for your wife, for your own personal standard of morality? How would she have voted on those decision?

Didn't you abandon your God given and instilled duty to protect your family?

His is that serving family OR God?

Now, the gift has a similar responsibility. Protect the peoples they govern. Of they know this person is unrepentant and likely to commit he crime again, and they do not sentence hom t death, and people die, did they not just sign the death warrants for future deaths?

Why, yes they did. Then they are not doing the job God assigned them to do. That is from @imposing your morality over God's morality. Ok, I have about five more logic arguments, but the point is made.

I have a right, and god given duty that dictates. May have to take a life someday.


New member
People who use valley girl text messaging spelling on discussion boards should be put to death first.

just saying...

Tell you what, you type 8 paragraphs from a phone. Touch screen, fight auto correct, and see what you get. Then I will fret it. I'm just sayin'...


New member
hmm ... this is really complicated ... how to quote u quoting me? ...
meh ... anyway ...

I guess you can rename me, and make up terms that don't exist in an attempt to demonize me all you want. It proves you are a petulant debater (use the term loosely.)

i wasnt really renaming u, just referring to the whole death penalty camp and not just u specifically ... and whats wrong with calling it the "pro-death lobby"? ... dont get hung up over a few words ...

I'm sure you think you are being cute and using logic here. I really tried to find it. All I can find are lies and strawmen. Let me explain.
You think killing 2.3 white collar offenders, tax dodgers, would hold the same reasoning as killing a captial murderer? No wonder you guys have no clue what the issue is with Capital Punishment. You can't make sense of crimes. "It depends on the definition of IT your honor". sigh.

umm ... me no understand what is a stickman ...
anyway, its my understanding that unfortunate businessmen who find themselves behind bars only due to their greed and lust for money arent kept with the psychopathic murderers who dont deserve to live ...

If the person of the 2.3 murdered by a capital offender were capital offenders, I guess I'd still have issue with it because it usurped the powers of lady justice and may have removed the appeal that would have proven the person innocent.

oh, i get it now! ... and ur "lady justice", right? ... no? ... then why do u feel empowered to determine the life or death of another human being?
i do appreciate ur concern tho for those poor innocents who are unfairly misjudged first time around ... of course, justice could never fail on appeal ...

So to answer your question, it would only follow to my own argument...... if you were a petulant, problematic, non truth seeking, manipulator, and perpetuator of arguments. :)

ok, thats the second time u've used "petulant" so now i have to look it up ...

Again with the demonization. I mean if your argument is weak, nothing like saving face by implying the person you discuss with is a demonic horde of badness. You get sympathy votes that way. Like Obamma and closing guantanamo, (he kept it open when he got i office because he was shown he was an idiot to suggest it....)

lol ... u mean like the demonic horde of badness that needs to be executed in spite of the weak capital punishment argument? or the demonic horde of badness that needs to be invaded in spite of the weak weapons of mass destruction argument? ... quite a lucrative little invasion tho for the oil producers ... wasnt georgy b an oil guy? ... sorry, u diverged first ... ;)

Can you show me anyone, anywhere that said death sentences are too low? I'm in TEXAS, no one here would say that. We use capital punishment more than most states combined.

LMAO!!! ... are u serious????!!?! ... ur all here clamouring for the death of this Norwegian guy who wont get a death sentence coz Norway is a civilised country that doesnt have one - unlike such states as China, Russia, Somalia or the US - and ur asking me to point out "anyone" who thinks more ppl should be sentenced to death???

The far left, queasy??? Isn't my term, I think queasy is far to generous. You guys would feed the world until they forgot how to feed themselves, you would build dependence on govt, you would feed cancer rather than excise from the organism, all in the name of "we are morally better!". There I returned your idiotic implications back in kind. See how stupid it looks?

wait ... when did i become "far left" ... im sure my profile just says "more left than right" ... ur really a man of extremes ... nothing is a little and everything is a lot with u, huh?
and it can never be stupid to be morally better ...

Only a true leftist wouldn't know the difference in capital murder and white collar crime. Your position is really, that tax evaders are as evil as murderers? That's the position yoU MUST take to say what you just said. Who would want justice to be usurped and an undeserving person die. I guess you guys on the "left" (out ofthe line for common sense.) have a tough time with assigning guilt or innocence. For you, everyone is a victim. It's probably all just a misunderstanding anyway. Every capital offender should be made sheriff of a county, and then we can watch how they enforce the law and learn to empathize with their thinking and inner child.....

we've covered this already, right? white collar criminals, death row inmates ... minimum security ... maximum security ... and never the twain shall meet ...

