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My basic point through all of this has been that parental involvement is the key to getting a good education in public, private or home school situations. Obviously when parents are not involved, the outcome is not as good. But then, I never claimed it was.I agree with this but in today's world lots of parents don't do this. How many parents come to a school's Open House? One of my best friends is a high school teacher and I can't count how many times she get frustrated because many parents are not involved in their child's education. My friend's biggest concern is that many parents don't care about their child's education at all. What about the kids who parents are NOT involved? What is your experience with them? :think:
Well, let me see...little Johnny goes to school with 600 other kids (a medium sized public school, maybe). Little Joe is home schooled with his 3 other brothers. Which child is around more children during the day? I thought you tutored math...No, it is not a fact. It's your opinion. Do have statistics to back that up?
It is very relevant. When you have direct experience with something, your opinions carry more authority.Me not having kids is irreverent to the points I've made. I posted observations, and information I learned from parents who home schooled their kids. How is my status as anon-parent relevant to the information and views that home schooling parents have?
So you think the occasional tutoring job equates with specialized study of - methods of teaching, child psychology, learning disabilities, counseling, first aid, intense field of study in one's chosen discipline - and years of hands on classroom experience? No.I've done a lot more than just "talk to parents". I've tutored kids through out my life from first graders to college kids in math and science. I recently tutored my 17 year old niece in math. I even considered becoming a math/science teach at one point in my life. Granted, I haven't taught formally in a school settling but I was good at "teaching" kids.
Given the lack of teaching skills I've seen from many, many teachers I've had over my life I have no doubt I am a better "teacher" than many "certified" teachers. According to this article teaching certificates have no bearing on the quality of a teacher.
Then you should go out and attempt to get a job teaching children and influencing their lives. See how far you get. It is a huge responsibility to teach children. I would much rather my child be taught by someone who has been educated to do so, as opposed to someone with no more than a high school education and a set of books they bought from the home schooling association.