Men who wear sleeveless shirts...on the grocery the mall...everywhere in public.
Folks who talk on cell phones in lines I am in (thanks, TH!). Oh, and by the way, as a wireless communications expert I can tell you that talking louder on the cellphone does not increase cell phone reception at the other end. :squint:
The word "awesome" used with a casualness that indicates how low the expectations of some really are these days.
Getting home with the take-out only to discover they fouled up my order.
Drivers who cannot distinguish the Mumford lane from the Hammer lane.
Baseball caps worn by men backwards or cocked sideways.
Speech peppered with vulgarity.
Neighbors who like to mow their lawns at 7AM on Sunday.
Ill-behaved children in public.
Men who treat women disrespectfully.
Willful ignorance. Never suffer a fool gladly.
Disdain for digging deeper and actually trying to understand the views of another.
Internet anonymity used as an excuse to act differently than one would act in the presence of their loved ones...or their Pastor.
Just me and my Bible" wing-nuts. :squint:
Persons who cannot understand the difference between face-to-face verbal and written communications. Everything to them is just meandering streams of consciousness.
Double-mindedness--lack of a disciplined mind.
Anyone that mistreats my loved ones.
Lovers of heresy.
The helplessness I feel when my loved ones are suffering.