Thread for tracking Michae Cadry's 11/9/2017 prophecy

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Right! It is about EATING AND DRINKING. It is NOT what glorydaze says. She says we can bow before objects and do any pagan thing.

Again....I say what Paul says about idols and "pagan things".

Eating and drinking of things offered to idols is only a problem for those who worship those idols as gods.

Believers don't...only pagans do.

On the other hand, Paul makes it clear that people who worship themselves or their own teachings (like you do) are worshipping idols (of their own making).

So, you have only condemned yourself, once again, by your own words. :thumb:


Well-known member
We can.

Although that doesn't mean we should.

Thank God we have the liberty not to have to walk in another man's convictions. :thumb:

Romans 14:22 Hast thou faith? have it to thyself before God. Happy is he that condemneth not himself in that thing which he alloweth.​

We shouldn't drink around a drunk lest it cause that man to stumble. That was Paul's point.

But, law keepers love to make laws for others to follow. Some say it's wrong to have birthday parties. Some say it's wrong to say thus and so. Leave it to men to come up with laws that do nothing to make men righteous. The law only condemns....let it condemn those who are under it.

Romans 14:5 One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind. 6 He that regardeth the day, regardeth it unto the Lord; and he that regardeth not the day, to the Lord he doth not regard it. He that eateth, eateth to the Lord, for he giveth God thanks; and he that eateth not, to the Lord he eateth not, and giveth God thanks.​


Well-known member
To "reckon" oneself dead to sin is an act of faith. Clearly you have none.

Believing the Gospel is the obedience of faith. That is the "form of doctrine" which Paul delivered to us. The obedience "straight off" is BELIEVING. :duh:

It's a "fight every day" because you are not living by the faith of Jesus Christ, but by your own feeble efforts. You fight....I rest in him. And I'll guarantee you one thing, sin has no power over me as it does you. That's why you have to "fight" it. You simply don't believe that we have been delivered from the law...made free from the bondage of sin by Christ's work on the cross.

Keep working, little worker bee, while I rest in Him. I am filled with perfect peace. Sure doesn't sound like you are....with all that fighting of the flesh.
If we truly believe then we become a doer of the word and not a hearer only. And live by thy will of God. Lip service is no service.

And I'm glad to be a worker bee, doing the works of God. I'd rather be a worker bee producing spiritual honey than a lookalike wasp always stinging and producing nothing!

Be careful how you judge me as in having no faith. Just because i believe in being a doer and living by the will God and doing his works doesn't mean that I have no faith. On the contrary I live my life every day by faith in the living God.


Well-known member
"When we throw any dirt on a fire, it burns it up and gives out warmth and heat."

Try throwing dirt on a fire. :chuckle:

Jesus took our sins to the cross. You really should try reading what the Bible says instead of trying to reword it like God's UNtruth does. What is it with you people? :doh:
I was watching the news the other day, and it was about polluting the oceans with plastics and they just stay there and are not consumed, this happens in the earth also, and I thought that's like our flesh, all the rubbish that we take into our hearts just stays there and it accumulates and gets worse and worse.

But what happens to plastic when it goes into the fire? It consumes it and gives out heat and warmth. Just like Gods consuming fire within our hearts, the Spirit helps us to overcome our flesh and helps us to turn from sin, and put away the filth of the flesh that would remain in our hearts without God. And God helps us to show others his love, mercy and forgiveness regardless of what they throw at us.

Also, Jesus didn't take our sins to the cross, he bore our sins, maybe it's you who should read your bible properly!


Well-known member
If we truly believe then we become a doer of the word and not a hearer only. And live by thy will of God. Lip service is no service.

And I'm glad to be a worker bee, doing the works of God. I'd rather be a worker bee producing spiritual honey than a lookalike wasp always stinging and producing nothing!

Be careful how you judge me as in having no faith. Just because i believe in being a doer and living by the will God and doing his works doesn't mean that I have no faith. On the contrary I live my life every day by faith in the living God.

