You are free to deny reality all you want (it is a free country, after all). What I posted is well established, uncontroversial fact.
Oh yea, and from such a credible source the UN, definitely cracks me up what crock :rotfl:
You are free to deny reality all you want (it is a free country, after all). What I posted is well established, uncontroversial fact.
I'm not really sure what more you want. Clearly, public acceptance of evolution and homicide rates are negatively correlated based on the evidence I posed.
It was other posters here that have claimed that if we stop teaching evolution and insert the Bible as a textbook in the classroom, we'd see less of these kind of shootings.
That is in contradiction to the evidence I posted, and the onus is on them to explain why homicide rates are far lower in the most godless countries with the highest public acceptance of evolution and provide their own evidence that acceptance of evolution leads to mass killings.
The vast majority of animal species don't murder others of their own species. Why not act like these nonmurdering animal species? Why not act like cows, for example, who wouldn't hurt a fly?
Regardless, some reasons why not to murder:
1. It causes suffering and, in a normal human, causing suffering to others causes guilt/mental anguish. If you don't want to suffer mental anguish, don't murder.
2. You won't be able to enjoy the one and only life you'll ever get, because you'll either be in prison the rest of your life, or receive the death penalty. What a waste.
How does your God belief add anything additional to this list? Is it because (3) You'll go to hell? First, doesn't your religion state that even a murderer can get into heaven if he/she repents. Second, isn't this a rather ignoble reason not to murder: because of a fear of God as a camera in the sky who will make you suffer for an eternity. Isn't a much better reason not to murder because causing others to suffer is horrible?
In other words, you cannot back up your claim that lack of belief in evolution is related to mass shootings, thanks.
In other words, you cannot back up your claim that lack of belief in evolution is related to mass shootings, thanks.
I was not the one that made this claim. All I claimed is what I have written. Try rereading my posts.
What I posted was evidence _counter_ to the claim that was asserted that a lower public acceptance of evolution leads to lower crime/fewer mass shootings.
Oh yea, and from such a credible source the UN, definitely cracks me up what crock :rotfl:
Wrong, your evidence just shows who believes in the evolution the least according to the UN.
Nothing you posted relates any of it to mass shootings.
It is not in any way controversial that the U.S. (1) has the lowest public acceptance of evolution out of all modern industralized countries, with the exception of Turkey (which is still more-so a developing economy rather than an a developed industralized economy, but it is getting close), and (2) the U.S. has the highest rate of mass shootings per 100,000 (by far) out of any modern industralized country in the entire world.
I posted murder rate vs. public acceptance of evolution, which is close enough.
It is a well establised fact, beyond any reasonable doubt, that crime rates are far lower in these godless European and Asian countries that have far higher acceptance of evolution. Especially the homicide rate. The U.N. is not the only source for crime statistics. These countries each have their own crime statistics which is all completely consistent.
These crime data are not in any way controversial for anyone who doesn't shut their brain off and denies reality when a fact contradicts their belief.
The U.S. has the lowest rate of acceptance of evolution out of all modern industralized countries (only Turkey has a lower rate of such acceptance).
It also ranks close to or near the top in belief in Christanity.
Those countries that have the highest rates of acceptance of evolution and the least amount of belief in God have the lowest rates of mass shootings.
Sorry, but the facts clearly and umbigously demonstrate your proposed solution is the opposite of what we should be doing.
No, its not close enough to anything to back your claim. Tell me, does the mass shooter in the thread believe in creation or evolution?
Then show how that belief caused him to do this.
Good luck.
What you are doing is called shifting the burden of proof, which is a logical fallacy. The burden of proof is on the person making a claim.
The only claims I've made, I've already backed up.
I can sell that to the corn and soybean farmers to fertilize their fields. What a truckload of manure!
The burden of proof is on you because you are the on floating the fallacy trying to prop it up with non-credible unscientific graphs from a non-credible source.
Not so much...
False. The burden of proof is on the person or persons making the claim that if we stop teaching evolution and insert the Bible in the classroom, we'd have fewer mass shootings. This is basic logic 101.
What you are essentially saying is that I have to prove this isn't true.
To immediately see why this is B.S., imagine I make the claim that there is a purple alien living beneath the surface of Pluto.
Prove to me that there isn't!
Actually it was you who made a specific claim, that mass shootings are the result of lack of evolutionary belief, and to actually show any remote substantiation, you would FIRST need to show the beliefs of the shooters, before anything else.
Rush Limbaugh said:But I'm gonna tell you something. As we sit here at this very moment, you know it and I know it, there are liberals trying to find a way to blame this on conservatives and Republicans. It may sound a little hard-edged to say that, but I've lived through these things for 25-plus years.
Every such incident as this, even Hurricane Katrina, they tried to blame on Bush. We actually had people saying he didn't care. He wanted to steer it if he could have to get rid of the population there. So we shall soon see. It won't be long.