toldailytopic: Should the Boy Scouts of America lift the gay ban and allow homosexual


New member
My take on anything regarding sexual orientation is that I just really don't want to know whether or not someone is gay or straight. I just don't care. If someone has all the necessary qualifications, let him do it. I think it's terrible we think about someone's sexual orientation when considering anything. I fear a society where we have to list our personal sexual orientation to even get a job.


Well-known member
My take on anything regarding sexual orientation is that I just really don't want to know whether or not someone is gay or straight. I just don't care. If someone has all the necessary qualifications, let him do it. I think it's terrible we think about someone's sexual orientation when considering anything. I fear a society where we have to list our personal sexual orientation to even get a job.
But we need to know these things. It's our job to make sure that you're being punished for your sins! :hammer:


Well-known member
All things change over time, and we learn to adapt or parish.
...provided we embraced a social Darwinist paradigm, otherwise we understand that change is measured by the values that are embraced in making that change. Not all change is good.

PureX said:
And in the case of this kind of ignorant bias, I think it's good that this group learns to change and adapt.
While the zeitgeist may be embracing gender confusion I think it is good that there are some institutions that still understand what authentic masculinity is, and seek to help young boys to embrace it.

PureX said:
I think they are realizing that a lot of parents don't want their kids involved in organizations that promote ignorance and prejudice.

I think there are a significant number of parents who don't what their kids experiencing yet another activity that fosters gender confusion and blurs the lines of masculinity and femininity. I also reject the notion that upholding a biblical paradigm of gender is necessarily prejudiced or ignorant. In fact, I would argue that the those who reject such a paradigm are prejudiced against God's standards and ignorant of His power and holiness.


Well-known member
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for February 11th, 2013 06:00 AM

toldailytopic: Should the Boy Scouts of America lift the gay ban and allow homosexual troop leaders?

Take the topic above and run with it! Slice it, dice it, give us your general thoughts about it. Everyday there will be a new TOL Topic of the Day.
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when the Communists overwhelmed Lithuania, my father's home country, they tortured and executed Boy Scouts because they were, in their eyes, a para military organization.

The homos are no better than the Communists.

They wish to have sexual access to all the boys in the Boy Scouts.

Homosexuals are evil and have no place in society whatsoever



Well-known member
Sure, Why not?

Do they have a sexual orientation merit badge?

Homosexuals are worthy of death and so are those who condone homosexuality.

Romans 1:32

"Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them"

There is no godly reason for me to tolerate such blatant evil


Well-known member
...provided we embraced a social Darwinist paradigm, otherwise we understand that change is measured by the values that are embraced in making that change. Not all change is good.
I agree. But in a society founded on equality of freedom, justice, and opportunity, I think this change is both positive and necessary.
While the zeitgeist may be embracing gender confusion I think it is good that there are some institutions that still understand what authentic masculinity is, and seek to help young boys to embrace it.
I don't think anyone is "confused". I think they are simply prejudiced, and practicing willful ignorance so as to maintain that prejudice.
I think there are a significant number of parents who don't what their kids experiencing yet another activity that fosters gender confusion and blurs the lines of masculinity and femininity.
Like I said, they practice willful ignorance so as to maintain these prejudices.
I also reject the notion that upholding a biblical paradigm of gender is necessarily prejudiced or ignorant.
I'm sure the klu klux klan would say the same thing about their "Biblical" understand of racial bias.
In fact, I would argue that the those who reject such a paradigm are prejudiced against God's standards and ignorant of His power and holiness.
Yeah, the klan would probably agree with that statement, too.

People can justify all sorts of nonsense in the name of God and the Bible. And they have done so for centuries. I think the Boy Scouts have a couple of important decisions to make. One is if they want to be a religious Christian organization, and the other is if they want to use their religion to promote ignorance and prejudice regarding homosexuality.

It's up to them, but if they choose the affirmative, they will have less and less relevance and impact within our society. But I think they may be realizing that they don't want to be a fundamentalist Christian boy's indoctrination center. Maybe they just want to help boys learn how to become good citizens, and adults, regardless of religious dogma or sexual orientation.


New member
They wish to have sexual access to all the boys in the Boy Scouts.
Homosexual men no more want sexual access the young boys than heterosexual men want sexual acces to young girls. Being attracted to men does not automatically make you attracted to children. Most molestations of children are carried out by heterosexual men or by men who have never developed an adult sexual orientation, due to their greater numbers. Perhaps, to save the children, we should make sure all scout leaders are women?

