toldailytopic: What makes your blood boil?

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Memento Mori

New member
People who are opposed to the National Endowment For The Arts because it supposedly takes a lot of money from honest,hard-working taxpayers to support "obscene art" and want it to be abolished.
In fact, the NEA does much more than this and is supposed to support
things such as symphony orchestras,opera ballet and dance companies etc, and other artisitic endeavors which no reasonable person could disapprove of.
In addition, the government takes LESS THAN A DOLLAR from each taxpayer per year to support the NEA, which is pitiful.
So what is happening in the arts world in the US? Many of our great symphony orchestras and opera companies are struggling to stay alive, and some have gone under.
Some people say that private philanthropies should support these performing arts organizations. They do provide some help, but not nearly enough. In Europe, generous government support for opera companies and orchestras is taken for granted, and no one there objects to it, and classical music is flourishing there.
And people who aren't classical music fans and say they don't want to contribute tax money to support classical music in America forget that we all have to contribute tax money to things we don't like or approve of. The same people who don't want to contribute tax money to classical music organizations are perfectly willing to pay a lot of tax money to support the futile and disastrous Iraq war.
And remember- if America's orchestras and opera companies do well, it's very helpful to the economy and business. It creates many jobs and is very beneficial to the US.
But the jobs of thousands and thousands of talented,dedicated and hard-working classical musicians are in jeopardy in all 50 states,not to mention the many people who work on administrative staffs.
This is not good.

Not being able to attend these things I apparently support for free!

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
People who portray Jesus as a socialist/communist, as if He supposedly taught that you should use threat of force to take money from people who earned it, to give it to people who didn't earn it, all for the sake of making things more "fair."


I agree. People shouldn't have to be forced to do what Christ asked them to do and did by example...:plain:


New member
Hall of Fame
People who are opposed to the National Endowment For The Arts because it supposedly takes a lot of money from honest,hard-working taxpayers to support "obscene art" and want it to be abolished.
In fact, the NEA does much more than this and is supposed to support
things such as symphony orchestras,opera ballet and dance companies etc, and other artisitic endeavors which no reasonable person could disapprove of.
In addition, the government takes LESS THAN A DOLLAR from each taxpayer per year to support the NEA, which is pitiful.
So what is happening in the arts world in the US? Many of our great symphony orchestras and opera companies are struggling to stay alive, and some have gone under.
Some people say that private philanthropies should support these performing arts organizations. They do provide some help, but not nearly enough. In Europe, generous government support for opera companies and orchestras is taken for granted, and no one there objects to it, and classical music is flourishing there.
And people who aren't classical music fans and say they don't want to contribute tax money to support classical music in America forget that we all have to contribute tax money to things we don't like or approve of. The same people who don't want to contribute tax money to classical music organizations are perfectly willing to pay a lot of tax money to support the futile and disastrous Iraq war.
And remember- if America's orchestras and opera companies do well, it's very helpful to the economy and business. It creates many jobs and is very beneficial to the US.
But the jobs of thousands and thousands of talented,dedicated and hard-working classical musicians are in jeopardy in all 50 states,not to mention the many people who work on administrative staffs.
This is not good.
Just sayin'. :idunno:


New member
blood boiling

blood boiling

My blood boils when:

People who are uneducated criticize those that are (especially when they use terrible arguments and create sentences that are not arranged good :eek:)

People think that PCs are better than Macs. Come on people it's like comparing a GM (Government Motors) vehicle to a BMW. You get what you pay for.

People take advantage of Welfare. I am sick of seeing people sitting on their porches in leather sofas, drinking beer and smoking cigarettes while I struggle through paying my bills on my own. Shame on you for taking people's hard earned money and making no effort to right yourself.


New member
The word "awesome" used with a casualness that indicates how low the expectations of some really are these days.

Speech peppered with vulgarity.

Neighbors who like to mow their lawns at 7AM on Sunday.

