Do you have any thoughts of your own to offer, or just some links? Serious question.
It's called backing up your words with documentation. Cruciform's post was very informative. (Get over yourself atheist).
Sincerely yours,
The Lurker
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for February 4th, 2011 10:23 AM
toldailytopic: The Catholic Church: what did they get right, and what did they get wrong?
Take the topic above and run with it! Slice it, dice it, give us your general thoughts about it. Everyday there will be a new TOL Topic of the Day.
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What did they get right?
the right to migrate threw out the whole earth being a respected authority.
proving How to be imoral an ruthless an hold all power while being safe from all an any higher earthly judge.
smile...boils down to deneying The Natural human Nature. an deceiving even self out of a pure perception.
Backing up your words is fine, but posting only a bunch of links is not conducive to discussion which is what forums are about.
My own thoughts are accurately reflected in the articles I chose to cite---that's why I cited them. Serious answer.Do you have any thoughts of your own to offer, or just some links? Serious question.
Do you have any thoughts of your own to offer, or just some links? Serious question.
aSeattleConserv said:It's called backing up your words with documentation. Cruciform's post was very informative. (Get over yourself atheist).
Sincerely yours,
The Lurker
Anything that the Church may have happened to get "right" via its attempts at altruism is completely undone, and absolutely negated, by the systematic abuse it has perpetrated, aided, abetted, and hidden for the decades that we know of.
I know, it's no fun when the truth is revealed, especially so early in a thread.
I'm here to learn (which I did learn from Cruciform's links), not to listen to some atheist blather.
Really? Because I don't think I've ever seen Granite post a stream of links. He always gives his own thoughts. You must not pay attention.Funny, that's the same thing I say about...
Really? Because I don't think I've ever seen Granite post a stream of links. He always gives his own thoughts. You must not pay attention.
The "thoughts" of atheists pretty much goes hand in hand with their religion:
They believe in nothing, and they really have nothing worthwhile to say.
The "thoughts" of atheists pretty much goes hand in hand with their religion:
They believe in nothing, and they really have nothing worthwhile to say.
Really? Because I don't think I've ever seen Granite post a stream of links. He always gives his own thoughts. You must not pay attention.
Don't feed the trolls.lain:
The "thoughts" of atheists pretty much goes hand in hand with their religion:
They believe in nothing, and they really have nothing worthwhile to say.