Boasting is excluded by the law of faith, and your post is nothing but boasting.


Well-known member
If we truly believe then we become a doer of the word and not a hearer only. And live by thy will of God. Lip service is no service.

Speaking of lip fail to understand the difference between law and faith.

Romans 10:5 For Moses describeth the righteousness which is of the law, That the man which doeth those things shall live by them.

6 But the righteousness which is of faith speaketh on this wise,

One would think you'd be curious and want to learn, but instead you prefer to remain stuck. :nono:


Well-known member
Also, Jesus didn't take our sins to the cross, he bore our sins, maybe it's you who should read your bible properly!

What did He do....dump them off before He got there? :rolleyes:

No, he bare our sins in His own body....

1 Peter 2:24:KJV
Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.​

No, he did bear in His body....

1 Peter 2:24YLT
who our sins himself did bear in his body, upon the tree, that to the sins having died, to the righteousness we may live; by whose stripes ye were healed,​

No, He was made to BE SIN....

2 Corinthians 5:21
For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.​

Uh, He gave Himself...

Galatians 1:4 Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father:​

Have you been burning any dirt to keep warm of late?

God's Truth

New member
Boasting is excluded by the law of faith, and your post is nothing but boasting.

1 Corinthians 9:15 But I have not used any of these rights. And I am not writing this in the hope that you will do such things for me, for I would rather die than allow anyone to deprive me of this boast.

Looks like glorydaze needs to rethink her beliefs?

Here is some more boasting from Paul:

2 Corinthians 11:10 As surely as the truth of Christ is in me, this boasting of mine will not be silenced in the regions of Achaia. 11 Why? Because I do not love you? God knows I do! 12 But I will keep on doing what I am doing, in order to undercut those who want an opportunity to be regarded as our equals in the things they boast about.

I have a lot more of Paul boasting. lol


Hiya Micheal,

Yes I agree that we should care for and love others, whomsoever they are. But, we can't, knowing God just stand by and agree with the things they do wrong before God! Yes Jesus had mercy and forgiveness but he did say to the woman once she was forgiven "go sin no more" as you said, so we can't just sit back and be all over others as if it's ok before God to do such things as commit gay acts, it's not ok is wrong before God to do such things and we must speak up and speak the truth, but also help and be kind when we see the need and always be there for them. But sin is sin, and once we know the truth we are to turn away from sin and speak the truth with the hope that others will do the same. We bare witness to the truth, bring the love and mercy of Christ, and tell others that what they are doing is wrong before God if we see it, and then leave God to judge. But I couldn't and wouldn't be all over people and be all nice and sweet to them if they are purposely going against God.

Please read Romans 1 God turned those who knew the truth over to their reprobate minds when they desired the flesh before him. Those that choose their flesh before God and Christ aren't worthy of him until they are willing to put God and Christ before their flesh. God must come first in our lives. To commit gay acts is a sin before God, and it says this clearly in the bible too.

So no we don't hurt others, we help them but we don't condone what they are doing sinfully, we must speak up regardless of what happens to us and speak the truth, we don't join in and say how lovely it is etc. We speak up, tell the truth and then leave the judgement to God.

Jesus walked among sinners to help them turn from their sins but he didn't join in or condone them. He clearly taught that we should sin no more once we've heard the truth and believe. Those who don't believe are in darkness and will carry on committing these acts, but it's wrong to do so, but there is hope for all, hopefully one day they will believe and obey God and God wants us all back.

Dear marhig,

I wanted to get back to you on this, and I wasn't able to do much last night. I want you to know that God said to 'not commit adultery' in the OT. Jesus still forgave the adulteress. God said not for 'a man not to lie with a man' in the OT. Jesus still forgives the gays now, both male and female. God forgives the thieves now, too, even though He said in the OT, not to steal. God said not to commit gluttony in the OT, even though now He forgives those who are obese. God said to not eat pork in the OT, even though now He forgives those who eat pork. Eating pork and man laying with man were said to be abominations.

