This is simply untrue. I have several friends who "home-school" their kids. From my observation home-schooled children tend be more socially mature, outgoing, friendly, and respectful than the average public school kid. People who are against home-schooling tend to paint a picture of isolated kids never being allowed to spend time with other kids and are kept at home all the time. But that's not an accurate view. The thing is the term "home-schooled" is really a misnomer. The parents I know that home school their kids take their education very seriously. They augment their in-home teaching with many field trips to places like museums, City Hall to see how government works, the public library, and many other places. The kids are involved in sports and scouting as well. Home-schooled families tend to be very close had have lots of fun together. If my wife and I ever have kids we will most definitely home-school them. i can't wait to teach them about science, engineering, music, reading the classic American novels, and of course they will be "indoctrinated" as San Francisco Giants fans! :chuckle"