Thread for tracking Michae Cadry's 11/9/2017 prophecy

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A true prophet of God does not say God tells him things but it not happen.

We all know that bad things are going to happen, but not all of us say exactly what will happen and then give a false date.

Those who call themselves a prophet and get it wrong, they are called false prophets.

Some are not content with just being a true believer and or a teacher, some want to call themselves prophet and then set dates of doom that are not happening exactly as they say when they say.

There is no getting out of it. That is a false prophet.

A person is supposed to obey Jesus in all things. We have to believe what the Bible says is a false prophet.

When you're right you're right, and you're right on this one.


The problem here Michael is that at the end of your "1260 days" you apparently did not die like you were supposed to according to the passage you are referencing, (Rev 11). Or perhaps that is all in your book too? No thanks, if you are going to make such claims in an open forum then you should have no problem answering questions in the same open forum, by explaining, to those who would like to know, how it was that you were slain by "the beast" that rose up out the abyss and slew you when your 1260 days were fulfilled. That way everyone can see and hear how you were slain, and how your carcass was strewn about the broad place of the great city for three days and a half, and how you were then raised up in Messiah, made to stand while your enemies watched, and then called up to the heavens by a voice; so that everyone may know whether or not you speak truth. :)

Just because it is written that the devil would kill me after the 1,260 days, it doesn't say how many months afterward, and you will remember me on the day that it happens. Just like the disciples believed that Jesus would die in a way that they did not think He would, you all do the same. And L.A. shall get the great Earthquake that I mentioned and you will also remember my words on the day it happens, whether or not I am a bit off on the date. So you think that I call you names unjustly and that I am wrong or evil to do so? Didn't Jesus call people fools in the Bible and even more than that, saying they were blind! See Matt. 23:17,19KJV. And he also called them hypocrites and vipers. Yes, you and glorydaz are the vipers, but you don't see it, because it is about you this time! I am tired of talking with you. You did it and glorydaz did it. When it all comes to pass, then you will believe me. Not until then, I guess. For some of you on TOL are good people and kind to their fellow man and to their friends, and some of you are vipers. Yes, I said it correctly. What else would you liken you to be? Give me an example.

I got kicked off of the Chat Box because of you two! I won't be the one to suffer; you will. Everyone on TOL shall miss out on sanctified words indeed. Just because of you. God threatens people so that they will keep His commandments, but I get banned because I do the same thing that even our Father in Heaven does. I do speak words in His Holy Name. You will all find it out and discover it's truthfulness. Then you will pay for your sins. There, another threat, as you would conjure it up. Didn't Jesus say He would come against certain people in Revelation KJV? See Rev. 3:2KJV and Rev. 3:19KJV. That is all that I have done to you and what Jesus says to people in Sardis does apply to you both also. Jesus threatened, but I am supposed to be bad? I helped TOL in the past two years with hundreds of dollars to make their TOL-a-thon quota. How much did you and glorydaz chip in, huh?? Good riddance to you both. Is that unfair talk to you too? Is that a threat, too?

I don't care if I get banned from TOL altogether. What is it to me? Then I won't have to chastise you two fruitcakes. When everything I said, happens, then kiss mine!!

Good Bye!


Dear musterion,

You would be smarter to learn from Patrick Jane or 6days. Read their posts that I do just know the time is Nearer. I make mistakes too. Does that mean I am a non-person? How about you? Have you made mistakes? See Joel 2:28KJV. Does it say that God will not prophesy through people? Didn't Jonah make mistakes with his prophecy, and still he was loved by God, and even has a book in the Bible!! You are blind guides, yet you call me blind instead. Do you think that God will postpone His Armageddon just because you start being good? No, that won't happen. God said it would be, and it will. He will not do everything, and then just skip the end of it. So I was wrong about some things. Big deal. It doesn't mean that I am wrong about Everything or that I am a false prophet. It simply means that the certain prophecy that I made was wrong. Reread the Bible and see what it says about false prophecies by God.

I am not the false prophet. I do know who the Antichrist and false prophet are. But I digress, for you can read it in my book. I absentmindedly thought that you all Knew what was written in the Bible, but evidently you did not know about Rev. 11:4KJV and Dan. 9:24KJV, to name a couple. Doesn't it say in Daniel that "70 weeks are determined upon thy people and thy holy make reconciliation for iniquity?" The false prophet makes fire to come down from Heaven onto the Earth in the sight of men. This false prophet did evil miracles before men, namely the scholars at the Stanford Research Institute. He caused fire to come down from Heaven, by the fact that God sent lightning down from Heaven to the Earth because of his conniving tricks in front of those on Earth.

