Thread for tracking Michae Cadry's 11/9/2017 prophecy

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Eclectic Theosophist
Eschatological FLUSH.......

Eschatological FLUSH.......

i have an update! jesus is coming back on oct 15 instead! the san andreas fault is going to let loose with a big fissure, and california is going into the sea with a great crash; then will jesus appear in the sky, and everyone will take off for heaven in the rapture


take that for a false prophet :chuckle:

Well, the whole 'false prophet' card or 'false prophesy' cabal is a 'puff job' anyways,...since it can scantily be recalled in scripture any false prophesies being proclaimed or severe penalties being enforced beyond speculation or assumption. Even the so called 'end of the world' prophetic statements ascribed to Jesus can be variously interpreted and a 'time-span' stretched out to include any period really, with a 'safety-clause' beyond specifics that can continue to be 'delayed' at the same time pushing the 'events' to some future point, ad infinitum. Note that all these great cataclysms are always COMING!


That hypothetically can put a good number of so called 'prophets' in the Bible or in modern times in the 'false prophet' bin.


False Prophet

New member
The purpose of these cataclysms is to proclaim the coming of the messiah. Jesus was supposed to come back on September 23. The rapture prophets got it wrong again! The next rapture date is Oct 15, so I made fun of this false prophet want a be. Most of the prophets proclaim the "peace and safety" message. [3] For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape [1 thess 5]. We have a dooms day prophet here, and he is supposed to die in the calamity.


Your verbose postings betray a lack of confidence, and delusion.

I can't wait to see how you exonerate yourself and blame God when nothing happens in 30 days.

Dear musterion,

I only came back to say that I forgot to tell you the whole story! You will need to look at Revelation, chapter 18KJV. The vision that I explained to you earlier is mentioned in that chapter. I was told when when I had the vision. The city of Hollywood/L.A. is that woman which was seen in Rev. 17:18KJV. It says, "And the woman which thou sawest IS that great 'CITY,' which reigneth over the kings of the Earth." And the beast that carries the woman is the actual 'STATE' of California. If you read some of Revelation, you will understand it better, I think.

I was told that Hollywood/L.A. was 'spiritually' the same as 'Babylon,' in that it had great riches and prostitutes selling their bodies, notably the Sunset Strip and Ventura Blvd. having female AND male whores or prostitutes displaying themselves every night in order to make some money. The sad part is that some of them were just trying to make some money to eat and live, because they had few skills in order to get employment, or else they just liked selling their bodies because they didn't want to work. And I was also told that a lot of the old-time actresses who got married so many times were like whores also, because they had sex with so many men. And these actresses portrayed ladies who had been divorced or having sex with many lovers, so that, when people in other cities saw their movies, they thought that divorce and sex with other guys was the norm, and okay. Can you understand what I'm saying here?

And also, the men of Hollywood/L.A. who HAD money and fame could seduce other women because of their stature, and also abuse women, much like the movie directors do now. And the movie producers, etc. abuse women and even young men sexually, because they corner their prey like spiders in their webs. If a producer, etc. wants to make sexual advances to a woman or man, and the person says no, it could be the end of that person's career. So they often let the producers, directors, etc. have their way.

See Rev. 18:8KJV, "and she shall be utterly burned with fire, for strong is the Lord God Who judgeth her." So, you see, the fires in CA and L.A./Hollywood, are foretold in the Scriptures. You will also note that the Great Earthquake is also. See Rev. 18:21, "And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city {the whore, Hollywood/L.A.} be thrown down, and shall be found no more." The land shall {possibly or definitely?} fall into the ocean, just as I had prophesied earlier.

Please read the whole chapter in Revelation if you want to better understand it. The angel had explained to me that the city Hollywood/L.A. was like old-time 'Babylon' spiritually. The third angel that visited me said, "Babylon is fallen, is fallen," and told me that this city Hollywood/L.A. taught all of the other cities of the Earth to start committing all kinds of sins because they depicted these sins and ways in their movies, TV shows, magazines, music, etc.

