Thread for tracking Michae Cadry's 11/9/2017 prophecy

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Well he may be more accurately speaking of the Gospel than yourself who believes in a do nothing gospel with no good works.

It is a fruitless pursuit to make your life into one of trying to reveal the faults of others.


You should be careful about what you post if you don't want it tested.

And once again Paul's gospel, which excludes works for salvation, reveals you to be the tool of Satan.


Well-known member
Dear daqq,

I am so pleased with this Thread. That way, you can all eat crow. I mean, that's what you're trying to do, right?? It does say that AFTER their 1,260 days, they shall be killed. Well, it is 1,260 days in the past and it does not say how long AFTER those 1,260 days that I would die. Just that I would finish my days and be killed sometime after those days. You all think you understand God's word, but you don't know anything.

Let us all see what happens. Right??!!

It's Okay. I Expected This,


No thanks, I strictly avoid eating crow these days because the unclean fowls of the air represent the Wicked One, the Devil, and the Satan, (Matt 13:4,19, Mark 4:4,15, Luke 8:5,12). And that is because of their nature, ("you are what you eat", lol), for if you will notice in the pertinent Torah passages, (Lev 11:13-19 and Deut 14:12-18), all of the unclean fowls are the predatory species, (and the Torah is spiritual and supernal). The predators are rapacious, being swift darters and flyers, and having eagle eyes that can see tiny prey from thousands of feet above, scurrying along the ground and running for cover; and they watch from above like evil watchers in the heavens, waiting and watching for any spur of the moment opportunity to swoop down to the desert floor and steal away the young and the defenseless who might stray too far out into the open. Then of course they rip their prey into shreds and devour them without mercy. Perhaps you might also want to pay attention to the numbers in those Torah passages, like you did with the 1,260 days, since there are 21 different names of the unclean fowls of the air when you combine those two Torah passages, (like ten toes and eleven horns, lol, (nope, do not eat crow if you know what is good for you, for no doubt you will end up becoming what you consume, (but the meaning is of course in the supernal Way that is taught in the Gospel accounts by the Master-Teacher))). :)


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Benny Hinn pulled that one. WAY back when, I had a cassette that was secretly recorded at a Hinn service in 1989, just before New Years 1990. IIRC, Hinn said that by 1999, or maybe '95, God would wipe out all queers in America. Hinn was literally quoting "the Holy Ghost" during all of this, talking in tongues, "God tells me that ______," the whole act.

When it didn't happen, I think someone said Hinn was asked and said enough people in California had repented, staying God's hand.

Yes, they will always have an out, right up to the point their mouths are shut before they are cast into the Lake.

(EDIT: I see somebody already beat me to it, but....) Let's roll the tape on that and other false prophecies from Benny Hinn:



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Only Meshak would be foolish enough to think that someone that teaches false prophesy is doing so by Jesus' loving spirit.
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