toldailytopic: What can be done to help prevent the epidemic of school shootings?


Well-known member
Start executing murderers. It will slow down the liberal agenda of bringing down the USA.

The USA's biggest export is the gospel of Jesus Christ. The frontal assult didn't work, and won't work. So this is a continued attempt to disarm a nation that can defend itself. Socialism is the other method.
Yeah, more killing is the best way to end the killing. Wait .... what?


Active member
Start executing murderers. It will slow down the liberal agenda of bringing down the USA.

Those countries that have the lowest rates of murder in the world today have abolished the death penalty.

The USA's biggest export is the gospel of Jesus Christ. The frontal assult didn't work, and won't work. So this is a continued attempt to disarm a nation that can defend itself. Socialism is the other method.



New member
According to this local fox station, this murderer stole his mother's guns
The guns used in the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, were legally purchased by the shooters mother.

Adam Lanza, 20 years old, took three guns, all legally purchased and registered by his mother, Nancy Lanza, to the school and killed 26 people and himself.

this guy probably had this planned out beforehand.


Well-known member
The U.S. has the lowest rate of acceptance of evolution out of all modern industralized countries (only Turkey has a lower rate of such acceptance).

It also ranks close to or near the top in belief in Christanity.

Those countries that have the highest rates of acceptance of evolution and the least amount of belief in God have the lowest rates of mass shootings.

Sorry, but the facts clearly and umbigously demonstrate your proposed solution is the opposite of what we should be doing.

Lets remember that correlation does not equal causation, hmm? That doesn't make Inzl any less wrong, but doing the opposite isn't going to reduce gun violence either.

The problem with the USA is there seems to be an odd correlation of "gun culture" and Christianity. I don't recall any part of the New Testament advocating Christians take up violence (The kill them back mentality of Texas), so it is a rather odd combination.

It's not the religion itself that's the problem, it's the acceptance of violence combined with a religious fervor towards keeping guns easily available. You can have one or the other, but not both.

I can sell that to the corn and soybean farmers to fertilize their fields. What a truckload of manure!
What he said is accurate, up to the point of recommending evolution acceptance as a solution to gun violence. Again, correlation is not causation.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame

toldailytopic: What can be done to help prevent the epidemic of school shootings?

Arm the teachers.


New member
Gun control works, and is the answer.

Those who continue to resist it are as responsible for these deaths as is the shooter. As I have said, we can continue to expect this to continue until action is taken. Given the politics of our country, that could be a long long time. So just as with climate change, this is normal in America for the foreseeable future, particularly while the Republicans control congress.


Active member
Lets remember that correlation does not equal causation, hmm? That doesn't make Inzl any less wrong, but doing the opposite isn't going to reduce gun violence either.

The problem with the USA is there seems to be an odd correlation of "gun culture" and Christianity. I don't recall any part of the New Testament advocating Christians take up violence (The kill them back mentality of Texas), so it is a rather odd combination.

It's not the religion itself that's the problem, it's the acceptance of violence combined with a religious fervor towards keeping guns easily available. You can have one or the other, but not both.

What he said is accurate, up to the point of recommending evolution acceptance as a solution to gun violence. Again, correlation is not causation.

I never stated that it was causation. The strong negative correlation, however, presents a higher burden for those claiming the exact opposite: that public acceptance of evolution results in a higher murder/mass shooting rate.

They now have to explain why the correlation is the exact opposite of what their assertion would predict. They'd have to provide evidence for some other factor that overwhelms the effect of public acceptance of evolution on the murder rate, that causes a significant drop in the murder rate and is also correlated positively with public acceptance of evolution! A much higher hurdle to support their hypothesis indeed!


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
I have heard the President and a dozen media reporters all say... "go home and hug your children." And while that's never bad advice you shouldn't stop there.

Hug your children and tell them...
- That life is sacred.
- Tell them they are not just animals that evolved from slime.
- Tell them that they were created by a loving God who gave them a spirit and a soul.
- Tell them there are eternal consequences for our actions here on earth.
- Tell them that God loves them and wants them to love Him in return.
- Tell them that it's wrong to kill innocent children, even children still in the womb.
- Tell them that life has purpose and meaning greater than the current events surrounding their life.
- Tell them that we should love God, family, and our neighbors, and that we should care for other people around us.
- Tell them that God doesn't orchestrate wicked events and that God grieves with us when people do wicked things.
- Tell them that there IS such a thing as right and wrong and that morality doesn't come from our wicked society but from God Himself.
- Tell them that God loves us so much He sent His only Son to die on the cross so that we could live.
- Tell them that God gave parents the responsibility to love our own children they way He loves us.
- Tell them that you love them and make sure they understand what that means.

So yes hug your children.... but don't stop there.


Active member
Nothing. This type of madness shows up everywhere.

Yet the frequency of occurance is dramatically different in some countries compared to other countries. As far as modern developed countries go (the OECD countries), the U.S. ranks at the top.


New member
Animals are unconcerned about murder

Animals do not slaughter babies in large numbers for no reason whatsoever. They do not go insane and shoot their mother in the face and then kill themselves.

Natural selection in fact would be best served by ridding itself of the weak and those who do not contribute best to ensuring the greatest and strongest survive.

Uh...killing offspring is the exactly opposite of encouraging the species to survive. Nevermind that fact that natural selection is not a process whereby the species picks and chooses what will and will not work for the best.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Start executing murderers. It will slow down the liberal agenda of bringing down the USA.

The problem with that is most of these mass shooters self execute.
I agree with executing murderers but these mass shooters are on a kamakazi trajectory.


New member
Animals also don't care.

There are animals who grieve for their dead. They are reluctant to leave their side and can become depressed. A dog will even mourn the loss of a human family member.

I'm not sure what that has to do with angel's and fool's comment but there you go.


There are animals who grieve for their dead. They are reluctant to leave their side and can become depressed. A dog will even mourn the loss of a human family member.

I'm not sure what that has to do with angel's and fool's comment but there you go. animals care about human social issues? I can't believe I even have to ask that.