Are you starting to get the full picture and the meaning of the vision that John and I had? The movies and TV shows depict fornication, sex, war, murder or killing, smoking tobacco, drugs and addiction, stealing, lying, gluttony, overindulgence, cheating, manipulating, scheming, extortion, stabbing, shooting, strangling, sorcery {psychics, fortunetellers, etc.}, and much more. Some of these are the part of the seven deadly sins and the part of ten sins, which are depicted as 'ten kings or ten horns' {See Rev. 17:12KJV}. And the 'seven kings' are also seven sins or 'devices/sins of Satan' with the sins being depicted as 'kings, heads, or horns.' Read Revelation chapters 17 and 18 so that you can understand the symbolic depictions and vision that John saw, as revealed to him by Jesus. And, by the way, the eighth horn that came up was the sin of the devil regarding accusations of each other or God, with fake mind reading {See Rev. 12:10KJV}.

Musty, study what I've told you here. You might want to read my book online to find out more. One more thing: it could be that there may be NO earthquake in Phoenix, but only the one in California. If so, it will be the Greatest Earthquake ever known to man since he has been on Earth. I'm just saying that this could be very likely and it could be the earthquake that occurs after these two witnesses/prophets come back to life again, and are raised to Heaven. And these two witnesses that die and are raised to Heaven might possibly be accomplished in two different cities, or perhaps the same city. It is all up in the air, and is not included in any vision that I've had, and the Lord God has not told me the details about it, for it is one of His Trump Cards, or info, that He keeps from the evil ones, which includes Satan, his demons, and certain people on Earth.

Then again, there is no way to know for sure until after it happens. Only God knows exactly what will happen, and no one in Heaven or Earth knows that exact day and hour, except God. So there you have it. I have tried to help you understand a part of the Scriptures, some of the secrets written in Revelation. I could tell you so very much MORE, but I cannot write it all here. I didn't even plan on coming back to post on TOL, but I realized that I had left you without the whole story about Hollywood/L.A. and California, and their respective brush fires.

Now you know that Chrysostom's version of the whore of Babylon has all been something he made up, just as he makes up other things, too. Do not believe what he says. He has been wrong and a liar all this time, but he can turn to God for forgiveness.

And one more thing regarding my old Creation vs. Evolution thread; I am thinking now that it is 'possible' that the age of the Earth is older than six thousand years by far, but I can't say for sure. I didn't think it was a young Earth initially, when I started my Creation thread, but 6days talked me into thinking that the Earth was only 6 or 7,000 years old. God knows and we'll all find out. I can see how it 'could' maybe be true that it's a much older Earth than 6days and I thought. Then again, who knows? Oh well, I figured I'd best mention this. I may have been wrong and a liar, too. I have asked God to forgive me, in case. Some things He doesn't tell me until the time comes that He wants to. Okay, may God be with you as you learn, musty.

In His Holy Name, And As A Brethren In Christ, I Write This To You,

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The purpose of these cataclysms is to proclaim the coming of the messiah. Jesus was supposed to come back on September 23. The rapture prophets got it wrong again! The next rapture date is Oct 15, so I made fun of this false prophet want a be. Most of the prophets proclaim the "peace and safety" message. [3] For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape [1 thess 5]. We have a dooms day prophet here, and he is supposed to die in the calamity.

Dear False Prophet,

You are very lame and know nothing! Why do you claim to know the date of the Rapture? No man knows that Day and Hour, but only the Father in Heaven. So give it a rest and fear God. You are no prophet or even a truthful person and you are extremely WRONG about ME!!

Much Love, In Christ, Regardless,



Dear Right Divider,

Please don't take offense. I didn't mean anything wrong here. I am only explaining what happened to me in the best way that I can. It seems that you can't please Everyone, ALL of the time. No matter what I do, it's not good enough. I am not trying to compare myself equal to John of Patmos at all or even close, but just trying to explain that I had certain visions that were similar to his, also. It sometimes takes a while to explain myself to safely communicate what actually happened to me, and all you can do is post a cuckoo icon? I can guarantee to you that I am far from being a nut and you ought to try putting yourself in someone else's shoes for a while. I'm doing my best and you will find out that it's all real truth. What Would Jesus Do; Scoff, Or Understand How Hard This Has All Been? I am too sleepy now to address this further.

