:think: I appreciate the direction you are headed with your argument. That said, is that what anyone is advocating? Like I mentioned previously, I don't think government should have any say in marriage.
Think about it. Did Paul advocate action against the Roman government for allowing (in limited ways) polygamy? He did say that Christian Deacons and Elders should be husbands of one wife (literally "a one-woman man"), but he didn't suggest that believers in his day try to change Roman law.
I don't know, but it is something worth considering.
I've been against it for a long time...:chuckle:
lain:...a long time.
Your argument is interesting, but I don't find it realistic. The fact is, the government does have a say in marriage, in fact marriage has fallen to almost a purely civil affair in many places. Plus it is largely held that the family is the building block of society, so it isn't overly surprising that the government is involved here. Do you actually think there is a possibility that the gov't will get out of the marriage business altogether?
But the Christians were a vast minority set against the common moral practices of their society. That no longer holds in the same ways...:noid: Paul did advocate about community living and the duties of the community.
It is my view that we must argue secularly and convert to kill this dreadful beast.
The natural law is no abstraction, and its reality shows in a number of demonstrable ways.
At this point in time, the most dangerous view is that which has conceded the fight, that which not only has stopped trying to uphold a Godly society,
but also ends up voting for measures that will ultimately destroy it.
Many Christians in this thread aren't advocating any kind of fight, they sit at the bottom of the giant slippery slope of modernity, unable to even see or comprehend the height from which they have fallen.I'm glad you showed up
Seriously, are you simply being coy or have you suffered a head injury of late? Either way the answer is there. Either understand that or don't, but this is the last time I'm going to answer this sort of response without a more thorough swing of the old stick.so you think women should vote
that wasn't the question
Nick is such a little cutie!Who married Adam and Eve?
What natural law?
Can you post the natural laws?
Nature has homosexual critters. And it's estimated (hard to poll otters, etc..) they are at about the same % as we know of homosexuals in humanity.
Seems natural law works FOR the marriage, not against it.
toldailytopic: Same-sex marriage: for it, or against it?
Same-sex marriage: for it, or against it?
Against it.
Same-sex marriage is immoral, it is not natural.
Really? Look at what our culture values. Is it really all that different than what Christians in Pauline Rome experience? Don't we just express our brutality and secularism in different ways?
Agreed, but though legislation?:think:
I don't disagree.:thumb:The natural law is no abstraction, and its reality shows in a number of demonstrable ways.
I'm not advocating giving up the fight, but taking it to the ground that will ultimately turn the tide. As to the Godly society, The Father is busy building it. We call it the Body of Christ. The Body is His Holy Nation. Remember Augustine talked about this. We are a City within a city.
Only if the Body begins legislating itself...:chuckle:. My view is that government is a completely ineffective tool for changing the hearts of men. Legislating morality is a dangerous thing to my mind. At least, not on this matter. It's like placing a bandaid on a gaping mortal wound.
:e4e: I don't think it is that they don't believe in fighting, but I'll let them answer for themselves.
zippy2006 said:many people know God and know that homosexuality is disordered but they believe that their perspective is null and void because it is somehow "religious." Beans.
It is not like we just decided that it was ok.I disagree and I consider it problematic that someone could go through seminary and come out thinking that homosexuality is fine and dandy.
Opposing homosexuality is not common sense.Incidentally, so can the corruption of marriage. That is precisely why marriage has remained pure for our entire history. God's command is just common sense.
The reason why marriage has remained as it was throughout the majority of history is because religion dominated society throughout the majority of history.
Secular states have not existed that long and it is not as if everything changes on day 1, things takes time.
Murder is a fundamental violation of the basic human rights that our society is built on.
I think you are misunderstanding me. Separation between church and state does not mean that they can't agree, it means that the opinion of the church or any other religion should have no special influence.
There is a fundamental difference between murder and homosexuality. The latter is not a gross violation against another non-consenting person.In the end it is a vote and we hope those voting for the moral option outweigh the others. The same goes for murder and abortion. The problem here is that you seem to be voting for the immoral option for some very odd reason.
Who married Adam and Eve?
I don't think anyone is saying that.
What I was saying was that religious opinions should have no special influence in a secular society, not that an opinion was wrong because it was religious.
I do not think homosexuality is disordered.
All things points to it being common in nature. That is not enough to establish it as moral of course,
but add the fact that it is act between two consenting adults that have no negative consequences in itself.
Sure you can point to religious scripture, but that carries no special weight in a secular society.
Yes I agree in some ways (hence my :noid. But to a large extent it is different, we live in a nation where the majority call themselves Christian, and I suppose that is the key difference on my view. We are fighting for the status quo, they fought for change.
It isn't legislation, it's anti-legislation. Why in the world would the government be obliged to sanction the marriage of same-sex couples? I mean, we have it right, why not fight to keep the order? :idunno:
I didn't mean to implicate you, I understand your position and acknowledge it.
We have a bandaid on the mortal wound, why not leave it where it is while at the same time focusing on your plan?
Especially if the majority of citizens agree with the status quo? It is the ugly head of relativism rearing itself again; many people know God and know that homosexuality is disordered but they believe that their perspective is null and void because it is somehow "religious." Beans.![]()
I speak of those who believe that homosexuality is not disordered.
This feels like a tea party in the heart of a tornado :chuckle: :cheers:
zippy2006 said:Then let's hear your reasons. Why should homosexual marriage be legalized? Why is homosexuality rightly ordered?
It is, as some 6000 years have shown.
This is a terribly biased and non-factual statement. What religion? Where? Homosexual practice has existed for a very long time, and often times (such as ancient Rome) was not necessarily looked down on. But never once was "gay marriage" brought up. The idea is really laughable, and the Greeks would have had a ball with the concept.
..."With secularism comes salvation" We have abortion, euthanasia, "homosexual rights," and large-scale genocide down pat. Apparently the consequences don't take too long.
According to who?
Nowadays people seem to think murder is wrong only because it might injure them (selfishness).
Well, for any two persons in love, I don't really see why natural law decided by reason would include only opposite sex marriage. Now if you believe God is the source of natural law than I can see you having a point.
In the end, whether homosexuals are born that way or made, two homosexuals can adopt a charge off the state, have a family and even work together to benefit the country like any other family. The only difference is they can't procreate :idunno: .
zippy2006 said:If it was a fact I would add it.
Since I'm one of the people who said I would be OK with gay marriage (assuming the government is defining things)....
I've not much to say because Sela and bybee and Buzzword have pretty much covered my views.
However, I'm not sure how supporting the legalization of gay marriage means that Christ isn't Lord of a Christian's life? The legalization of gay marriage does nothing to a Christian's life or marriage.
Don't bother to post the standard statistics of fundamentalist Christianity on this issue. There is only one thing to say the whole thing and that is that it is a post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy which is the most common fallacy of statistics.