does that include children and the mother who takes care of them?
No. Laws should protect everyone but them.
does that include children and the mother who takes care of them?
For Christianity though, marriage is something very symbolic and particular. Why Gay & Lesbian people would want anything to do with the Christian church beats me. I see why they would want something to do with Jesus Christ - but that's a very different matter.
No. Laws should protect everyone but them.lain:
what if you did want to protect them
how would you do it?
Here is my view Quincy:
1. Homosexuality is harmful
2. The government should not condone things which are harmful to individuals as well as society at large, therefore the government should have no part in gay marriage
So the question at stake is only whether homosexuality is harmful or disordered, right? Your whole case rises and falls on the belief that it is harmless, just as mine rises and falls on the belief that it is harmful. Do we agree so far?
Maybe I should first ask this. What do you see them needing protection from? From gay marriage?
zippy said:A form of abuse? Why? Are you a vegetarian? A vegan? Are you against riding horses? Do you protest at the zoo? Is consent an important factor in the animal kingdom?
I have 4 homosexual friends, and that simply isn't true according to my experience. How do you feel about fornication?
What actual experience with homosexuality do you have, other than thought experiments and liberal secularizing influences?
The lawsuits are starting in Europe, but man up, it's your own arguments that force euthanasia. And more than that, assisted suicide.
You reject statistical data when it suits you and require it when it suits you. That is simply the sway of things in political philosophy: contract theory. It's not contested, it may not be complete but it is widespread and growing.
I asked you how would you protect the child and its mother
you chose to protect them
That will depend on what they need protection from.
that is a pathetic response
Because you have no clue why scripture says what it says about homosexuality. There is a whole ancient biology at the root of Paul's understanding of homosexuality, a ridiculous outdated biology. Context matters.
So do you not think any of the scriptures talking about homosexuality were inspired by the Holy Spirit? Do you not believe that God gave the Law to Moses? Or do you think modern man knows better than God? I just can't see where you're coming from. I mean, if you think it's all made up by a bunch of ancient goat-herders who didn't know what they were talking about, why even claim to follow any of it?
How do you protect children and their mothers?
So those are my options? Inerrant literal word of God or nonsense written by ancient goat-herders?
I sense a false dilemma fallacy here. It was written by men, that does not mean that all of it is nonsense. Some of it is built on outdated knowledge and worldviews, that is simply a fact.
How would allowing homosexuals to marry each other put mothers and their children in danger?
Did God inspire any of it? What's right? What's wrong? How can you tell?
Reason and experience, as in using my mind to study it and other knowledge.
Example: Genesis 1 and 2 are myths, they do not convey any factual information about how the earth and the universe came to be.
The text attempts to describe it (although I would not say that the authors attempted to write science), but it is simply wrong. The universe is 13,7 billion years old, life probably originated through abiogenesis, life diversified through the process of evolution. No man was ever 900 years old, and there was no flood. No amount of blind faith changes those facts.
why do they need protection?
Why does who need protection? Are you referring to homosexuals now?