Judge Not or Judge with Righteous Judgment?
Judge Not or Judge with Righteous Judgment?
Hello all, I'm new to TOL.
"Judge not," or "I'm not judgmental" are cliches that will get you a standing O on Oprah. This alone should let you know that these nonjudgmental cliches should be re-examined.
The only way a human can live on Planet Earth and not judge is be in a coma. Just as one cannot not use the laws of logic, one cannot not judge.
Jesus said in Luke 17 that "if your brother sins against you, rebuke him, and IF he repents forgive him. So, to first rebuke him, you must judge him to be a sinner against you. Then if he repents and asks your forgiveness, you must judge him to be repentant. To witness to him about Jesus Chrsit, you must first judge him to be unsaved. After you witness to him, you must judge whether or not he is saved. If you don't judge, you can't rebuke, forgive, or witness.
Non-judgmental souls are nicer than God and are self-righteous: Just look at me. "I am never judgmental." "I never judge anyone."
Then there are the hypocritical non-judgmentals: "I promise never to judge you if you promise never to judge me."
To protect yourself, your family, your neighbor, and your country, you must judge. I judge the homo child molester to be a threat to my sons and grandsons. I judge the man who would steal from me. If a 21 year old man shows up at my door dressed in black clothes, smells from not washing, has painted black fingernails, has tattoos, and has a ring in his nose, and he wants to date my 18 years old daughter, I had better judge.
No one wanted to be judgmental of the Arab shooter at Fort Hood; consequently, 13 are dead and more wounded. I say again, one cannot not judge. Either you judge the wicked or you judge the righteous who judge the wicked.
God bless, Tom in Mabank, TX