I believe people have a lot more control over their sexuality than most will admit.
The TheologyOnline.com TOPIC OF THE DAY for September 24th, 2010 10:55 AM
toldailytopic: Is homosexuality genetic?
Current scientific "consensus" (there's some disagreement but it's the prevailing view) is that a homosexual orientation or tending towards it are largely caused by the hormonal environment of the fetus in the womb.
Genetics *might* play a part. Environment and culture and upbringing and all that stuff plays a part more in attitudes towards sex than on sexual identity and orientation, though.
Yep, what he said. Genetics may play a role in many cases but even something as simple as birth order appears to contribute.
This is the most laughably flawed logic I have ever heard. Why would anyone do anything that pleases them and not others?If homosexuality were purely a "choice" as conservatives who are "opposed" to it claim, why would gay people "choose" to live a lifestyle where they are constantly at risk of being treated so badly,descriminated against, taunted,bullied, fired from their jobs,
not allowed to serve in the military openly, and even physically attacked or murdered, and rejected by their parents and families?
Does this make any sense?
Why would I choose to skateboard if my parents, fellow students, other adults, etc. disapprove or even hate me for it? I don't know, but I liked skateboarding.
Be attracted to Rosie O'Donald! Be attracted to Rosie O'Donald!
Sexual inclination is a choice, Csuguy. Be attracted to Rosie O'Donald! Choose the attraction! Choose it!
Different cultures have different standards of beauty.
America tends to prize petite women, others prize large women. We develop a subconscious standard overtime based upon our environment. Which would explain why many men appear to be attracted to women who are similar to their mothers. It also shows that it is not a matter of genetics, but of how we are raised.
Of course, one can challenge their culture and change themselves so that they don't reflect their culture - or they may even go for the exact opposite of what their culture dictates. Most people don't see any point in doing this, but people occasionally do and they are able to get beyond the subconscious standards implanted in us by our environments.
Be attracted to Rosie O'Donald! Be attracted to Rosie O'Donald!
Sexual inclination is a choice, Csuguy. Be attracted to Rosie O'Donald! Choose the attraction! Choose it!
Try reading your own link, of course hermaphrodites are "born that way":
Intersex in humans refers to intermediate or atypical combinations of physical features that usually distinguish female from male.
Homosexuality is a "behavior", not a physical feature.
If nothing is our fault, why would we need a Redeemer?
Its a choice.
Be countercultural! Be attracted to Rosie O'Donald!
The Protestant line is that the homosexual inclination somehow is chosen. I can only assume that you're in agreement. Well, fine. Choose to be attracted to Rosie O'Donald.
Good! Now be attracted to Rosie O'Donald! I command it!
Then choose it. From now on, be attracted only to woman whom ordinarily you would consider ugly, and stop being attracted to women whom normally you would consider attractive. :idunno:
If I chose to do so I'm sure I could become attracted to Rosie O'Donald. Of course, I lack any reason to - and I certaintly don't count you commanding me to as a reason.
So what is your point exactly? That because I don't choose to be attracted to Rosie O'Donald one is incapable of choosing to be attracted to her or anyone else?
I thought a Catholic Right Winger would be better than this.
Are you basing physical appearance solely as the basis for being attractive or being attracted to someone?
Some of the ugliest women that I've ever met were beautiful in appearance (oops, my gender has been divulged).
I've never had any say in the women I've been attracted to. You're either attracted to someone or you aren't
I thought a Catholic Right Winger would be better than this.
Are you basing physical appearance solely as the basis for being attractive or being attracted to someone?
Some of the ugliest women that I've ever met were beautiful in appearance (oops, my gender has been divulged).