I agree. But in a society founded on equality of freedom, justice, and opportunity, I think this change is both positive and necessary.
"Equality," "justice" and "freedom" have to do with whether or not someone has equal protection and equal rights under the law. The Boy Scouts of America have no more obligation to put their stamp of approval on homosexual behavior than the Atheist Club has the obligation to affirm the existence of God. They have the right (or at least ought to have the right) to make value choices based on morality (rather than sticking their finger in the wind to see which direction the cultural wind is blowing). Encouraging immoral behavior, or refusing to discourage immoral behavior is not "positive" in any right understanding of the term.
But the real issue, as I see it, is that the boy scouts have found themselves in the cross hairs of the homosexual agenda.
In fact, when it comes to the politicization of homosexuality, what is desired really isn't "equality" or "freedom" or "justice" at all. The goal is to penetrate and permeate all strata of society and then to criminalize all dissenting opinion.
The BSA is just another step in a much larger campaign to normalize homosexuality and marginalize the biblical/traditional definition of a family.
PureX said:
I don't think anyone is "confused". I think they are simply prejudiced, and practicing willful ignorance so as to mainain that prejudice.
Calling people who stand up for biblical values as "prejudiced" or "ignorant" is just parroting the talking points of the homosexual agenda. All it amounts to is illogical banter using emotionally charged rhetoric but I guess it doesn't take too much effort or intellect so I can understand why it would be so tempting for some to to trot out those old horses.
PureX said:
I'm sure the klu klux klan would say the same thing about their "Biblical" understand of racial bias....
Thank you for demonstrating the transfer fallacy (or fallacy of association) to everyone who wants to learn illogical argumentation. You could not have given a more beautiful example (and therefore a more irrational response).
PureX said:
People can justify all sorts of nonsense in the name of God and the Bible. And they have done so for centuries.
So what?
People have used the bible in the name of God to support slavery and people have used the bible in the name of God for the emancipation of slavery.
Racists used the bible to appose racial equality and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. used the bible to promote it.
real question for those who hold the bible in any esteem is, "what does it say about homosexuality?" That's not a hard question to answer by the way.
PureX said:
I think the Boy Scouts have a couple of important decisions to make. One is if they want to be a religious Christian organization, and the other is if they want to use their religion to promote ignorance and prejudice regarding homosexuality.
I agree.
It would be ignorant to have read the bible and come away with the notion that homosexual behavior is in any way acceptable and it would be prejudiced to label bible believing Christians as "ignorant" just because they don't agree with the pop-cultural, media driven love affair with homosexuality and gender confusion.
PureX said:
It's up to them, but if they choose the affirmative, they will have less and less relevance and impact within our society.
First, I'm not convinced that "our society" can be accurately defined by the talking heads on the nightly news, the social stance of Hollywood or the loudest voices in the gay pride parade. I think that there is still a large contingent of "our society" that go to bible believing churches on Sunday and who actually believe that "truth" is synonymous with "biblical truth."
But lets assume that "our society" is the way you think it is.
Why would we want the boy scouts to become the lapdog of the prevailing culture? Don't we want them to be leaders? Or do we just want the leadership of the BSA to be yet another milquetoast organization that pays homage to the gay rights movement. You and I both know that the BSA is being pressured to conform and were it not for that pressure no reason would be sought to to discuss the matter.
Personally, I think that if the BSA can't stand on conscience in the face of societal pressure, then they lose the right to be heard as a voice for leadership in culture anyway.
PureX said:
But I think they may be realizing that they don't want to be a fundamentalist Christian boy's indoctrination center.
When have they ever been that?
Whether you like it or not, the issue of homosexuality is not a "fundamentalists verses the rest of the country" kind of question. Mainline protestants of many denominations are joined by Evangelicals of all stripes along with the Catholics, the Eastern Orthodox and conservative Jewish citizens across the country in affirming heterosexuality as God's plan for sexual expression.
PureX said:
Maybe they just want to help boys learn how to become good citizens, and adults, regardless of religious dogma or sexual orientation.
Then they need to rework their oath which is not without regard to religion or morality.
On my honor, I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.