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Robert Pate

Well-known member
Dear Right Divider,

Please don't take offense. I didn't mean anything wrong here. I am only explaining what happened to me in the best way that I can. It seems that you can't please Everyone, ALL of the time. No matter what I do, it's not good enough. I am not trying to compare myself equal to John of Patmos at all or even close, but just trying to explain that I had certain visions that were similar to his, also. I takes quite a while to explain myself to safely communicate what actually happened to me, and all you can do is post a cuckoo icon? I can guarantee to you that I am far from being a nut and you ought to try putting yourself in someone else's shoes for a while. I'm doing my best and you will find out that it's all real truth. What Would Jesus Do; Scoff, Or Understand How Hard This Has All Been? I am too sleepy now to address this further.


Michael, you need to get help.

Right Divider

Body part
Dear Right Divider,

Please don't take offense. I didn't mean anything wrong here. I am only explaining what happened to me in the best way that I can. It seems that you can't please Everyone, ALL of the time. No matter what I do, it's not good enough. I am not trying to compare myself equal to John of Patmos at all or even close, but just trying to explain that I had certain visions that were similar to his, also. I takes quite a while to explain myself to safely communicate what actually happened to me, and all you can do is post a cuckoo icon? I can guarantee to you that I am far from being a nut and you ought to try putting yourself in someone else's shoes for a while. I'm doing my best and you will find out that it's all real truth. What Would Jesus Do; Scoff, Or Understand How Hard This Has All Been? I am too sleepy now to address this further.

Dear Michael,

You're a sick man that needs to get some help.



Michael, you need to get help.

Dear Robert,

I get all the help I need from our Unfathomable God and the Lord Jesus Christ, Our Savior. Robert, it was made known to me that Armageddon began on this past Aug. 21st {the Eclipse}, and the Holy Spirit did visit me then, to confirm it. It has been shown to be true by numerous Historical and Apocalyptic hurricanes, earthquakes, and fires, in Texas, Florida, the Islands {including PR}, Mexico, CA., etc. I appreciate your concern, but I don't need any help, to be honest, Rob.

With His Love And Powerful Words For Us!

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There is no help here is there, just a pack of fools.


Dear LA,

You might have something there! We should all be getting along instead, and working towards being a welcoming audience for Jesus at His Second Coming. Let's do that and mourn for the Lord Jesus upon His Return!!

Thanks So Much, L.A., For Your Sound Mind, Heart & Soul!!

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Dear Michael,

You're a sick man that needs to get some help.


Dear RD,

Ha! You are a sicker person that needs some help, instead. You can't see the signs of Our Greatly Loved Lord Jesus getting ready to return for us? That is an inward defect of your own heart and mind. To me, this is a Joyful, yet Solemn Time to be savored and cherished. Quit worrying about me, and worry for your own soul.

Tambora and steko, how can you be taken in by this person? I still love you both, irregardless!

Praise God, For He Keeps His Promises And His Words Do Not Return To Him Undone!!

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Right Divider

Body part
Dear RD,

Ha! You are a sicker person that needs some help, instead. You can't see the signs of Our Greatly Loved Lord Jesus getting ready to return for us? That is an inward defect of your own heart and mind. To me, this is a Joyful, yet Solemn Time to be savored and cherished. Quit worrying about me, and worry for your own soul.

Tambora and steko, how can you be taken in by this person? I still love you both, irregardless!

Praise God, For He Keeps His Promises And His Words Do Not Return To Him Undone!!

Poor Michael,

I believe everything that God says in His Word. I also know that God is NOT in direct contact with you and that you are delusional.

Praise God indeed and get some help.