You are condoning the killing of non capital offenders. I guess you feel that isn't a worse evil.

i dont know how i let this slip in my first post ... ur admitting here that capital punishment is evil, right? only that allowing them to live to kill 2.3 white collar criminals is a "worse" evil ... well, ok then, if ur willing to acknowledge that capital punishment is evil and are happy to embrace it and accept it anyway, i guess theres little for me left to say except, obviously ur incompetent to determine the justice policies of a nation ...

It must be confusing for you. Your responses show your head screwed around so many directions you don't know up from down. No one has ever said criminals should be killed. That's a strawman lie, which is the only defense you have. :| That alone should tell you something. if you'd listen or not.....

me still too dumb to know what is strawman ...
but seems to me ur the one whose head is screwed around ... ur arguing for evil in the name of justice ... thats seriously screwed up ... dont u see that?
everyone wants a utopia, a heaven on earth ... but u dont get it by killing the ppl spoiling the party ... where to after we kill all the "bad guys"? ... handicaps? ... retards? ... blacks? ... gays? ... how many ppl dont fit ur ideal society, Hitler? and do u really think the ideal society has any place for ppl who harbour feelings of wanting to kill ppl in ANY circumstance? ... i understand u want to make the world a better place ... seriously, i do ... but ur thinking is the same as the problem ur trying to get rid of ...
ur thinking is based on anger and vengeance ... "u killed, so now u die, scum!" ... theres nothing noble, honourable or even "just" in that thinking ...

It's evil to put a known capital murderer in a position where he could kill 2.3 more people, outside of justice, that may not have been capital offenders anyway.

not evil, WORSE evil ... on the sliding scale ...

if you think otherwise, it explains why you can't see the reasoning to this conversation.

i will never see the reasoning in ur argument. "justice", like all things, is measured by its proximity to God and i will no more accept an idea of "justice" which is predicated on vengeance, hatred and other base human emotions than i will accept the idea of an angry, wrathful god who casts sinners into a lake of fire and extends forgiveness only on the blood sacrifice of chickens, virgins or only begotten sons ...

such thoughts are the works of savages and barbarians and unworthy of inclusion in the minds of even partially civilised men ... let alone to be attributed to the divine personage of God.

You should recuse yourself.

umm ... recuse has no validity here since im not being asked to leave due to bias or any conflict of interest ...

nevertheless, i'll "recuse" myself now ...


New member
I have a right, and god given duty that dictates. May have to take a life someday.

I didnt cut the rest of ur post just coz of the txting issues but rather coz we're getting kinda long winded and this line pretty much sums it up ...

the norwegian killer, osama bin laden and adolf hitler all believed they were exercising their god given duty to have to take a life some day ... they all believed that they were actly justly, for the good of society and with the blessing of God ...

to be honest, i dont really know the details of the norwegian guy and who he killed ... he said he was waging a christian jihad against muslims so were the kids he killed muslims or not?

anyway, the thing u all have in common is that u divide ppl into subgroups and cast judgement on whether they're worthy to live or not ... for hitler it was jews, for bin laden americans, for the norwegian its muslims and for u its criminals

what u find so objectionable about murderers in the first place, ie. that they have taken upon themselves to determine the right to life, is what u now take upon urselves in proclaiming that they should be murdered by the state ...

the "right to life", if any such thing exists, is not given by the state but by God ... therefore no person, nor collection of persons, is entitled to remove that life which God has created ...

i've never said they should be freed, cuddled or made sheriff of a county ... what do i care if they, because of the own moral defeciency, proceed to kill each other in prison? ... but it is morally reprehensible, for the state, as the governing body of the ppl, to sanction murder as a just and legitimate action ...

if murder is acceptable as long as its carried out by the state, then theres no moral argument against the nazi extermination of jews, the iraqi murder of kurds or the sudanese murder of sudanese christians ...

if u dont like this argument then the only rebuttal u can provide is that "murder is only acceptable when sanctioned by the state and executed upon a group which 'I' deem deserving" ... jews? no ... kurds? no christians? of course not! ... criminals? absolutely!


