At the risk of putting words into TH's mouth, which is not my intention, perhaps you misunderstand the notion that the state has been given the power to wield the sword. That we personally disagree with the state's failure to adhere to Scriptural principles is one thing. That the state has spoken is another.
Our mandate as Christians is to have our voices heard and act aggressively to change laws that we oppose on Scriptural principles. Personally, I believe that such laws are on the books that are contrary to the teachings of Scripture is a shame on the
civil magistrate (<--a link here), whose duty is to uphold the
two tables of the law.
And it is a greater shame on the Christian voters who abdicate their
salt and light mandate (Matthew 5:13-14) by tacit assumption that the State is somehow invested with unconditional sovereignty sans the law of the Sovereign God who instituted said government
. In effect,
Christians have allowed the assumption that godlessness is normal. For starters, rather than trusting leaders whose breath is in their nostrils, we should be taking to our knees praying fervently that it be the will of the God of all creation open hearts and doors in the advance of His kingdom through the means he has appointed.
And before you ask me, I will state that I am opposed to same sex marriage on Scriptural principles that clearly dictate the covenant of marriage is between a man and a women, especially, but not limited thereto, given God's command to be fruitful and multiply, something same-sex marriages cannot do. I also make sure my views are known each and every time the opportunity to cast my vote arises.

My opposition does not extend, however, to derision, uncharitable behavior, etc., towards the objects of those protected by these laws.
EDIT: Saw that my post came after TH's further elucidation.