That's pure denialism. It's clearly uncomfortable for you to realize that, not only were your ancestors apes, but you yourself are as well. As are all humans. You're also a primate, a mammal, a vertebrate, and an animal. These simple facts seem to bother a lot of people who wish to be more special, but that doesn't change the fact.
It takes more faith to believe that universe was an accident and you evolved from an ape, than does to believe that universe was created by God. There is mounting evidence that Man did not come from apes. I have several volumes in my library that discuss this very issue. One of the hard issues that challenge the theories around Man 'evolution' is that fully human fossils are being found buried deeper than supposed ape ancestors. In one cave they had that the 'ape men' had been hunted by humans that the humans had the apes for supper.
I am not convinced that we are an accident and the descendant of an ape.