Thread for tracking Michae Cadry's 11/9/2017 prophecy

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He'll never tell us how many days "a bit off" means. The date comes and goes with no earthquake, Cadry says "God was a bit off, IT'S STILL COMING!" Next year, "God was a bit off, IT'S STILL COMING!" I'd like to think TOL will have done something about him before then.

Dear musterion,

I never said GOD was a BIT OFF! I said I might be a bit off, dude. I am giving you the time frame you asked me for in the first place! It will be like I timed it, or it may be somewhat off. It will still happen, regardless. You will know it is from God because it will happen very soon, like I have said. There are other secrets I know that I am not able to tell you of, because the Lord wants me to keep quiet about certain things. So get a grip, dude.



Well-known member
Dear glorydaz,

I'm going to say this one more time in words that I hope you can understand. You and musterion are Out Of Touch with reality. Don't be angered by my words. Try to instead listen and read what I have to say. You are the sinner who is trying to 'establish your righteousness! You are the one who is erring and you don't even fathom it. You are the one who is ignorant of God's righteousness. Please understand fully.

You do not have Jesus fully in your life yet and it's because you don't know Him quite Well ENOUGH. Like I said, don't get upset. Read. You are the ones who need to change your lives also. You are no better than many other sinners, but you don't realize it.

When the people were dying to have fun killing the adulteress by stoning her, you saw that Jesus said to forgive her and he loved her anyway, and Jesus loved her regardless of the fact that she was an adulteress, and He said, "Go, and sin no more."

Now, some of you here are just dying to go ahead and Stone a Gay Person just because you are very prejudiced. It says not to commit adultery, but Jesus was filled with Love and Understanding, and forgave and loved the adulteress, regardless that she had just come from having sex with a dude.

It also says not to be effeminate or be gay, but Jesus would still Accept the gay person/people and pardon or forgive the gay person, and He would love them and tell them to go and sin no more, just like He did the adulteress. So you all have to start realizing that you think you have Jesus, but you do not Keep All Of His Doctrine, which includes to forgive and love gay people. That is where part of your problems lie.

What kind of angel or servant of God are you going to make if you can't love sinners? A lousy one. God doesn't want lousy ones and Jesus doesn't either. You claim to know Jesus' doctrine, but you do NOT practice it. He says love the sinners that you meet, forgive them and let them learn and strive to not keep the fact that they are gay. Start loving them and pardoning them like Jesus did the adulteress, and the thief on the cross next to Jesus, who said, remember me when you get to Your Kingdom. Jesus said, you will be there with me in Paradise. Jesus didn't hate the thief and said the thief would share Paradise with him that very day! Jesus would have done the same thing if, instead of a thief, it was a gay guy or gal on the cross next to Him. He would forgive and love!

You and musterion, and others here are NOT THAT WAY!! You want to hate the gays and other people, instead of loving them regardless of their sins and helping them learn how to change, give the a boost in their morale and tell them they can change. It may take them awhile to change. You can't expect them to change in one day, just because they happen to be that way. They don't know any other way to be except how and who their heart loves, which happens to be the same sex. God and Jesus, they love them while they are sinners, regardless if they can't change very easily.

To someone who is gay, they figure they are just that way, and they can't change. They would rather just remain the way they are and give up a place in Heaven because of it. It is because they love others with a real love of their same sex. That love is stronger than any love you all seem to be feeling. It's deeper love and it's proper, and elected to be the way that God and Jesus want you all to be and believe in.

So, I hope you got this now. It also applies to fornicators. Fornicators need to change too. They sometimes need the right time and ingredients to change their sins. You had to change some of your ways to supposedly be SAVED, or were you just someone who had no sins?? Don't flatter yourself such. We are all sinners down here and we have to learn to love each other deeply and truly, and work together on changing people's sins or errors, mistakes, etc. Quit being so very hateful of gay people, for it doesn't become you and you are not feeling the way God and Jesus feel about the situation and their love towards someone who is gay.

I am not trying to say anything but to treat people like you'd want to be treated. And Jesus said to love your brother or neighbor, not to hate them. You might not like their ways, but they might not like your ways either. Still, you forgive each other and love each other respectfully and with a true love, so that person can change their sins when they are able to.