Well-known member
Notice the scam of retro-selecting which pronouncements were actually prophesies inspired by the God who cannot lie. He's deliberately coy and ambiguous to avoid getting nailed down on failure...when he fails it'll be either "Well, God didn't inspire those words" (selective, self-serving "prophethood" or Cadry's mere opinion, decided after the fact) or "God changed His mind" (for which no evidence can possibly be provided). He can't lose, as long as no one is paying attention.

Except on THIS one, he brazenly said that God did tell him L.A. would crumble and burn by November, which you can tell he regrets saying because his prophethood is about to be toast.

False Prophet

New member
Jesus isn't coming back today. There isn't going to be a rapture. William Miller started the rapture teaching back in 1828. He went on until the great disappointment of 1843, but unfortunately the rapture teaching did not die with him. N. H. Barbour continued it in 1873, and it went on until 1881. 1914 was the next date that failed to meet Russell's expectations, and he died in 1916.
September 23 wasn't enough! Someone had to come along to say that the dating was off by a couple of weeks. Jesus comes back like a thief in the night. While they are preaching peace and safety, destruction comes upon them suddenly. Notice in the parable of the wheat and the tares that the wicked are gathered out from among the righteous. The nominal church has got it all backwards. In Luke when Jesus asked in response to two will be working side by side, one will be taken away and the other will be left; "where Lord?" where the eagles and buzzards are gathered.
“Remember Lot’s wife. 33“Whoever seeks to keep his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it. 34“I tell you, on that night there will be two in one bed; one will be taken and the other will be left. 35“There will be two women grinding at the same place; one will be taken and the other will be left. 36[“Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other will be left.”] 37And answering they said to Him, “Where, Lord?” And He said to them, “Where the body is, there also the vultures will be gathered.”
Luke 17


Notice the scam of retro-selecting which pronouncements were actually prophesies inspired by the God who cannot lie. He's deliberately coy and ambiguous to avoid getting nailed down on failure...when he fails it'll be either "Well, God didn't inspire those words" (selective, self-serving "prophethood" or Cadry's mere opinion, decided after the fact) or "God changed His mind" (for which no evidence can possibly be provided). He can't lose, as long as no one is paying attention.

Except on THIS one, he brazenly said that God did tell him L.A. would crumble and burn by November, which you can tell he regrets saying because his prophethood is about to be toast.

Okay, I've been putting up with enough here. I have said what the Lord God would have me say. After all of the historical and apocalyptic plagues He has sent, you still don't believe. You're not going to get any better. I have scattered the power of the 'holy' people, you all, who call yourselves 'holy,' but are not! Now we'll see what comes next and find out which of us is delusional. I'm out of here. If I want to speak with a few friends here, I'll PM them instead.

Much Love, In Christ,


False Prophet

New member
Michael will be back!
12 “Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to every man [g]according to what he has done. Rev 22
Jesus is coming back too, but not like religion says he will. The scribes and the pharisees memorized the Torah, but they couldn't have been further from the truth. Jesus is coming like a thief in the night, and while they are preaching peace and safety; destruction comes upon them suddenly like a woman in travail.
JER 23 “Woe to the shepherds who are destroying and scattering the sheep of My pasture!” declares the Lord. 2 Therefore thus says the Lord God of Israel concerning the shepherds who are [a]tending My people: “You have scattered My flock and driven them away, and have not attended to them; behold, I am about to attend to you for the evil of your deeds,” **********
This wasn't for 7th century BC religious folks! This was written for religious folks today!*********
9 As for the prophets:
My heart is broken within me,
All my bones tremble;
I have become like a drunken man,
Even like a man overcome with wine,
Because of the Lord
And because of His holy words.
10 For the land is full of adulterers;
For the land mourns because of the curse.
The pastures of the wilderness have dried up.
Their course also is evil
And their might is not right.
11 “For both prophet and priest are polluted;
Even in My house I have found their wickedness,” declares the Lord.
12 “Therefore their way will be like slippery paths to them,
They will be driven away into the gloom and fall down in it;
For I will bring calamity upon them,
The year of their punishment,” declares the Lord.
Jer 23
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