toldailytopic: Shacking up. Is it wise for a couple to live together prior to marriag


TOL Subscriber
Really? That is quite odd for you to say that.

Since your view is that the "elect" have been "predestined" for salvation, it is illogical to say that any of them could be in danger. And those who are not "predestined" for salvation can practice whatever they want and still face the same judgment regardless.

The elect of God; saved by the grace of God, and indwelt by the Holy Spirit, do not practice unrepentant sin, such as sexual fornication outside of marriage vows. (I John 3:7-9)

Holy, repentant living, is the Christian's evidence of being saved by faith in the grace of God. James 2:14-26



New member
Hall of Fame
The elect of God; saved by the grace of God, and indwelt by the Holy Spirit, do not practice unrepentant sin, such as sexual fornication outside of marriage vows. (I John 3:7-9)
Which "such as" sins do you practice that disqualify you?


Well-known member
I wonder if you'll still be shacked up in Hell. :idunno:

Thunder's Muse isn't sinning, Trad.

Shouldn't you get the log out of your eye before you attempt to remove what you think is a splinter in someone else's eye? Don't you go to confession every week to confess those sins you just keep committing over and over again? It is you that should fear hellfire. Hebrews 10:26-29.


TOL Subscriber
Which "such as" sins do you practice that disqualify you?

I am admittedly a sinner by nature, but by the grace of God, I am a repentant sinner because I am granted the will and ability from God, to volitionally turn away from occasional lapses into sin. This evidences the presence and power of God the Holy Spirit abiding in my heart, that enables me to not practice or live in continual sin of any sort. (II Timothy 2:25; Acts 3:26, 5:31, 11:18)


Thunder's Muse

Well-known member
Bah . . .

"Shacking up" apart from the commitment of marriage vows made in faith before the Lord, is nothing but sexual fornication . . . which amounts to unholy living and unrepentant sin.


Commitment before God or the Church? There is a difference.


New member
Commitment before God or the Church? There is a difference.

That is the real question, and the real core of the debate.

The "church" in this case does not represent the Body of Believers, but instead some sort of spiritual government, backed by the literal, earthly government.

What God has brought together requires no earthly authority to legitimize.

Lazy afternoon

I am admittedly a sinner by nature, but by the grace of God, I am a repentant sinner because I am granted the will and ability from God, to volitionally turn away from occasional lapses into sin. This evidences the presence and power of God the Holy Spirit abiding in my heart, that enables me to not practice or live in continual sin of any sort. (II Timothy 2:25; Acts 3:26, 5:31, 11:18)


Yes. Where there is no striving against sin, then there is no Holy Spirit in their lives.

Heb 12:1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
Heb 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Heb 12:3 For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.
Heb 12:4 Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin.
Heb 12:5 And ye have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children, My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him:
Heb 12:6 For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.
Heb 12:7 If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not?
Heb 12:8 But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons.



New member
Commitment before God or the Church? There is a difference.

I see it as a commitment before the people of God of whom I am a part.
We live in community. We witness to one another and we uphold one another.
The blessing of one's marriage by the Church is also a blessing by the people of God.


New member
Really? That is quite odd for you to say that.

Since your view is that the "elect" have been "predestined" for salvation, it is illogical to say that any of them could be in danger. And those who are not "predestined" for salvation can practice whatever they want and still face the same judgment regardless.

That is also my logical conclusion.


New member
Hey, who am I to question someone doing their own "thing", as long as it's consensual, right?

You're entitled to your opinion, whatever that might be. I personally don't see anything wrong with cohabitation provided the couple are careful and are aware of the fact that for some people it can cause problems within the relationship (although, of course, for others it's really helpful and pleasant).


New member
Hall of Fame
Do you consider a couple who hasn't gone through the "rituals" of an official wedding ceremony, but who have committed themselves to one another in their hearts, married or unmarried?

Good quesiton, SoJ. :up:

My answer is married.


New member
So you would be fine if the other person "cheated' on you before marraige then, right? a single person has no obligation to anyone but themselves.

imo once you commit to someone you are NOT single, married or not.

Well, I don't really believe someone that is just a girlfriend can cheat on you. In my mind, I haven't married them so I have no right to try to tell them what to do or expect them to be faithful to me. In the same way, them expecting that of me is kind of weird. I've stopped seeing several girls because of them thinking they owned me when they had no intentions of ever getting married or because we'd been together for too short of time to consider marriage.


New member
Hall of Fame
How do you figure that dude? Even the definition of marriage states it's a formal union.
Which definition of marriage?

I view marriage as a covenant between the two people and God, assuming they believe in one. I don't think there necessarily has to be anything formal involved.

Having said that, if two people are committed to each other and have been together for a long time, I might ask what is stopping them from having some form of ceremony, even if it is a very small affair.


New member
Which definition of marriage?

Webster's I guess, haha!

I view marriage as a covenant between the two people and God, assuming they believe in one. I don't think there necessarily has to be anything formal involved.

Well, I certainly agree with your first sentence. I think, like with a lot of other spiritual matters, there is a part that you have to do to have the union sanctified.

Having said that, if two people are committed to each other and have been together for a long time, I might ask what is stopping them from having some form of ceremony, even if it is a very small affair.

This is getting close to the point I'd make about getting the union sanctified. See, while God of course could deem it a holy union just on the basis of Love, there are things that must be done to create a solid foundation for it. It's like a baptism ceremony in some ways. Yes God's grace is salvific but the baptism seals the deal on your part, the formal announcement of your commitment to Christ before brethern. Symbolic of the old you dying. A formal marriage works in much the same way, it's a formal announcement of the union before brethern. Symbolic of the new life or "union" beginning.


New member
You should try sweeping out a cave! Went through two brooms then I went and got the leaf blower. Whew...... bad ideal!


Proverbs 31:10
Silver Subscriber
Hall of Fame
You should try sweeping out a cave! Went through two brooms then I went and got the leaf blower. Whew...... bad ideal!

You could always do what my daughter did to clean her room: use a snow shovel. :chuckle: