toldailytopic: Judging

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I don't like judging people. Reason for that is because I'm afraid I'm not fit to, and I don't want to judge someone for making a small mistake when I'm much worse.

I'll judge actions based on circumstances, though.


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
I don't like judging people. Reason for that is because I'm afraid I'm not fit to, and I don't want to judge someone for making a small mistake when I'm much worse.

I'll judge actions based on circumstances, though.
This is consistent with Jesus' teaching in Matt. 7.

We are not to make ourselves hypocrites when we judge. If we have a plank in our eye then we are not fit, to use your phrase, to judge our brother who has a splinter in his eye.

However, Jesus goes on to teach that if we first remove the plank from our eye then we are fit to help our brother because then we can see clearly (i.e. judge rightly) to remove the splinter from his eye.

So if you are fit to judge, keep your mouth shut. Otherwise, don't let your salt lose its saltiness, judge rightly!

Resting in Him,

Ask Mr. Religion

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I don't like judging people. Reason for that is because I'm afraid I'm not fit to, and I don't want to judge someone for making a small mistake when I'm much worse.

I'll judge actions based on circumstances, though.
Our Lord admonishes us not to feed that which is sacred to dogs and not to cast pearls before swine. Hence, we must make some judgment as to who exactly the dogs and the swine are, no? ;)



Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber

I believe in absolutes just as you do


we don't agree on what they are

so how do we resolve this?
Then in that case you ask the wrong question, it isn't a "who" question, its a "How" question. In other words, it isn't who is interpreting Scripture is how they are doing it. The theological term is 'hermeneutics'. Since we agree in absolutes and in the existence of objective truth, the goal, of course, would be to use a hermeneutic that is as objective as possible.

Of course the topic of hermeneutics is a complex one but simply stated, the standard I set for the establishment of a truth claim is the plain reading of Scripture and sound reason. That is to say, that I do not accept as truth that which cannot be established via the plain reading of Scripture or by sound reason, or in the case of doctrinal truth, both.

What's your standard?

Resting in Him,

Wessex Man

New member
csuguy has an appropriate view of this topic. The distinction in judgment comes with the distinction between justification and sanctification. I'm not the judge of a person's relationship, or lack thereof, with the Father through Jesus, but I am to help other believers move forward in that relationship, which means that occasionally I will have to point out the sin of others. When I do so, though, I ought to do it in a spirit of humility ("but for the grace of God there go I") and with the hope of restoring my erring brother or sister to a proper relationship.
I think few could have put it better.


New member
This is simply idiotic. It makes no sense for you to even call yourself a Christian, which, by the way, comes as no surprise since you claim to be 'more left than right'.

*** - So, are you saying that because I'm 'more left than right', I couldn't possibly be a Christian? What is the point of this statement?
"Beware of false prophets." "You shall know them by their fruit."
Your fruit seems a little spoiled.

The Bible is either the divinely inspired Word of God or it is worthless because it claims to be exactly that. What it says can either be trusted to be accurate and true or it cannot, you can't have it both ways. The Bible is very exclusionary in this regard. People don't get to believe whatever the hell they want and still get to rightly claim themselves to be a believer of the gospel.

*** - If the Bible can be self annointed as the Word of God, so can I. I am divinely inspired every time I draw a portrait. I am divinely inspired every time I play my guitar. I am divinely inspired every time I write a journal entry. Divinely inspired does not make what is written, drawn, or played a truth. If you use that kind of logic, we would have to also say that since God created each and everyone of our souls, I must stress divinely created, then we must conclude that our souls don't need saving as they are the truth of divine creation. God also divinely created free will, so any choice we make would also be divinely inspired and thus also a truth.

If you accept that the Bible is God's Word and not just a history book written by mere men then you are forced to accept not only that whatever it says it true but that anything found to be in contradiction to it must be rejected as false. .

** - I accept the Bible to be God inspired but not as God's Word. It is man's words inspired not only by God, but by myths, social, political, and economical conditions of the time period.

Thus the truths found in the Bible, being the word of God Himself, is the standard by which we can rightly judge, not only various truth claims but also the character and spiritual condition of those making the claims. Without such a standard any judgment a person makes concerning the beliefs or character of another is relegated to the status of mere personal opinion and can be discarded with the same flippancy as one might drop a penny on the sidewalk..

Judgement is not yours and it is not yours because you do not know the truth. To use the Bible as your truth is to mis-interpret Jesus's teachings. I can believe in the message of the scriptures without adhering to corrupted doctrine to be a believer in Christ.

Man, open your eyes. Look what is happening in the Middle East. Look at the behavior of the people in power. Do you actually believe that this is something new in that region? These are the people who wrote the scriptures. Constantine was one of the most brutal, dictatorial emperors of his time and he was the one who forced the clerics to canonize the bible. What should have been put into the bible? What should have been left out? I don't recall the bible stating that the cleric who canonized it were God inspired. The clerics were more Constantine inspired. In other words, they had to be very careful of what was put in there and what wasn't or they could lose their life.

None of this diminishes the value of the scriptures. Much truth can be found - not in it's words, but instead in the divine inspiration of its message.

God Bless!


New member
You don't witness the Gospel. You witness the love of God. The Gospels are just guides to understand our daily communion with God, if in fact you commune with Him. Truth is revelaed through Him, not in the words in any book. If the truth is in the words of the Gospel, why are there literally thousands of interpretations and who knows how many different christian denominations.

