No, you were mostly responding to illustration with declaration peppered and punctuated with them.
Won't help. I actually set out a few of them in constructing your errors to little effect.
Well, you attempted to narrow one and when I gave you an example of that being errant both in terms of the larger Christian context, the Jewish tradition and understanding and the particular relating to Luke you just hid the counter in a large section of quotes and ignored it with one of those insults.
Then you declared a couple of scriptural comments inapplicable, even though I'd set out and thereafter set out again why they were as a matter of principle, leading to your ignoring and failing to answer, again...and there was my string cite to Knight on point that you simply never addressed. Else, spot on. :thumb:
Actually, no. Luke says to give to those who simply ask. And we're told elsewhere to pray, visit, feed, etc. those who need it. Really, the Bible is filled with examples of the good in doing that which isn't required of us by anyone.
The same thing as someone doing for another though they aren't obligated by more than their conscience? Absolutely.
Easily, they're making arguments you can't counter.
Anyone who thinks that was the point being made either isn't reading or can't. That you continue to frame any consideration in the meanest (and frequently errant) context says something about the bias you're locked into and a certain hardness of heart that it sponsors. Both are misinformed and unfortunate. But even where the addict is the beneficiary you've been met with a reasoned counter.
Doubly ironic.
No, it's called analysis and application. The Bible is filled with support for my position and condemnation of your narrow attempt at legalism.
Christ died for the people you turn your nose up at, as though you're not standing up to your neck in filth absent grace.

You're wrong Brandon. I set out the OP. I even set out the post Knight made to clarify his initial position. It was about the damage he thought that kitchen did. No larger position emerged for some time.
Wrong again. I never said it. Quote me. My initial point was only that feeding those in need was an absolute good. Thereafter, once the more became a part of your side bar I agreed, while being surprised by your taking it up, still holding the one and the other weren't/aren't mutually exclusive.
:rotfl: Brandon, that's precisely what you do. Shall I quote you?