Hall of Fame
I'm curious Raphaelx ... if someone broke into your home and was going to kill one of your children, spouse, parents, significant other, etc...

Would you defend the life of your loved one even if it meant killing the aggressor?


Well-known member
the norwegian killer, osama bin laden and adolf hitler all believed they were exercising their god given duty to have to take a life some day ... they all believed that they were actly justly, for the good of society and with the blessing of God ...

I don't necessarily believe that's true. I believe they professed it, did it under a guise of "good," but I don't necessarily believe that they thought they were actually doing something good. But I don't know. Maybe they'd convinced themselves.


New member
BTW, I see nothing noble, civilized or Christ-like in patting violent murderers and other vile predators on the back and giving them a pass on their criminal acts.

lol ... when did i ever say they should be given a pat?

I am curious ... would you kill someone if you were defending the life of yourself or a loved one?

would i revert to a more monkey like state if the life of a loved one was in danger? ... lol ... most probably ... thats just how the brain reacts in situations like that ... but its something completely different to calmly and deliberately formulate a decision to kill someone removed from the stress of a life or death struggle ...

we're all a combination of animal and divinity ... the purpose of this life is to decide into which of those camps we best fit ... if we side with the animal instincts and act only out of lust, greed, anger and selfishness, our fate is to die like all animals die ... but if we choose to embrace the divine, seek God, know God and strive to be like Him; if we sincerely seek to follow Jesus' admonition "be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in Heaven is perfect", then we achieve a much grander fate ... the fate that we were created to receive ...

deliberately harbouring and nourishing thoughts of killing another human being can only be an obstacle to a better understanding of God and the individual quest for perfection ...

Thanks so much for your sweet words and well thought out argument. Perhaps if I live another 20 years, I too will be a paragon of virtue similar to yourself, Ms. Pollyanna Purebred. ;)

lol ... im surprised i even replied to u since i think ur really only interested in making fun of ppl and feeding ur superiority complex ... well, it'll take an eternity to become a paragon of virtue ... but what did u think eternity was for - sitting on clouds and playing a harp? ... ;)

anyway, its not so much what are u today that matters, but what ur aiming to become tomorrow ... for all our ipods and space shuttles, human beings arent that long out of the cave ... dont expect too much of ppl ...

btw ... raphael is a boys name ... please call me Mr Pollyanna next time ... i dont want to develop any gender identity issues ...


Hall of Fame
lol ... when did i ever say they should be given a pat?

Putting a murderer behind bars is giving them a pat on the back. They are receiving more consideration than what they gave to their victims.

Being able to have daily meals, use the restroom, shower, sleep, exercise, read and write letters as well as books and magazines IS a pat on the back.

Also, you cannot guarantee that at some point some misguided ditz such as yourself will not serve on a parole board that will allow this person to go free. As long as this murderer lives, there is always a chance of release.

would i revert to a more monkey like state if the life of a loved one was in danger? ... lol ... most probably ... thats just how the brain reacts in situations like that ... but its something completely different to calmly and deliberately formulate a decision to kill someone removed from the stress of a life or death struggle ...

Nope, it isn't. You would be making a judgment call based on wanting to protect yourself or loved ones. In this case, society is making the judgment of removing a deadly predator so they will never be able to harm another human being.

we're all a combination of animal and divinity ... the purpose of this life is to decide into which of those camps we best fit ... if we side with the animal instincts and act only out of lust, greed, anger and selfishness, our fate is to die like all animals die ... but if we choose to embrace the divine, seek God, know God and strive to be like Him; if we sincerely seek to follow Jesus' admonition "be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in Heaven is perfect", then we achieve a much grander fate ... the fate that we were created to receive ...

You are confused. The DP has nothing to do with *lust, greed, anger and selfishness*. It is about protecting society by destroying a malignancy that has the potential to be harmful to any individual they come into contact with.

deliberately harbouring and nourishing thoughts of killing another human being can only be an obstacle to a better understanding of God and the individual quest for perfection ...


lol ... im surprised i even replied to u since i think ur really only interested in making fun of ppl and feeding ur superiority complex ...

Now that's not entirely true. I seldom mock individuals unless they say something that is outrageously stupid or are behaving like a grade A troll.

well, it'll take an eternity to become a paragon of virtue ...