Homosexuals are evil and have no place in society whatsoever.
What would you have done to them? I can't think of any direct action that a Christian could accept as moral.


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Temp Banned
The TOPIC OF THE DAY for February 11th, 2013 06:00 AM

toldailytopic: Should the Boy Scouts of America lift the gay ban and allow homosexual troop leaders?

Take the topic above and run with it! Slice it, dice it, give us your general thoughts about it. Everyday there will be a new TOL Topic of the Day.
If you want to make suggestions for the Topic of the Day send a Tweet to @toldailytopic or @theologyonline or send it to us via Facebook.

No, they shouldn't. I've never met a gay guy that wasn't approached during his formative years by an older gay, and I've listened to enough testimonies to know it to be true. Anyone with any common sense would question why a homosexual is drawn to be around boys to begin with.


Absolutely not. Perverts have no place in shaping the minds of youth. That is how they reproduce. Not to mention the risk to the boys having such reprobates as leaders.
Unfounded nonsense! Gays who are "out of the Closet" have a very low risk of sexual offenses. It's the closet cases you got to worry about. Just look around TOL.

And you cannot debate someone into being gay. People with gender confusion ought not throw their undergarments at others.
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New member
Just goes to show how well the indoctrination process has taken hold.
Does anyone think that 20 or 30yrs ago such a position would have been allowed?
Let the Boy Scouts cave, and their will be another organization to take its place, one that is more in line with the original principles.


New member
When are you going to ditch that hair shirt?

What does that mean?

I thought it was a reference to John the Baptist, who went aroung in a camel hair garment telling people to repent.

So, I looked it up online, and found it meant something else.
A garment of rough cloth made from goats' hair and worn in the form of a shirt or as a girdle around the loins, by way of mortification and penance. The Latin name is said to be derived from Cilicia, where this cloth was made, but the thing itself was probably known and used long before this name was given to it. The sackcloth, for instance, so often mentioned in Holy Scripture as a symbol of mourning and penance, was probably the same thing; and the garment of camels' hair worn by St. John the Baptist was no doubt somewhat similar. . .

During the early ages of Christianity the use of hair-cloth, as a means of bodily mortification and as an aid to the wearer in resisting temptations of the flesh, became very common, not only amongst the ascetics and those who aspired to the life of perfection, but even amongst ordinary lay people in the world, who made it serve as an unostentatious antidote for the outward luxury and comfort of their lives. St. Jerome, for instance, mentions the hairshirt as being frequently worn under the rich and splendid robes of men in high worldly positions. St. Athanasius, St. John Damascene, Theodoret, and many others also bear testimony to its use in their times. . .


Just goes to show how well the indoctrination process has taken hold.
Does anyone think that 20 or 30yrs ago such a position would have been allowed?
Let the Boy Scouts cave, and their will be another organization to take its place, one that is more in line with the original principles.

For sure. Adolescent campers have as their utmost priority, the capability to discriminate. :hammer:

The younger generation are not phased by sexual orientation like the geriatric set are.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
I wonder why natural selection hasn't wiped out the homos yet. :think:


Well-known member
Homosexual men no more want sexual access the young boys than heterosexual men want sexual acces to young girls. Being attracted to men does not automatically make you attracted to children. Most molestations of children are carried out by heterosexual men or by men who have never developed an adult sexual orientation, due to their greater numbers. Perhaps, to save the children, we should make sure all scout leaders are women?

What would you have done to them? I can't think of any direct action that a Christian could accept as moral.

Homosexuals are psychotic, spiritually and mentally deranged.

They are curable, but that does not lessen their evil against God and men.

Maybe you have read the accounts of the various people in the gospels and the book of Acts that devil spirits were cast out of.

Homosexuality is a form of devil spirit possession.

That is why they are so dangerous. Like the man living amongst the tombs.

Devil possession is not a basis for heterosexuality.

Devil possession is the basis for homosexuality.

Light dispels darkness.

The light of God's word dispels darkness.

Homosexuals are evil because they serve an evil god, Satan.

There are perversions in heterosexuality, but that is not the norm.

Homosexuality is always perverse through and through.

God is able to save anyone who turns to him by the works of His son, Jesus Christ