Thread for tracking Michae Cadry's 11/9/2017 prophecy

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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
As far as I know, TOL is a public forum open to the public :) - of course I assume alot of forums are 'privately' owned, so not sure if our terms or definitions are accurate here. But who knows?

It is a private forum, meaning it as a private owner, who makes the rules. Yes, it is open to the public, but it is privately owned.


Well-known member
I doubt Michael has anywhere near enough intelligence to be a Troll and he doesn't sound to me like someone engaged in the art of "funnin". Maybe he really believes it all in his head and there's nothing you could say that would make him doubt that, or even question it.

How is Micheal being a divine prophet any more hard to swallow than some dude defying gravity and walking on water? At least we know the water stunt is impossible outside of trickery or out right magic.

You'll find out.

False Prophet

New member
Jesus did not come back yesterday. He did not come back sept 23 or aug 21 during the eclipse. I hope you guys give up on date setting. Jesus comes as a thief in the night. Nobody knows the day or the hour.
[42] Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.
[43] But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up.
[44] Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh. Matt 24


Eclectic Theosophist
Honest examination of the evidence......

Honest examination of the evidence......

Peruse this, scoffer. These are real prophesies that came from real prophets that were fulfilled.

Hedshaker is more of a secular realist, humanist and atheist, but I've not corresponded with him in some time, so was wonderfully surprised to see him post again, since we go back aways :) Scoffer? - oh dear. - I can just as well be cordial, open-minded with skeptics, agnostics and atheists, respecting each point of view, as long as those points are shared in a civil

Hedshaker btw was "removed" from this discussion thread with no explanation, which certainly is not inspiring any attraction to whatever 'form' of 'Christianity' is being presented here. Granted his 'tone' may have come off a bit 'anti-religious' or 'atheistic', but that is something religionists ought to be prepared to deal with, knowing that many reject a modern portraiture of traditional 'theism', especially those who are 'exclusivist' or rigidly dogmatic in their 'belief-system'.

As a spiritualist with eclectic proclivities, I can be a bit more lenient and liberal I suppose in engaging those of different temperments, and go towards a goal of 'creative dialogue', looking at all points of view from a higher transcendental perspective :) - and this can be with a belief in 'God' or not. Life still goes on with or without your opinion about it.

The link above of so called 'fulfilled prophecies' are mostly 'biased' with Christian believers since they ASSUME Jesus fulfilled such prophesies, but there are Jewish counter-missionary ministries that can just as well shoot down every one of those prophesies supposedly fulfilled by Jesus. Some of those allusions shared are not 'fulfillments' of anything as much as they are mere correlations. I find the work of Uri Yosef pretty good in this catagory, - see here.


Eclectic Theosophist
Use red letters next time.

Not sure if MC is going to post anymore, but some would suppose his 'prophecies' just as good as any. I would gather his words are not quite as 'authorative' as Jesus, so would probably recall that request for 'red letters' ;)
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Eclectic Theosophist
You'll find out.

Well, Jesus spoke of some apocalyptic events happening and something great to come about in a certain generation, saying those living would see such things come to pass (in that generation),...did they? (somewhere in the gospels). - Matthew 24:34


Literal lunatic
It is a private forum, meaning it as a private owner, who makes the rules. Yes, it is open to the public, but it is privately owned.

Under U.S. law.
Which means that all forum members must be treated equally.
IOW all rules must be the same for everyone.
No grey areas.


Eclectic Theosophist
Under U.S. law.
Which means that all forum members must be treated equally.
IOW all rules must be the same for everyone.
No grey areas.

Yet Hedshaker gets "removed" from a thread. I've been "removed" from threads as well. How's that for 'fairness'? :idunno:


Well-known member
I got removed from the flat earth thread.
No reason supplied.
However I'd say it was cause Knight is offended because his daddy was duped while an employee of the space program.

I'm thinking it's because you like to skate on thin ice. Just a guess, mind you.
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