So there you go, glorydaz. You are screwing up with the ideas of what you Think God Wants. He wants you to change your ways. You are the one who does not know Him well enough, and you do not Keep His Ways when He taught you instead to Love Each Other and Forgive Each Others Sins. Get it right for a change. This is how I instruct you and let you know that you have no power in Jesus until you learn how He would want you to act and carry yourself.

This is not just about gay people. It's about women who have abortions. Love the woman, just not the fact that she is aborting/killing the life in her womb. It is also about people who have sex with more than one partner, guy or girl. They are fornicators because they are supposed to get married if they have sex with each other. God says if a man lays with a woman, he should take her to be his wife. That way there are no unwanted births or kids, and they are faithful and loyal to each other. You don't go to try to find the woman who you would rather have more. You don't go pick and choose.

But God and Jesus, they love the fornicators anyways, because they are sinners and don't realize fully what they are doing. All of them sinners!! You love them and treat them with respect and you don't harp on them about their dang sins or you don't want to ACCEPT them because they are sinning by being gay, or divorced, or whatever reasons you have for not loving and forgiving someone unconditionally. Let them overcome their sins with time, just like you did. You surely are not perfect and I can tell that by the way you THINK you know Jesus and you really do not. The power of Christ that you claim to possess is tainted by the fact that you are hateful towards people that have a sin that you don't have.

Do you get it now? Love the sinner and wait for them to put their sins away from themselves. It is also a sin to abuse alcohol, but Noah got drunk, right? God loved him regardless. Yippee, he got drunk. Fine. That doesn't mean you go and hate him. That's because you probably drank alcohol too. Perhaps that makes it easier to love them regardless of their sin, because you had the same problem. Well, you don't have the same problem or sin as the gay people, but you should love them anyways, and quit wanting to STONE THEM. That is Barbaric!! That is from the OLD COVENTANT!! Jesus changed the Covenant into Love and Forgiving Each Other, instead of the hard rules that God put down initially in the Bible. God did that so we would know how to live. But if we have sin, God now chooses for us to pardon each others sins, and love each other.

Are you and musterion finally able enough to do that?! Love the thief, or rapist, or abortionist and urge them to change their ways and eliminate their sins as they are able. Love the killer or murderer, and hate his sins, and abhor his actions. But still, love him and teach him how to change his ways and be done with his individual sins!! Love everyone that you are able to. I'm not saying to love what they did!! I'm saying love them regardless of the sins they committed. How can they change if you won't love them like an angel does, or Jesus does? Who will teach them how to change? Get your angel wings, hon!!

I am not saying you all are not still loved by God and Jesus. But you have some personal actions and beliefs that are archaic and wrong. You commit you errors in Christ, because of your feelings and your UNCONDITIONAL love with forgiveness. Okay, I'm done with explaining. The Lord loved Cain, even though he killed his brother, Abel. How much more can you be like God by doing the same thing that He did? It is atrocious that he killed his brother, but he probably did not know that hitting Abel with a stone on the head would cause him to die and his spirit of life leave his body. Cain found out that he was wrong and didn't kill again, so God set a seal upon his forehead that he should not be killed for it! WISE UP and CHANGE YOUR DOCTRINE!! For it is not how Jesus would have you act or carry yourself.

I don't know how else to show you that you are not saved by Jesus until you learn what you are doing way wrong! You are the ones who need help and clarification of how to live your lives properly. I know that the way I think is how God and Jesus want me to think and act! You do not love and forgive in each instance, when you should. You heard of the Las Vegas shootings. Well, God still loves the man who did it, for the man evidently did not truly know Better or he wouldn't have done it in the first place. So, God still DOES LOVE HIM, but HATES what he did by killing all of those people that he did in his ill mind. The guy will pay by going to Hell for a while. Maybe he will be cast into the lake of fire. I am thinking that he might, but God is forgiving and knows how the devil gets people to do the wrong things and sin. The devil is causing the bad behavior. You do your own spirit in your soul a great injustice by carrying around such hateful ideas in your hearts and in your brains!

I am done trying to explain this. Get your own act together, and then you can tell me how Saved you are, and how the Jews are sinning too. Just let me quit trying to change your ways! Over and out! I still love you all very much. I just don't love your ways. But I am willing to remain a member here because I see good things in every person here. But some people here err in their JUDGMENT. Let God JUDGE, okay? Just love each other. By hating each other, you let the devil into your heart and soul, and you are worse for it all. Please get it done!