First off you make a perverse assumption that God could not have inspired or guided the creation of the Bible. Would you then presume that the Ten Commandments were not of God too ? The many false innterpretations come from presuming his desires and wants are in align with God's Word and Will without lookinng harde enough to discern the difference. Not all judgment is the same as the Bible also tells you what is weakness to one man is not to another and failing in your weaknesses is sin. Flee from temptation is clear enough, but individual weaknesses are not always the same for all people. Seek and ye shall find.


New member
First off, I made no assumption that God did not inspire or guide the creation of the Bible. I believe He did inspire the authors of the gospel as well as the epistles. Therein lies the problem - the majority of people in this country are not capable of comprehending what they read and must rely on others to tell them what is being said. See reference:
My point is that you have a bunch of 8th and 9th grade level readers passing judgement on others, not because they understand what the scriptures are about, but because they have been told what it is about. Seek and ye shall find - the problem is, we live in a microwave society where we want everything now and don't take the time to truly seek the truth - it's much easier to go along with the crowd that has all the answers for us and place our security within that group. God Bless.


New member
You support fire fighters, but oppose fighting fires. You support the troops, but oppose all of their missions.

You love the sinner, just not the product the sinner produced. Got it.

If you want to present that as a valid analogy, try not to replace "love" with "support", and try to distinguish between professions and incidental actions. As it is, you're talking about apples and oranges.

While we're on the subject, what is your suggested approach to sinners? Do you hate them?


New member
"Beware of false prophets." "You shall know them by their fruit."

It really is easy and obvious. They worship the wicked gods of old.
Druid worship, worship the earth/environment.
Female Worship dominance.
Human sacrifice like Baal/Molech, especially of the babies.
All to often worshipping human weaknesses, greed, envy, lusts, etc. Rejecting Godliness and sound doctrines even basic moralities.
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By what measuring stick shall a man be measured? By what, which is firmly affirmed, be that which affirms a man? By what standard does one hold which to administer judgment, or to discern, the actions of others? What tells one that which is right and that which is wrong? What rules do we, as the created, are suppose to go by and live by?

Are we supposed to judge/discern by our own thoughts and feelings? Are we supposed to judge/discern by our own self-righteous moral compass? Is it left up to each and every one of us to judge/discern others just as we want we no regard to any set form of standards?
How is one supposed to know what is right and what is wrong? How does one know what is sin? How is one supposed to understand how they are supposed to act and treat others? What set of rules/ guidelines/ standards/ laws/ commandments and precepts are already in place that are meant for all of mankind to live by and are instructions for life which was given man for his good and long life by the One who created him? Yahshua ha Moshiach ben Daweed (Jesus the Messiah son of David) lived by these same rules/ guidelines/ standards/ laws/ commandments and precepts and told all those that believed him that they also should follow in his footsteps to be as, and do as, he has. That would mean to follow that same set of rules/ guidelines/ standards/ laws/ commandments and precepts that he did which was given by his Father which did so to Moshe (Moses) at Mt, Sinai. It is called the word of Elohim (God). For Yahshua (Jesus) told Helel (Devil/ Satan) that man is to live by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of Elohim (God). It is also so said by Elohim that we are not to add to nor take away from His word.

When one picks and chooses which of Elohim (Gods) word by which they will live and judge/discern by then they are either adding or taking away from and therefore not obeying the one who created them. Yahshua (Jesus) told all those that said to him…….

Mat 7:20-23
(20) Therefore, by their fruits you will know them.
(21) Not everyone who says to me, 'Master, Master,' will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
(22) Many will tell me in that day, 'Master, Master, didn't we prophesy in your name, in your name cast out demons, and in your name do many mighty works?'
(23) Then I will tell them, 'I never knew you. Depart from me, you who work lawlessness.'

So the bottom line, at least for me and my household, is that it is all of the words of Elohim which we are to live without any cherry picking involved. It is His word/ rules/ guidelines/ standards/ laws/ commandments and precepts that we are to learn and live by as so written within His law and prophets. For it is also written……..

Isa 8:20
(20) To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.

We are to learn and live all of His word or there is no light in us. For Elohim (God) is light and there be no darkness found in Him.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
While we're on the subject, what is your suggested approach to sinners? Do you hate them?

I hate the wicked, and will not sit with evil doers.

John the Baptist was a sinner. I don't hate him. I aspire to be as strong as he was.


New member
You don't witness the Gospel. You witness the love of God. The Gospels are just guides to understand our daily communion with God, if in fact you commune with Him. Truth is revelaed through Him, not in the words in any book. If the truth is in the words of the Gospel, why are there literally thousands of interpretations and who knows how many different christian denominations.

The Truth is revealed through His prophets who are witnessed by their written words they left behind. As Jesus said, They change not one jot or tittle. Those given to self are prone to vain imaginations/interpretations. The Bible testifies to false prophets as wolves in sheep’s clothing. The Bible does mention that false prophets do not make all prophets denied. What a vain imagination presumption. The Bible does mention the confused that are not of Him given over to vain imaginations, it is a condition of the lost.
I find it preposterous to think God is incapable of having his servants/prophets inform us and direct us in the Way we should go. Looks like a small denial used to affect what a larger overall denial could not gain traction.
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