Totally untrue. I achieved it in less than 48 years.

but what did u think eternity was for - sitting on clouds and playing a harp? ... ;)

Nope ... more like having an extremely restful and peaceful dirt nap that never ends.

anyway, its not so much what are u today that matters, but what ur aiming to become tomorrow ... for all our ipods and space shuttles, human beings arent that long out of the cave ... dont expect too much of ppl ...

I don't expect anything from people that I wouldn't expect from myself ... which is WHY I expect individuals to not go around and intentionally murder people.

btw ... raphael is a boys name ... please call me Mr Pollyanna next time ... i dont want to develop any gender identity issues ...

Oh. Okay. Though in my defense, you do post like a 14 year old school girl. My bad.


New member
Putting a murderer behind bars is giving them a pat on the back. They are receiving more consideration than what they gave to their victims.

Being able to have daily meals, use the restroom, shower, sleep, exercise, read and write letters as well as books and magazines IS a pat on the back.

u've obviously spent some time in prison and are qualified to speak about the conditions ... u probably use it as an accommodation venue when ur heading out of town for a few days since its cheaper and has better service than most hotels ...

Also, you cannot guarantee that at some point some misguided ditz such as yourself will not serve on a parole board that will allow this person to go free. As long as this murderer lives, there is always a chance of release.

seriously, why do u say i want to let criminals roam the streets just coz i disagree with state-sanctioned murder? and whats with the pointless name calling? ... i was gonna say u talk like a 12 yr old girl but i guess u already claimed that prize with ur 14 yr old comment at the end of ur post ... bravo!

Nope, it isn't. You would be making a judgment call based on wanting to protect yourself or loved ones. In this case, society is making the judgment of removing a deadly predator so they will never be able to harm another human being.

no, i would be acting on survival instincts as any animal would do in a life and death situation ... or are u attributing sentience and moral decision making to dogs, cats and elephants? ...
also, society has, in most of the civilised world, already made the judgement that the death penalty is illegitimate and therefore not used ... or is societies judgement invalid when it contradicts ur own?

You are confused. The DP has nothing to do with *lust, greed, anger and selfishness*. It is about protecting society by destroying a malignancy that has the potential to be harmful to any individual they come into contact with.

i cant deny being confused ... but ur the one misunderstanding the motivation for ppl seeking the death penalty. its sought on the basis of vengeance and retribution ... "an eye for an eye" ... if ur only objective is to keep society safe, indefinite detention achieves this goal ...

Now that's not entirely true. I seldom mock individuals unless they say something that is outrageously stupid or are behaving like a grade A troll.

i doubt i take the appearance of a troll so i can only fall into category 1 for u ... is it really "outrageously stupid" to oppose the death penalty and suggest that those who clamour for it so imaginatively are no better in nature than the killer?

Keep him at Guantanamo just long enough to waterboard him a few times to make sure we have all the intelligence we need from him, then swiftly and painfully execute him.

i mean, really ... is this statement motivated by "justice" or "vengeance"? ... maybe u wanna say Knight was just joking, but many a true word is said in jest ... and regardless of any comic licence, ur both just baying for blood ... pscyhopaths ... ;)

Totally untrue. I achieved it in less than 48 years.

lol ... grade A troll, anyone?

Nope ... more like having an extremely restful and peaceful dirt nap that never ends.

meh ... if that makes u happy ...

I don't expect anything from people that I wouldn't expect from myself ... which is WHY I expect individuals to not go around and intentionally murder people.

ugh ... except ur advocating the intentional murder of ppl ...

Oh. Okay. Though in my defense, you do post like a 14 year old school girl. My bad.