Much Love And My Prayers Are That You Will Change Your Ways Also,

Hiya Micheal,

Yes I agree that we should care for and love others, whomsoever they are. But, we can't, knowing God just stand by and agree with the things they do wrong before God! Yes Jesus had mercy and forgiveness but he did say to the woman once she was forgiven "go sin no more" as you said, so we can't just sit back and be all over others as if it's ok before God to do such things as commit gay acts, it's not ok is wrong before God to do such things and we must speak up and speak the truth, but also help and be kind when we see the need and always be there for them. But sin is sin, and once we know the truth we are to turn away from sin and speak the truth with the hope that others will do the same. We bare witness to the truth, bring the love and mercy of Christ, and tell others that what they are doing is wrong before God if we see it, and then leave God to judge. But I couldn't and wouldn't be all over people and be all nice and sweet to them if they are purposely going against God.

Please read Romans 1 God turned those who knew the truth over to their reprobate minds when they desired the flesh before him. Those that choose their flesh before God and Christ aren't worthy of him until they are willing to put God and Christ before their flesh. God must come first in our lives. To commit gay acts is a sin before God, and it says this clearly in the bible too.

So no we don't hurt others, we help them but we don't condone what they are doing sinfully, we must speak up regardless of what happens to us and speak the truth, we don't join in and say how lovely it is etc. We speak up, tell the truth and then leave the judgement to God.

Jesus walked among sinners to help them turn from their sins but he didn't join in or condone them. He clearly taught that we should sin no more once we've heard the truth and believe. Those who don't believe are in darkness and will carry on committing these acts, but it's wrong to do so, but there is hope for all, hopefully one day they will believe and obey God and God wants us all back.


Hiya Micheal,

Yes I agree that we should care for and love others, whomsoever they are. But, we can't, knowing God just stand by and agree with the things they do wrong before God! Yes Jesus had mercy and forgiveness but he did say to the woman once she was forgiven "go sin no more" as you said, so we can't just sit back and be all over others as if it's ok before God to do such things as commit gay acts, it's not ok is wrong before God to do such things and we must speak up and speak the truth, but also help and be kind when we see the need and always be there for them. But sin is sin, and once we know the truth we are to turn away from sin and speak the truth with the hope that others will do the same. We bare witness to the truth, bring the love and mercy of Christ, and tell others that what they are doing is wrong before God if we see it, and then leave God to judge. But I couldn't and wouldn't be all over people and be all nice and sweet to them if they are purposely going against God.

Please read Romans 1 God turned those who knew the truth over to their reprobate minds when they desired the flesh before him. Those that choose their flesh before God and Christ aren't worthy of him until they are willing to put God and Christ before their flesh. God must come first in our lives. To commit gay acts is a sin before God, and it says this clearly in the bible too.

So no we don't hurt others, we help them but we don't condone what they are doing sinfully, we must speak up regardless of what happens to us and speak the truth, we don't join in and say how lovely it is etc. We speak up, tell the truth and then leave the judgement to God.

Jesus walked among sinners to help them turn from their sins but he didn't join in or condone them. He clearly taught that we should sin no more once we've heard the truth and believe. Those who don't believe are in darkness and will carry on committing these acts, but it's wrong to do so, but there is hope for all, hopefully one day they will believe and obey God and God wants us all back.

Dear marhig,

Thanks for all of your support. I have noticed. I am trying to read the posts from page 9 to here, so I can see what everyone wrote. It is late here and I have to get to bed. It is 4:30 a.m. You basically said everything that I said in the post here and I am glad that we agree. I NEVER said that we should condone their ways, but instead, show and teach them to change, at their pace. It is like physical therapy. You have to give them baby steps and love them regardless of the fact that you don't condone what they are doing. We can only hope that they will choose to change and rejoice when they complete their righteousness. It sometimes takes Time. God will guide everyone, I hope. I'm just trying to explain certain things that are true. I already Know that God said it is a sin to commit gay acts, whether guys or gals. But it does not say that gals cannot have sex with each other. We can only assume that it is God's Will. Again, thanks for sharing and cooperating. You're doing very well, but don't be so hung up on their sins. Love them unconditionally. That is what Jesus would want and He would do.

God's Best For You!



