toldailytopic: The feminist movement.

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New member
What would it matter what I called them? This thread isn't about the democratic party and you're just shifting the goalposts. Feminism itself is not about being pro abort. If it wasn't for the neanderthal attitude towards women that encouraged emancipation then the 'feminist movement' likely wouldn't have surfaced. So who's to blame for that? Oh. That would be men.

So tell us Chrys. Should women have been denied the vote? Should they be expected to stay at home and simply do the cooking and washing?

If you answer yes then you're actually to blame for why the movement you despise so much actually came into being. The irony.
well I know what to call them
I know what to call you

a liberal

:listen:I know someone who is incapable of reading or writing more than one sentence at a time. Funny how this response is to the first line of the post. It's like everything else was either not read at all or not comprehended whatsoever.

I know what to call you.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
well I know what to call them
I know what to call you

a liberal

Way to not address anything I posted. Frankly I'm sick and tired of your constant refusal to actually debate along with your insipid formatting.

If you're not going to actually answer on point then why do you even bother?

You can call me what you like. Not interested. Plenty other folk like to toss out ill informed names and tags and once over you used to be above that.

Grow up Chrys and stop being such a plank.


New member

Absolutely the N.O.W. has gone too far nowadays and I see them protecting liberal women and not the it has turned into a political bunch of horse poop........................


I will make a very long post as short as possible.

If it weren't for men and the way they have mistreated women throughout history (nothing similar to loving your wife as Christ loved the church as the Bibles says to do) than woman's lib would never have happened.

Women have been at the mercy of their reproductive organs since the beginning whilst men did whatever they pleased. Solomon had 1,000 women, David had a bunch and on and on.

Women weren't allowed to vote in the USA until the nintheenth amendment in 1920 and blacks were allowed to vote in 1965. You tell ME if men in America were fair before they considered other people's feelings, intellect or what-have-you.

Now I must say, that I disagree with most woman because they vote liberal and I feel they go too far but the idea that women, half of the world, have nothing to say about anything is absurd.

I could go on for days but I won't.

I just hope the proverbial pendulum swings at some point in time and women and blacks stop voting entitlements for themselves.


New member
:bang: She asked you. Why not answer a question for once in your life instead of dancing around with your one liner haiku?

Making more lines
add substance.
for sure.



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Black males had the right to vote in 1866, long before any women were given the vote. The complexities over the right to vote for black males is tangled and more in some states than other, still, it stands as a testament of provincial attitude.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
toldailytopic: The feminist movement.

I do so love the way the ladies move... :Shimei:

I said that out loud, didn't I. :plain:

:loser: Yeah, thought I did.


New member
NOW is just a large feminist organization, but it does not speak for "feminists" everywhere or even in America. Are they all "ultra-left-wing"?

And, I do think they care about women (rather than the "liberal agenda" whatever that is) but their policies are misguided.

Those N.O.W. women do not stick up for any woman running in any election when sexists statements are made unless they're liberals. FACT! Nothing is heard from them when it's a Republican woman that has been called a who*e.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Those N.O.W. women do not stick up for any woman running in any election when sexists statements are made unless they're liberals. FACT! Nothing is heard from them when it's a Republican woman that has been called a who*e.

Which Republican woman was called that? :think: Or, more generally, which Republican women were subject to sexist comments without outrage being expressed by the main stream women's organizations?


New member
What do you mean by 'their' argument? You do understand that a militant faction of any given movement doesn't represent the whole.


Plenty of men could care less about abortion so laying the blame predominantly on women is rather lame if that's what you're doing here.

Divorces happen for all manner of reasons, most of which have zero to do with 'feminism'.


Men making a deposit into women and then having nothing more to do with the woman or child is akin to abortion by men. It certainly has contributed to the lack of morals of a 2 parent house-hold in which a child feels the need to join a gang in order to have a family.

70% of kids in black families now are women only raising kids, whilst the menfolk go around spreading their seed in as many places as possible.

The statistics for white women is a little lower............


New member
Which Republican woman was called that? :think: Or, more generally, which Republican women were subject to sexist comments without outrage being expressed by the main stream women's organizations?

Meg Whitman.

Palin is another example. Do you watch the news? I thought not. :chuckle:

Haven't you noticed that women's is not a word? I didn't know that until I joined this place. Women is already plural without the added s at the end.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
one site on grammar: woman's = woman possessive

women's =women possessive plural

check UK English. Why is does not come up as a proper spelling is beyond me?


New member
Meg Whitman.

OK, NOW is defending a Republican woman who was the target of blatantly sexist language.

You're getting your quotes mixed up.
"Meg Whitman could be described as 'a political whore.' Yes, that's an accurate statement," Bellasalma said after a TPM blogger called to ask her about a story that appeared on the Daily Caller website.

There is a difference between a "whore" and a "political whore" that is significant enough for the latter to not be a sexist label.

See the difference?

If I call you an "attention whore", it doesn't mean you sleep around. It means you crave attention and will do anything to get it. Likewise, calling someone a "political whore" doesn't mean they sleep around, it means they will sell out for the vote.

That was easy, wasn't it?

Why would/should they, just because of her anatomy? I think it takes more than that.

Then why did they defend Meg Whitman when sexist language was directed her way? If they hate her I doubt they would defend her. Don't you think?
See the context here

Meg Whitman.

Palin is another example. Do you watch the news? I thought not. :chuckle:

Do you read threads before posting? I thought not :p

Nick M

Born that men no longer die
Hall of Fame
Without the feminist movement women would still be deprived of the right to vote and likely be expected to be tied to the sink.

end the sufferage

Granted there's zealous elements that go way overboard but in principle equality is a right which women should have had before the emancipation movement even got started.

Actually, it is the lesbos and zealots that are the push, not just a small exception.

There's nothing wrong with women in the workforce and there's also such a thing as 'stay at home dads'.

Partly true. You want a job go get one. A man that stays at home and doesn't provide is a godless wuss and needs to put on his man pants. You got that part wrong.

Abortion and divorce are not directly tied to women having equality.

Then why are the feminist leaders so entrenched in another womans "choice"?

Nick M

Born that men no longer die
Hall of Fame
IF abortion is directly tied to the women's movement, why do so many MEN support it?

Because they are evil. The femists push it and try to make it a man versus women debate by only putting Bob Enyart or Rush Limbaugh on the air against abortion, and not the women. That isn't an accident.
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