toldailytopic: What can be done to help prevent the epidemic of school shootings?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Why are you asking baseless accusing and insinuating questions, about a murder victim less than 24 hours after her death, who was part of one Americas most sever tragedies in recent memory.

Have you that little class that you have ram your bizarre political agendas into everything?

who are you defending?

the focus should be on the teacher's union
why there is so much hatred directed at schools


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
How did this thread turn to a debate about homeschooling, evolution and the need for tooled up school children?
It's on TOL.

Here in the UK we have mentally ill people on medication,
I think some of them post here.
Our crazies could beat your crazies in a crazy off any day.

Of what?

and social problems just like in the US.
Like mass shootings?
Got those?

BUT, we have very strong gun control laws. Our murder rate by firearms is about 20 PER YEAR.
That would most likley be due to the gun shortage.

When someone here goes off the rails, they grab a knife and are rarely able to kill even one person, let alone many people.
Did they take away all your swords too?
To use this sad and depressing event to argue for more guns is obscene.
First, two words;
Lexington and Concord.
You need to understand that our country is founded on one thing.
Not letting anyone take our guns away.
And we never will. If you take our guns away then you can do whatever you want to us because we'll be defensless.
And that will never happen.
Our problem is not too many guns, it's that we don't carry them enough.
There's enough guns in our country for every person young or old to have one, but what we see is only the crazies show up with one.
The rest of us seem to leave ours at home.
You will never remove guns from the USA.

This Charming Manc

Well-known member
Im defending some teachers who was shot and murdered, whilst trying top look after other peoples children.

why does have anything to do with teachers unions ?

who are you defending?

the focus should be on the teacher's union
why there is so much hatred directed at schools

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
You are implying that acceptance of the theory of evolution leads to increased mass murder sprees, you got any data to back this implied claim?

Are you brain dead or something? Is murder getting more or less frequent in the US with God being pushed aside....


Well-known member
guns registered to the mother?

I wonder if she belonged to the teachers union

Get a grip.

Are you trying for a new low for yourself here by dragging your union schtick into this?

The mother is dead, shot by her own son, along with over 20 children and other teachers. And you're strutting your union spiel around? Seriously?


Well-known member
Are you brain dead or something? Is murder getting more or less frequent in the US with God being pushed aside....

Then how do you explain the fact that countries that have 70-90% (USA sitting at an embarrsingly low ~45%) popular acceptance of the theory of evolution (not the same as "pushing God aside", even though I'm sure you will insist otherwise) generally have murder rates that are a fraction of the murder rates found in the US?

Also, historically speaking, the murder rates in the US have not gone up, they have decreased greatly:

They increased from the 1960-1990 period, but has declined ever since that.

It was Inzl Kett that implied that there was a causal link between the acceptance of a scientific theory and the murder rate. I still see no evidence of that claim, the evidence shows the opposite correlation in every other modern country.

I am not making the claim that creationism is leading to an increase in murder rates, I'm merely claiming that the opposite claim seems to be obviously false judging from the evidence.

Do you actually have an argument based on data or do you prefer to hide behind childish namecalling?


Get a grip.

Are you trying for a new low for yourself here by dragging your union schtick into this?

The mother is dead, shot by her own son, along with over 20 children and other teachers. And you're strutting your union spiel around? Seriously?

It's a valid question. One I hadn't considered. Unions are known to protect those in the union without considering the welfare of the those around it.


New member
Get a grip.

Are you trying for a new low for yourself here by dragging your union schtick into this?

The mother is dead, shot by her own son, along with over 20 children and other teachers. And you're strutting your union spiel around? Seriously?

I am fearful when a tragedy strikes and we get into the blame placing by innuendo.
We might do better to spend our energies praying for those heart-broken parents as well as that whole community than immediately spewing unfounded ideas about blame.
Let the authorities do their job.
For the sake of all the children who escaped the carnage let us focus on their well being in the immediate future.

I was the mother of four small girls when, years ago, a man named Richard Speck, murdered six student nurses in cold blood.
I walked into my children's bedroom where they lay peacefully sleeping and stifled panic-stricken sobs of overwhelming fear at our vulnerability.
I knew I had to get a grip and I did.
Mainly, I decided to let my love for my children be my daily guiding force.
I pray that, once the authorities have finished gathering the facts in this tragedy we may come up with some concrete ideas to protect against it happening again.
God bless the parents, fellow students, faculty, police officers and neighbors of these innocents.


New member
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for December 14th, 2012 10:15 AM

toldailytopic: What can be done to help prevent the epidemic of school shootings?

Take the topic above and run with it! Slice it, dice it, give us your general thoughts about it. Everyday there will be a new TOL Topic of the Day.
If you want to make suggestions for the Topic of the Day send a Tweet to @toldailytopic or @theologyonline or send it to us via Facebook.

Nothing, if the ( --"Law enforcement"-- ) doesn't do their job!!

Paul -- 121512


New member
Not to take away from the topic or given any disrespect to those whom lost their loved ones but.....

Where was the concern when the Afghanistan children were being killed here, , here and here?

is it only topic worthy if it is our own children dying?

keep shinin

jerm :cool:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
the question asked is what can be done to prevent this?
just ask more questions
why is there so much hatred directed at schools?
why do teachers storm the capital?
to protect the children?
to protect themselves?
these questions upset you


the question asked is what can be done to prevent this?
just ask more questions
why is there so much hatred directed at schools?
why do teachers storm the capital?
to protect the children?
to protect themselves?
these questions upset you

That kind of violence isn't just directed at schools. It's directed at crowds. That's why you have the same thing happening at a movie theatre or a post office or a McDonalds.


Hall of Fame
the question asked is what can be done to prevent this?
just ask more questions
why is there so much hatred directed at schools?
why do teachers storm the capital?
to protect the children?
to protect themselves?
these questions upset you

It's NOT the questions that are upsetting, but rather your motive for asking them.

You are clearly more interested in using this tragedy as a way to trump your party ... that's sick.


I'm still waiting on someone to explain to me why shooting massacres keep happening in gun-free zones. :plain:


New member
Not to take away from the topic or given any disrespect to those whom lost their loved ones but.....

Where was the concern when the Afghanistan children were being killed here, , here and here?

is it only topic worthy if it is our own children dying?

keep shinin

jerm :cool:

Won't you allow us to grieve this day the loss of our own innocents?
Please don't globalize and thereby trivialize this tragedy.