Well-known member
Dear marhig,

Thanks for all of your support. I have noticed. I am trying to read the posts from page 9 to here, so I can see what everyone wrote. It is late here and I have to get to bed. It is 4:30 a.m. You basically said everything that I said in the post here and I am glad that we agree. I NEVER said that we should condone their ways, but instead, show and teach them to change, at their pace. It is like physical therapy. You have to give them baby steps and love them regardless of the fact that you don't condone what they are doing. We can only hope that they will choose to change and rejoice when they complete their righteousness. It sometimes takes Time. God will guide everyone, I hope. I'm just trying to explain certain things that are true. I already Know that God said it is a sin to commit gay acts, whether guys or gals. But it does not say that gals cannot have sex with each other. We can only assume that it is God's Will. Again, thanks for sharing and cooperating. You're doing very well, but don't be so hung up on their sins. Love them unconditionally. That is what Jesus would want and He would do.

God's Best For You!

Hi again, and yes I would care for all, but as I said I would speak the truth, and it does say that gay acts amongst women are wrong in the bible.

Romans 1:26

For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

The woman changed their natural use which is against nature and likewise did the men and they burned lust one toward another so the women were doing the same as the men. Which as it says here in Romans is vile before God.

We are not to hate the sinner but hate the sin, having love and compassion for others but always bare witness to, and a speak the truth and live by the will of God. And God will judge all of us, he knows who has heard the truth and we will all be judged on what we have done good or bad. And I know that I will be held more accountable for my actions than those who don't know God, because I know God and I know the truth and I know that we have Jesus as our example to follow. I'm just a sinner, being saved through faith by the grace of God, and God is saving me from darkness and this world of sin and helping me to overcome the lusts of the flesh. And I know that God loves us all, but he also wants us all to turn from sin and follow his Holy son our Lord Jesus Christ in truth and love, so I just hope that others will believe and turn to God and follow Christ, whoever they are.


I identify as a Christian
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But it does not say that gals cannot have sex with each other.

Pay attention to the wording in these verses;

For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. Romans 1: 26-27
It mean in the same manner. Both are having unnatural sex, which is an abomination.

God's Truth

New member
Law.....Law....Thou shalt not do pagan things.

1 Corinthians 6:12All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.​

I don't think you get that Paul is saying what a sinner might say.

Read that scripture more carefully and look where the quote marks should be.

1 Corinthians 10:23All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not.
I'm quite confident PJ is not "under the power" of any "pagan thing". But you hate the liberty we have in Christ Jesus, don't you, oh worker bee?

You are so wrong.

God's Truth

New member
34 days until Glory, myself and others know whether we owe Cadry an apology. Don't be expecting one before then because you don't have an apology coming.

I thought that you already knew he was a false prophet. Why are you waiting all over again?

God's Truth

New member
Dear marhig,

Thanks for all of your support. I have noticed. I am trying to read the posts from page 9 to here, so I can see what everyone wrote. It is late here and I have to get to bed. It is 4:30 a.m. You basically said everything that I said in the post here and I am glad that we agree. I NEVER said that we should condone their ways, but instead, show and teach them to change, at their pace. It is like physical therapy. You have to give them baby steps and love them regardless of the fact that you don't condone what they are doing. We can only hope that they will choose to change and rejoice when they complete their righteousness. It sometimes takes Time. God will guide everyone, I hope. I'm just trying to explain certain things that are true. I already Know that God said it is a sin to commit gay acts, whether guys or gals. But it does not say that gals cannot have sex with each other. We can only assume that it is God's Will. Again, thanks for sharing and cooperating. You're doing very well, but don't be so hung up on their sins. Love them unconditionally. That is what Jesus would want and He would do.

God's Best For You!


I remember when you said you were special because you never had sex with a woman only men.

See Revelation 14:4.

You didn't grasp that you were more sinful for only having sex with men.

Now you say here that women can have sex with women.

What don't you get about we are only to have sex with the opposite sex of the one we are married to?


Literal lunatic
I don't think you get that Paul is saying what a sinner might say.

Read that scripture more carefully and look where the quote marks should be.

Isn't Paul saying he is free to do all things such as eat and drink but he won't be brought under the power of those things?