Now, I am trying to tell you here that God still has those laws and they are valid, but I want to tell you also that He forgives people for divorcing, adultery, theft, being gay, eating pork, now in these times. God loves us and forgives us regardless. This does not mean that the laws are wrong. It does not say in the OT that a woman cannot lie with another woman, but God still loves us and forgives us if we do. God loves us and forgives us, even if we break certain laws, and even if we make that mistake more than once.

So, if you are gay, and you turn away from it, that is well. And if you eat pork, and you turn away from it, that is well. Both of these are abominations. I'm saying that, even if you turn away, then falter or stumble and make the mistake again, and even again, God still forgives you and loves you regardless. Do you know what I am saying here?

You were saying earlier that we should turn away first and sin no more. I am saying that, you are right there, but some do 'sin more.' They should still be forgiven and loved, even if they slip or fall down, or commit the sin again. Jesus said to forgive your brethren not seven times, but even seven times seventy times. God helps people out of their sins, even if it takes a bit of growing time. People can't always just quit 'cold turkey.' Do you understand what I am saying here, by any chance?

God also says we should not commit fornication, and this will not be allowed in Heaven. That is, for one example, a man having sex with more than one woman every month, and vice versa. But if they cease from their sin, and then backslide once and commit such an act again, they are still forgiven by Jesus and God regardless. He is long-suffering, gentle, loving, compassionate, and He cares deeply about His people and children on Earth. Do you understand what I'm trying to say here yet? I am running out of ways to explain it to you. Sometimes a person falls, but afterwards, they get back on their feet and succeed again. And after that, they may fall again, but after that, they get back on their feet and overcome the sin. God loves them during their growth period and does not quit forgiving them. But woe to the person who takes advantage of God's forgiveness, that they don't backslide intentionally or on purpose. God searches the hearts and knows what is going on.

I hope this answers your words that you spoke earlier. When Jesus told the adulteress to, go and sin no more. It is wonderful if she could do just that and never commit adultery again in her life. But if by chance she would falter again, God would still not quit loving or forgiving her. He gives you chances, you know?? People on this Earth have already realized that God loves gay people, fat people, divorced people, people who eat pork, even thieves, etc. Jesus forgave a thief when He was on the Cross. So many people already understand these things. God bless them. For they care, and their hearts are full of loving, forgiving, understanding qualities, and genuine concern.

Okay, I hope these words will help to explain that, when they fall, they shall be helped with a little help, to purge them and make them white. Now, I hope I don't have to discuss this subject again. God forgives us even more than seventy times seven, just as Jesus told us to do. I hope that you can understand this. God also forgives a prophet if he makes a mistake or stumbles, too. Many of you here on TOL have yet to learn about that fact. A prophet does not have to be mistake-free for God to love him or her. True prophets make mistakes too. I am not a False prophet. I am just not Perfect, is all. But I am doing my best, and that is well enough for me, because God loves me and forgives me anyways, and He knows that I WORK for and SERVE HIM!

Much Love & Forgiveness, In Jesus Christ,

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Well-known member
A prophet does not have to be mistake-free for God to love him or her.

A prophet does have to be mistake free to speak by direct inspiration of God.

All false prophets are liars, by definition. God hates lying tongues and all liars will be cast into the Lake of Fire.


Eclectic Theosophist
Careful of the pointing finger.................

Careful of the pointing finger.................

A prophet does have to be mistake free to speak by direct inspiration of God.

Can you show in the NT where that old hebrew standard or concept is carried over into the NT? - Dont forget 'God' also sent forth lying spirits himself once upon a time.

All false prophets are liars, by definition. God hates lying tongues and all liars will be cast into the Lake of Fire.

That's one interpretation among others for the allegorical texts in Revelation, most of which are metaphors at best ;) - elsewhere we've challenged the concept of 'eternal conscious torment'(ECT) in hellfire here. An imposed suffering sustained by a 'God' is who LOVE itself, is a blarring contradiction, if not insanity.
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