Son of Jack
New member
And advanced the greater good, if incrementally, setting the stage for the next attempt...but we have a new mechanism in play, a means to peaceful revolution and reinvention. I don't think history quite knows what to do with that.
Of course, I think that it, the experiment, has been mostly good until recently. That said, I'll be interested to see whether or not that mechanism will be able to hold in the future. It seems to me that the mechanism is reliant upon a population that, at least subconsciously, has a Judeo-Christian worldview. If that's not the background music, and naturalistic secularism is, then I fear what the future brings.
"All things fall apart. The centre cannot hold." - Eliot
I think I know what you mean.:noid:
Sure. And He seemed remarkably invested in how we treat one another. So I'd say our investment in advancing the good, for as long as we can up to and including the indefinite is on message, no?
Sure he does. The government is nothing more than a tool, an instrument. If it helps to advance the good, all the better. If not, it can't inhibit me from doing what I can to advance that same good myself.