I am growing tired of this, but like a man, I have to stand up for the words that I speak when you all trodden them down. Yippee, I've been wrong some times. I do figure that you know the Bible well enough to know that these things are written in Rev. and Dan. and that you can find those words. Use a concordance or something. Much of what I say is already recorded in the Bible. Just because one of God's prophets comes from Dearborn, Michigan, what is it to you? You treat me terribly here and God will remember it, just like He did with Jesus. Where do you think that King Herod is right Now? He is paying for his part in all that he did to Jesus. You are doing the same to me, and you don't seem to realize it, just like Herod did not realize what he was doing to Jesus also! You will all pay for it if you continue in it. Does that mean that I am threatening you too? You are just an evil generation who seeks a sign, but none will be given to you. I should remain 'silent' and let you trample all over me like Jesus did before they killed Him. No instead, I will not do as He, but I shall bleat loudly like a lamb led to the slaughter and roar like a Lion! I am not Jesus, of course, so I choose not to remain silent this time.

I've got to go. Company has arrived!

Much Love, In Christ, Regardless Of Your Actions,

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Prophesy is not my call.

Dear meshak,

There is no way you could know anyway. Musterion is just good at making allegations! And Patrick Jane, I have not blown a gasket. You will find that to be true as some time passes and in the End you'll remember it.

Much Love For Both Of You! See What God Brings,



Well-known member
Now, if a 9.0 levels L.A. before your clock runs out in a few weeks, we'll go to step 2. But first things has to come to pass first.


I identify as a Christian
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Hall of Fame
But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die. --- Deuteronomy 18:20

Today we do not put false prophets to death because we are not under the old covenant, but this verse still show how serious God takes false prophets. New regard the scriptures below what shows a prophet to be false.

And if thou say in thine heart, How shall we know the word which the Lord hath not spoken?

When a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him. Deuteronomy 18:21-22

How many times has been that these modern day prophets have set dates and times and than things have not come to pass? This is why I don't believe them.

If Michael is the second witness of Revelation, then I am an astronaut and I can take you to see Mars in my space ship!


Now, if a 9.0 levels L.A. before your clock runs out in a few weeks, we'll go to step 2. But first things has to come to pass first.

Dear musterion,

Have your fun. If the Clock runs out on L.A., and it might, that will not nullify the fact that L.A. will get a huge earthquake Very Soon. I don't have to be a month spot on to know that it is at the doorstep. That will do it for me when you hear about it.


But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die. --- Deuteronomy 18:20

Today we do not put false prophets to death because we are not under the old covenant, but this verse still show how serious God takes false prophets. New regard the scriptures below what shows a prophet to be false.

And if thou say in thine heart, How shall we know the word which the Lord hath not spoken?

When a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him. Deuteronomy 18:21-22

How many times has been that these modern day prophets have set dates and times and than things have not come to pass? This is why I don't believe them.

If Michael is the second witness of Revelation, then I am an astronaut and I can take you to see Mars in my space ship!

Dearest Sherman,

Well, for once, someone who knows some of the facts that are written in the Bible! Cool, Sherman! Yes, if I speak wrong in God's name, I will die. But if I speak the right words in God's name, I will die, too. And perhaps I have made a few errant prophecies, but I've made more that are true. We'll see. I've already made some prophecies that are true and my girlfriend, Salli, can vouch for me. She was living with me when they happened! And Sherman, you don't own a space ship or one that can make it to Mars, nor are you even an astronaut, so you have spoken some lies, too. Like you blame me of. Shall God keep you out of Heaven for it? You didn't mean what you said? I have my reasons/excuses, too.

And if we are not under the Old Covenant, why do you all think that God does not love and forgive gays now? And divorcees? And thieves? And those women who have had an abortion, thus killing or murdering their baby, though it says 'thou shall not kill?' It is because many millions of His people have done these things and God will not leave them go without His loving kindness and forgiveness, and a place for them in Heaven. The old covenant does not apply in certain situations, but still contains many of God's laws.

Jesus did not forgive a thief on the cross, or an adulteress about to be stoned, if He was not also able to now forgive gay people, divorcees, or thieves, etc., also.

With Love And Much Respect,


P.S. I do realize now how sacred a military plane can be to those in or out of the service, and those whose lives were touched by them, and by war. I just had to learn more and put myself in their shoes. Thanks!
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P.S. I do realize now how sacred a military plane can be to those in or out of the service, and those whose lives were touched by them, and by war. I just had to learn more and put myself in their shoes. Thanks!

Dear Mickeal,

The military is for the world; Jesus says His followers are not of the world, so His followers should not have anything to do with the world or politics. The war is politics.