Right before that he says:

And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

Right after he says:

Meats for the belly, and the belly for meats: but God shall destroy both it and them. Now the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord; and the Lord for the body.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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It is NOT what glorydaze says.
When you draw first blood like this, then you have no claim to being mistreated afterwards.
Is it possible for you to actually make statements without injecting your own animosity? Try doing so.

Please do not respond that you are just giving as good as you get or words to the same effect. If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got. Break the cycle. See what happens. You may just be surprised.



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Pay attention to the wording in these verses;

For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. Romans 1: 26-27
It mean in the same manner. Both are having unnatural sex, which is an abomination.

That is the best word for it, 'unnatural' and every rational person knows it. If I were shopping at Walmart and a woman kept blowing kisses at me, I would think it was comedy:sigh: because comedy is funny because it defies the norm.

The social movement for civil justice had a point with race, and even a change from barring women from personal advancement made sense. Then, the goal became to fight for the sake of the concept of social justice, rather than justice for disadvantaged people.

Homo rights is as silly as right given to people who believe they are dogs and cats, or have the right to be nude in public; it does not make any sense!:mmph:


Well-known member

We are in this flesh until we die, so we need to fight against it ever day, we overcome our flesh daily by the power of the Spirit. Do you honestly think that you can say "I believe" and carry on living your life in the flesh and God won't see your sins? If you believe like this then you are very much mistaken, that is not the truth.

To "reckon" oneself dead to sin is an act of faith. Clearly you have none.

You have even highlighted that we are to obey that form of doctrine which was delivered to us. So there's obedience straight off.

Believing the Gospel is the obedience of faith. That is the "form of doctrine" which Paul delivered to us. The obedience "straight off" is BELIEVING. :duh:

It's not a one off thing. It's a fight every day, Jesus didn't come as an example for us to follow so that we can just say I believe and then carry on living according to our flesh and the world, Jesus came as an example for us to follow to show us how to live right before God.

It's a "fight every day" because you are not living by the faith of Jesus Christ, but by your own feeble efforts. You fight....I rest in him. And I'll guarantee you one thing, sin has no power over me as it does you. That's why you have to "fight" it. You simply don't believe that we have been delivered from the law...made free from the bondage of sin by Christ's work on the cross.

Keep working, little worker bee, while I rest in Him. I am filled with perfect peace. Sure doesn't sound like you are....with all that fighting of the flesh.


Well-known member
You haven't even got what I said right, don't twist my words please, I never said that that dirt gave out warmth, I said that the dirt is consumed by the fire and the fire gives out warmth in its place .

"When we throw any dirt on a fire, it burns it up and gives out warmth and heat."

Try throwing dirt on a fire. :chuckle:

God consumes the filth of the flesh if he is in our hearts, and he replaces it with his love and the life of Christ so that others will see the life in us and our old life is gone and it will be will be hidden in Christ because as we walk in the Spirit people don't see our flesh, it should be being put to death every day by the power of the Spirit through Christ, that is if we are willing to become a living sacrifice and are willing to lay down our lives for others and live by the will of God. God can't do his works on a heart that isn't willing to become humble and live by his will.

Jesus took our sins to the cross. You really should try reading what the Bible says instead of trying to reword it like God's UNtruth does. What is it with you people? :doh:


Well-known member
Dear glorydaz,

I'm going to say this one more time in words that I hope you can understand. You and musterion are Out Of Touch with reality. Don't be angered by my words. Try to instead listen and read what I have to say. You are the sinner who is trying to 'establish your righteousness! You are the one who is erring and you don't even fathom it. You are the one who is ignorant of God's righteousness. Please understand fully.

I do understand fully. You're not saved and you want me to do what you do.

I won't waste my time reading the words of a false prophet.

None of your excuses will stand in the Day of the Lord.


Well-known member
34 days until Glory, myself and others know whether we owe Cadry an apology. Don't be expecting one before then because you don't have an apology coming.

He makes me gag. It's the most disgusting display of perversity that I've ever skimmed over.


Well-known member
I don't think you get that Paul is saying what a sinner might say.

Read that scripture more carefully and look where the quote marks should be.

You are so wrong.

I say what Paul says, so you disagree with him (as usual). Paul is not saying "what a sinner might say", because a sinner is still under the law.

Paul is stating a fact. All things are lawful, because we are not under the law, but under grace.

Romans 6:14 For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.

I can call you a fool, but it isn't necessarily expedient that I do so.
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