Ill-behaved children in public.

Men who treat women disrespectfully.

Willful ignorance. Never suffer a fool gladly.

Disdain for digging deeper and actually trying to understand the views of another.

Internet anonymity used as an excuse to act differently than one would act in the presence of their loved ones...or their Pastor. ;)

"Just me and my Bible" wing-nuts. :squint:

Persons who cannot understand the difference between face-to-face verbal and written communications. Everything to them is just meandering streams of consciousness.

Double-mindedness--lack of a disciplined mind.

Anyone that mistreats my loved ones.

Lovers of heresy.


The helplessness I feel when my loved ones are suffering.


AMEN and I would add the word "epic" as well. Kids these days use the would "epic" to describe the dumbest things. "Epic" is LOTR or Chronicles of Narnia, or dare I say it David and Goliath, Noah. Those are "epic" not the new orange shoestrings on your sneakers....come on now.

The Graphite

New member
I agree. People shouldn't have to be forced to do what Christ asked them to do and did by example...:plain:
Exactly. I don't recall Jesus using governmental (and potentially lethal) force to take money from people who earned it, to give it to people who didn't earn it, to make things more "fair."

He admonished Christians to personally give generously to those in sincere need, acting within the church to exercise charity.

Jesus did not bear the sword to confiscate wealth and redistribute it.

I'm so glad we "agree."


New member
Hall of Fame
Exactly. I don't recall Jesus using governmental (and potentially lethal) force to take money from people who earned it, to give it to people who didn't earn it, to make things more "fair."

He admonished Christians to personally give generously to those in sincere need, acting within the church to exercise charity.

Jesus did not bear the sword to confiscate wealth and redistribute it.

I'm so glad we "agree."

And speaking of money he wasn't a fan of it, said not to accumulate it, and encouraged his followers to live an impoverished homeless existence just like he did.



New member
Drivers that think they have a RIGHT to drive 80 and 90 miles per hour in the fast lane and then flip me off when I am in their way....

It's called a speed LIMIT for a reason. It's not a suggested minimum.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
those who reject Beck just because he is Mormon
I reject him because he rejects God, by believing there should be exceptions that allow for abortions and that homosexual marriage is not an issue we should concern ourselves with. He's John Q. Republican. No wonder you like him.

Nick M

Born that men no longer die
Hall of Fame
Pop country.
The US Dollar.
The Federal Reserve.
Slow cashiers.
Almost all "Department of"s
People that like Glenn Beck.

Glenn Beck and people that like him don't like those things you listed. So what gives?

Nick M

Born that men no longer die
Hall of Fame
Drivers that think they have a RIGHT to drive 80 and 90 miles per hour in the fast lane and then flip me off when I am in their way....

It's called a speed LIMIT for a reason. It's not a suggested minimum.

People that are not passing in designated passing lanes, and ignore signs about trucks and slower traffic keep to the right. You got the finger for it? It is usually those blocking traffic that give it. They want to be sheriff or something.


New member
Glenn Beck and people that like him don't like those things you listed. So what gives?

Oh I realize that. I really do. The average person that likes Glenn Beck doesn't know why they don't like those things I listed. I may be in agreement with most of them about a lot of things, but our method and our attitude differ.

Now I know you will disagree with the interviewer, here, and he probably (most assuredly) has a big helping of bias on his side, but these people do exist, unfortunately. I had watched this video shortly before making the post you referenced, which probably helped my fingers type "People that like Glenn Beck" in the first place.

Restoring Honor Rally Interviews


TOL Subscriber
Animal cruelty.

Living in a fairly rural area, many animals are deserted out into the wild, including mother dogs and cats with their entire litters.

Plus, with bad economic times, there has been a rise in livestock being neglected or starved, and many instances of people walking away from their homes and leaving pets to fend for themselves.

My blood not only boils, but my heart aches for the helpless and abused animals that mankind is supposed to be caring for.

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