Please reconsider your statement.

love, hitomi

God's Truth

New member
Dearest Sherman,

Well, for once, someone who knows some of the facts that are written in the Bible! Cool, Sherman! Yes, if I speak wrong in God's name, I will die. But if I speak the right words in God's name, I will die, too. And perhaps I have made a few errant prophecies, but I've made more that are true. We'll see. I've already made some prophecies that are true and my girlfriend, Salli, can vouch for me. She was living with me when they happened! And Sherman, you don't own a space ship or one that can make it to Mars, nor are you even an astronaut, so you have spoken some lies, too. Like you blame me of. Shall God keep you out of Heaven for it? You didn't mean what you said? I have my reasons/excuses, too.

And if we are not under the Old Covenant, why do you all think that God does not love and forgive gays now? And divorcees? And thieves? And those women who have had an abortion, thus killing or murdering their baby, though it says 'thou shall not kill?' It is because many millions of His people have done these things and God will not leave them go without His loving kindness and forgiveness, and a place for them in Heaven. The old covenant does not apply in certain situations, but still contains many of God's laws.

Jesus did not forgive a thief on the cross, or an adulteress about to be stoned, if He was not also able to now forgive gay people, divorcees, or thieves, etc., also.

With Love And Much Respect,


P.S. I do realize now how sacred a military plane can be to those in or out of the service, and those whose lives were touched by them, and by war. I just had to learn more and put myself in their shoes. Thanks!

I know you did not post this to me, but I would like to comment on what you said.

We can be forgiven if we repent.

You are not repenting for being a false prophet, you keep making prophecies.

You are a false prophet and now need to stop prophesying all together.


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
Dearest Sherman,

Well, for once, someone who knows some of the facts that are written in the Bible! Cool, Sherman! Yes, if I speak wrong in God's name, I will die. But if I speak the right words in God's name, I will die, too. And perhaps I have made a few errant prophecies, but I've made more that are true. We'll see. I've already made some prophecies that are true and my girlfriend, Salli, can vouch for me. She was living with me when they happened! And Sherman, you don't own a space ship or one that can make it to Mars, nor are you even an astronaut, so you have spoken some lies, too. Like you blame me of. Shall God keep you out of Heaven for it? You didn't mean what you said? I have my reasons/excuses, too.
Humor evades you. I was being facetious. I do not claim that you intentionally lie since you sincerely believe the way you do. I am not one to shout liar if someone even if they have sincerely held beliefs that are are just untrue. Since you have the irrational belief that you are the second witness, you need help. There is just no two ways around it. You need to seek medical help. It would be irrational of me to think I am an astronaut that can take people to Mars. That was my point. The fact that you cannot understand humor is a red flag that you are having an issue that is effecting your nervous system. I cannot say for sure what is causing these visions, but it isn't God. Please bear with me.
And if we are not under the Old Covenant, why do you all think that God does not love and forgive gays now? And divorcees? And thieves? And those women who have had an abortion, thus killing or murdering their baby, though it says 'thou shall not kill?' It is because many millions of His people have done these things and God will not leave them go without His loving kindness and forgiveness, and a place for them in Heaven. The old covenant does not apply in certain situations, but still contains many of God's laws.

Jesus did not forgive a thief on the cross, or an adulteress about to be stoned, if He was not also able to now forgive gay people, divorcees, or thieves, etc., also.

With Love And Much Respect,

​God was not all kindness toward sexual perversion, not even in the new testament.
Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind----1 Corinthians 6:
The Apostles did not preach advocacy of people who live in sin. Jesus didn't either. In fact when when the woman who was caught in adultery who was about to be stoned, He commanded her to go and sin no more. That is not advocacy. That is preaching repentance. Sin all fits in the same pot. The practitioners of them should not be advocated and employers, especially the military have every right to turn away people who engage in sins that are self destructive and run counter to good order and discipline.

On another point, people should not be naming themselves after their sins or making themselves a special class because they have a pet sin. That is a modern madness that has overtaken our culture. One who would speak for God would not advocate for people who engage in this madness.
P.S. I do realize now how sacred a military plane can be to those in or out of the service, and those whose lives were touched by them, and by war. I just had to learn more and put myself in their shoes. Thanks!
Odd choice of words. Sacred--no. Important piece of equipment that brings back memories yes. It's a vehicle that can get servicemen back home alive. Nuff said on that.
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Lazy afternoon

All I did was apply God's tests for prophets to you.

When your prophecy about L.A. fails - and it will - you will be proved BY GOD HIMSELF to be a liar.

So? who cares.

If you had been shown the truth by the Lord then you would know if what others say is true or not.

but you hear nothing as usual and then spend your time arguing against anyrhing anyone else does hear.

You have nothing to say from the Lord because you never hear Him.

A difference in timing means little.

David Wilkerson agrees with Michael except for the timing.

Try proving my words false.

I will iron you out.

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