Thread for tracking Michae Cadry's 11/9/2017 prophecy

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So? who cares.

If you had been shown the truth by the Lord then you would know if what others say is true or not.

but you hear nothing as usual and then spend your time arguing against anyrhing anyone else does hear.

You have nothing to say from the Lord because you never hear Him.

A difference in timing means little.

David Wilkerson agrees with Michael except for the timing.

Try proving my words false.

I will iron you out.


Dear LA,

By far, you stand out among all to be a very appreciated comrade in these tough and difficult times that the U.S., us, and the world is facing. Heaven is poised against Hell for that final war, which has been raging so far. It culminates quite soon indeed. I will never forget you, LA!! We are the ones who have had to stand among all of the naysayers and face embarrassment from all of those around us who don't know yet What Is really Going On. I can't believe that so few on this Spiritual/Religious website are so blinded by God at what is really going on in these immediate days.

It will come upon most of them here suddenly and unawares by them, and they shall stand shell-shocked. For if the master of the house knew when the thief was coming, he would have stood and watched his household more closely. But, they do not.

I cannot, in full conscience, realize on my part that musterion and glorydaz are not very wrong on the major content of their words to me, so I cannot apologize to them, except for getting a bit wordy with them in return for their words to me. So, I can't apologize to them even if it does means getting allowed back onto the Chat Box again. I guess the TOL-a-thon will just be $400 less my donation this year. I can't help it and I am banned from the Chat Box now because of them, so there is no way that I can donate. Musterion and glorydaz, you will both find out that I was right and you were not, not necessarily as far as in incremental timing, but instead in content and value of what I said to you both. Glorydaz, I'm a prophet, not a seismologist. Musterion, I may be off a bit on the timing of my predictions, but you can bet that they will happen. To both of you, know that you will be forgiven by God for all of your ill words towards me in the end, as long as you apologize to God for saying them and asking Him for forgiveness.

I have much respect for Sherman and Knight, and much love also. But we don't agree on everything. Most others here though are the same old blind, irreligious and nonspiritual people I have ever come to know. Not that I knew it at first, but that I knew it leaving. To those who've loved me, I love you back and will not forget you. God is a strong bulwark in times of trouble. Be there with Him, and He will be there with you. I have scattered the power of the holy people, as per Daniel 12:7KJV. I have done what I came to do and believe it or not, I do love all of you here. I can rise about it all.

In The Doggonest Way,



I have His written Word. What do you have that's better?


You don't have His Written Word. You have an errant misunderstanding of it. L.A. has insight and knows the Real God. You know little or nothing about what is really going on. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. I borrowed those words from the Lord Jesus, my Master, Rabbi, Savior and Older Brother!! You, like many here, do not know how to forgive your fellow men and women, who are sinners as well as you. God and Jesus, they love the sinners while they are still sinning, and up until the time they repent and become righteous again. In Heaven, the angels rejoice when even one sinner repents and finds righteousness. You cut off those who are sinners first. You hate gays INSTEAD of loving them while they learn to overcome their shortcomings. The same with other types of sins. Evidently, you all do it wrong, so tough luck!



Well-known member

You don't have His Written Word. You have an errant misunderstanding of it. L.A. has insight and knows the Real God. You know little or nothing about what is really going on. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. I borrowed those words from the Lord Jesus, my Master, Rabbi, Savior and Older Brother!! You, like many here, do not know how to forgive your fellow men and women, who are sinners as well as you. God and Jesus, they love the sinners while they are still sinning, and up until the time they repent and become righteous again. In Heaven, the angels rejoice when even one sinner repents and finds righteousness. You cut off those who are sinners first. You hate gays INSTEAD of loving them while they learn to overcome their shortcomings. The same with other types of sins. Evidently, you all do it wrong, so tough luck!


There's some slander in there.


That makes you a Seismologist, not a prophet. They've been saying that for years, too.

I said it long ago back when I wrote to the U.S. Geological Survey and they put a team of scientists to work studying it. That's when in hit the newspapers. I have a copy of my letter to them and also the newspaper article that accompanied their warning to CA. So you say little, and you know nothing!


Right Divider

Body part
Dear Robert,

In the New Testament, the adulteress was forgiven by Jesus instead of being stoned to death by the people. Things have come a lot further than the Old Testament. God is much more forgiving now. Give Him some credit.

I Respect You And Wish You A Safe Journey To Heaven,

Ignorance of the scripture leads people to says wrong things.

The old covenant law requires TWO or THREE witnesses for ANY execution of this kind of judgment.

The LORD quoted this FACT here:

Matt 18:16 (AKJV/PCE)
(18:16) But if he will not hear [thee, then] take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.

He is referring to this principle:

Deut 19:15 (AKJV/PCE)
(19:15) ¶ One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established.

John 8:7-11 (AKJV/PCE)
(8:7) So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. (8:8) And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground. (8:9) And they which heard [it], being convicted by [their own] conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, [even] unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst. (8:10) When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? (8:11) She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.

This was per old covenant LAW; there were NO WITNESSES to accuse her.


GOD commanded Israel to go to war and kill.
So your erroneous claim that war is just politics of the world that no follower of GOD would take part in is unscriptural.
No where in scripture were the people told that war and politics would prohibit them from being a true follower of GOD.

Jesus is for the whole world and He gave His followers to be the example of the world. Engaging in the war is taking side and is not a good example.

You guys disregarding too many of Jesus' word. You disregard that Jesus and His disciples did not harm anyone, even for self-defense. His followers are supposed to follow Jesus' example shown in the NT.

I have many scriptures to support my claim which I already showed you tons of times which you disregard..

God's Truth

New member
Dear God's Truth,

Thanks for your insight. I do realize that I have made some false prophecies, but I also know that I have made some true prophecies, so I will remain prophesying as necessary. If I prophecy something false, don't fear my prophecy. But if it is a true prophecy, then take it to heart.

Thanks Much,


That is not how it works. Being a false prophet is a one time mistake thing, and you have more than surpassed that.

It doesn't mean you can't be forgiven if you repent.

Repent of it means to stop trying to be a prophet.

Repent for being a false prophet does not mean to be sorry you made bad false prophecies and you hope to make true prophecies next time. Repent for being a false prophet means to no longer act as a prophet.


Well-known member
I said it long ago back when I wrote to the U.S. Geological Survey and they put a team of scientists to work studying it. That's when in hit the newspapers. I have a copy of my letter to them and also the newspaper article that accompanied their warning to CA. So you say little, and you know nothing!


No, Mr. Not So Smarty Pants. Back in 1970, we were told the Big One was coming to California any day. We even stored food in our cabin, and bought guns and ammo in case the Californians came flooding up to Oregon.

So, you say nothing that hasn't been said many times, and you are delusional enough to think you're the first.


Well-known member
That is not how it works. Being a false prophet is a one time mistake thing, and you have more than surpassed that.

It doesn't mean you can't be forgiven if you repent.

Repent of it means to stop trying to be a prophet.

Repent for being a false prophet does not mean to be sorry you made bad false prophecies and you hope to make true prophecies next time. Repent for being a false prophet means to no longer act as a prophet.

It means he needs to change his mind about being a prophet. He isn't one, and he needs to believe it. If he actually did that, then the result would be he wouldn't be doing it anymore.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Jesus is for the whole world and He gave His followers to be the example of the world. Engaging in the war is taking side and is not a good example.

You guys disregarding too many of Jesus' word. You disregard that Jesus and His disciples did not harm anyone, even for self-defense. His followers are supposed to follow Jesus' example shown in the NT.

I have many scriptures to support my claim which I already showed you tons of times which you disregard..
No, you have not shown any scripture that says that people of GOD cannot be in the military.
In fact we find the opposite in scripture of what you say.
We find in scripture that GOD is a man of war (Exodus 15:3).
And that it was GOD that commanded Israel to have a strong trained military.
It is you that disregards what scripture says.


Well-known member
I cannot, in full conscience, realize on my part that musterion and glorydaz are not very wrong on the major content of their words to me, so I cannot apologize to them, except for getting a bit wordy with them in return for their words to me. So, I can't apologize to them even if it does means getting allowed back onto the Chat Box again. I guess the TOL-a-thon will just be $400 less my donation this year. I can't help it and I am banned from the Chat Box now because of them, so there is no way that I can donate. Musterion and glorydaz, you will both find out that I was right and you were not, not necessarily as far as in incremental timing, but instead in content and value of what I said to you both. Glorydaz, I'm a prophet, not a seismologist. Musterion, I may be off a bit on the timing of my predictions, but you can bet that they will happen. To both of you, know that you will be forgiven by God for all of your ill words towards me in the end, as long as you apologize to God for saying them and asking Him for forgiveness.

Spite, too? Michael, you are full of surprises.

You've added threatenings and blackmail to that EVIL STREAK LIST.


Well-known member
He'll never tell us how many days "a bit off" means. The date comes and goes with no earthquake, Cadry says "God was a bit off, IT'S STILL COMING!" Next year, "God was a bit off, IT'S STILL COMING!" I'd like to think TOL will have done something about him before then.


Well-known member
He'll never tell us how many days "a bit off" means. The date comes and goes with no earthquake, Cadry says "God was a bit off, IT'S STILL COMING!" Next year, "God was a bit off, IT'S STILL COMING!" I'd like to think TOL will have done something about him before then.

Well, he's certainly a false prophet, but who takes him seriously? Anyone that has half a brain? I'm just happy we don't have to have that nonsense in the chat box. :)

Lazy afternoon

He'll never tell us how many days "a bit off" means. The date comes and goes with no earthquake, Cadry says "God was a bit off, IT'S STILL COMING!" Next year, "God was a bit off, IT'S STILL COMING!" I'd like to think TOL will have done something about him before then.

You said I am going to hell.

A poor attempt at being a prophet indeed.

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