touche .. well said .. good work .. :up:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
u've obviously spent some time in prison and are qualified to speak about the conditions ... u probably use it as an accommodation venue when ur heading out of town for a few days since its cheaper and has better service than most hotels ...
seriously, why do u say i want to let criminals roam the streets just coz i disagree with state-sanctioned murder? and whats with the pointless name calling? ... i was gonna say u talk like a 12 yr old girl but i guess u already claimed that prize with ur 14 yr old comment at the end of ur post ... bravo!
no, i would be acting on survival instincts as any animal would do in a life and death situation ... or are u attributing sentience and moral decision making to dogs, cats and elephants? ...
also, society has, in most of the civilised world, already made the judgement that the death penalty is illegitimate and therefore not used ... or is societies judgement invalid when it contradicts ur own?
i cant deny being confused ... but ur the one misunderstanding the motivation for ppl seeking the death penalty. its sought on the basis of vengeance and retribution ... "an eye for an eye" ... if ur only objective is to keep society safe, indefinite detention achieves this goal ...
i doubt i take the appearance of a troll so i can only fall into category 1 for u ... is it really "outrageously stupid" to oppose the death penalty and suggest that those who clamour for it so imaginatively are no better in nature than the killer?
i mean, really ... is this statement motivated by "justice" or "vengeance"? ... maybe u wanna say Knight was just joking, but many a true word is said in jest ... and regardless of any comic licence, ur both just baying for blood ... pscyhopaths ... ;)

lol ... grade A troll, anyone

meh ... if that makes u happy ...
ugh ... except ur advocating the intentional murder of ppl ...
touche .. well said .. good work .. :up:

You need to work on staying in character if you mean to pull this sort of thing off. :plain:


Hall of Fame
u've obviously spent some time in prison and are qualified to speak about the conditions ... u probably use it as an accommodation venue when ur heading out of town for a few days since its cheaper and has better service than most hotels

That must be it.

seriously, why do u say i want to let criminals roam the streets just coz i disagree with state-sanctioned murder? and whats with the pointless name calling? ... i was gonna say u talk like a 12 yr old girl but i guess u already claimed that prize with ur 14 yr old comment at the end of ur post ... bravo!


no, i would be acting on survival instincts as any animal would do in a life and death situation ... or are u attributing sentience and moral decision making to dogs, cats and elephants? ...

Nope, I am questioning your logic and argument. Either killing an individual is always wrong or it is, under certain circumstances wise and permissible. Which is it?

BTW, there are individuals who would be able to neutralize an intruder without the use of deadly force. So again, why would YOU, according to your own words, behave like such an animal. :p

also, society has, in most of the civilised world, already made the judgement that the death penalty is illegitimate and therefore not used ... or is societies judgement invalid when it contradicts ur own?

I don't give a rat's behind what other countries or politically correct individuals see as illegitimate when it comes to neutralizing murderers.

i cant deny being confused ... but ur the one misunderstanding the motivation for ppl seeking the death penalty.

No, I am not.

its sought on the basis of vengeance and retribution ... "an eye for an eye" ... if ur only objective is to keep society safe, indefinite detention achieves this goal ...

Sure thing, until they are paroled, escape or kill one of the evil prison personnel. BTW, what would you tell Roxanne Hayes about the release of Larry Singleton?

Also, care to comment on how safe society was kept when THIS murderer was locked away?

From the article: ST. PETERSBURG, Fla (Reuters) - Authorities on Wednesday captured a man in Colorado who escaped nearly 32 years ago from the Florida prison where he was serving a life sentence for murder.

Frederick Barrett, 60, slipped away from the Union Correctional Institution in Raiford during a nighttime power outage on August 17, 1979.

i doubt i take the appearance of a troll so i can only fall into category 1 for u ... is it really "outrageously stupid" to oppose the death penalty and suggest that those who clamour for it so imaginatively are no better in nature than the killer?

It is an extremely trollish comment to make about individuals you do NOT know as well as an unfounded accusation.

*I* have never murdered or been accused of murdering another individual. Also, IF you truly believe the DP is murder, why are you not reporting every execution to your local police department? Sane and moral individuals REPORT a suspected crime such as murder to the police. So what are you waiting for?

i mean, really ... is this statement motivated by "justice" or "vengeance"? ... maybe u wanna say Knight was just joking, but many a true word is said in jest ... and regardless of any comic licence, ur both just baying for blood ... pscyhopaths ... ;)

I didn't see anything wrong with the comment and am use to Knight's sense of humor. However, even if he is serious, I don't have a problem with his words. Have some courage and go whine to him personally if you are THAT offended.

lol ... grade A troll, anyone?

Oh my. What a hurtful thing to say. :cry:

meh ... if that makes u happy ...

Why wouldn't it?

ugh ... except ur advocating the intentional murder of ppl ...

You need to educate yourself on the legal definition of murder.

touche .. well said .. good work .. :up:
