toldailytopic: Shacking up. Is it wise for a couple to live together prior to marriag


New member
Hall of Fame
Granite does not even believe this charge himself!

Oh yes I do. You didn't even bother trying to disagree, which says something.

What I do know is that you don't get to bully or intimidate people anymore now that you're not a mod...and as usual, you add absolutely nothing to any conversation except a lot of pointless, worthless blather.

P.S. Love the avatar.


New member
A "committed" relationship?

One where you're both crazy about one another, duh...

That is not enough Granite! A verbal pledge of one's troth to another with an understanding of a monogamous commitment leading to legal protection via marriage allows a couple to tough it out through thick and thin whilst protecting the offspring which may ensue.


New member
That is not enough Granite! A verbal pledge of one's troth to another with an understanding of a monogamous commitment leading to legal protection via marriage allows a couple to tough it out through thick and thin whilst protecting the offspring which may ensue.

I like your thinking. From my experience, the verbal pledge means other things too :) . It's a formal announcement to friends, family and community of the commitment. I wouldn't trust a lady who wouldn't do that with me but still wanted to live with me and have me take care of her. If you're going to treat someone like a spouse, just marry them.


New member
I like your thinking. From my experience, the verbal pledge means other things too :) . It's a formal announcement to friends, family and community of the commitment. I wouldn't trust a lady who wouldn't do that with me but still wanted to live with me and have me take care of her. If you're going to treat someone like a spouse, just marry them.

Yes, keep it simple!


New member
Yeah, okay...but...

Yeah, okay...but...

I'm interested that the responses here haven't really touched on the notion of marriage as a covenant with another person...and God. Do I think two people co-habitating have that quality in their relationship? Generally speaking, no. And, to be fair, a great many marriages don't have it either (hence the divorce rate in America, yes?). With that all said, it does seem to me that in order to have that level of commitment, marriage is the qualifying standard.

Also, it's interesting that we're talking about living together but barely mentioning the notion of sex as the primary binding agent which can certainly fade with time and experience. I don't believe we are called to be our best (or are following God's plan for us)if we allow for escape from a non-covenental relationship when it gets "dull." As Paul said, better to stay single but if you can't, marry. I couldn't, and I did :) Glad of it, too...


Active member
I say you're single until you're married, but then again more "intelligent people" than I always tell me I'm crazy. :freak:
So you would be fine if the other person "cheated' on you before marraige then, right? a single person has no obligation to anyone but themselves.

imo once you commit to someone you are NOT single, married or not.

Thunder's Muse

Well-known member
I have been with my partner for 10 years and have no intention of getting married.

My sister and her partner have been together (unmarried) for 17 years.

'Shaking up' isn't always a joke to those involved.


I have been with my partner for 10 years and have no intention of getting married.

My sister and her partner have been together (unmarried) for 17 years.

'Shaking up' isn't always a joke to those involved.

I wonder if you'll still be shacked up in Hell. :idunno:



Shacking up with no intention of getting married is one of the many roads to Hell. Just saying. TM either should get married to her partner or go her separate ways. Her present state isn't morally legit. If she does not repent of it, she will face everlasting torments.


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Hall of Fame
I wonder if you'll still be shacked up in Hell. :idunno:
What is interesting about your comment is that from God's viewpoint, it is not those whose behavior is unacceptable that go to hell, but those who believe that their behavior is what keeps them from it.

“Two men went up into the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood and was praying this to himself: ‘God, I thank You that I am not like other people: swindlers, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week; I pay tithes of all that I get.’ But the tax collector, standing some distance away, was even unwilling to lift up his eyes to heaven, but was beating his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me, the sinner!’ I tell you, this man went to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted.”


TOL Subscriber
Bah . . .

"Shacking up" apart from the commitment of marriage vows made in faith before the Lord, is nothing but sexual fornication . . . which amounts to unholy living and unrepentant sin.



New member
Hall of Fame
Bah . . .

"Shacking up" apart from the commitment of marriage vows made in faith before the Lord, is nothing but sexual fornication . . . which amounts to unholy living and unrepentant sin.

You agree with Traditio, and that is why people go to hell?


New member
Hall of Fame
Any person who practices unrepentant sin is in danger of God's eternal judgments.
Really? That is quite odd for you to say that.

Since your view is that the "elect" have been "predestined" for salvation, it is illogical to say that any of them could be in danger. And those who are not "predestined" for salvation can practice whatever they want and still face the same judgment regardless.