Thread for tracking Michae Cadry's 11/9/2017 prophecy

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Well-known member
Yeah, quote Revelation to say that you have overcome the flesh like Jesus did, Fake News [MENTION=18157]marhig[/MENTION] also
Patrick how can you not believe that we are to overcome the flesh, we are to turn from sin and obey God through Christ. And Christ by Spirit will help us to overcome our flesh as we live by the will of God.

Romans 8

For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God


Eclectic Theosophist
Forecasting for Jesus.............

Forecasting for Jesus.............


Food for thought:

MC is a wonderful guy, despite eccentricities, his own special visionary experiences or claims to prophethood,....but on another level, using him as target practice via OT standards of genuine 'prophetship' is a bit comical, since its still 'cherry picking' passages to suit your agenda and 'doctrinal artillery'. Granted, one must understand ones 'religious psychology' and 'proclivities', their development as a person (no matter their religious or anti-religious orientiation), and at least have fun with that via 'creative dialogue', however some lines must be drawn when they cross character defamation, belittlement or cruelty hidden by the guise of 'orthodoxy'.

On the 'forecasting for Jesus' note,'ll see passages addressing those criticizing the so called second coming of the Lord, those recognizing that its been centuries and still "no show" of Jesus, BUT the fact remains that some like Paul and other believes in 'Christ' in the first century actually believed he would return then, but hes still 'missing in action' (MIA) ;) - this notwithstanding that the 'Christ' indwells those persons of faith, born of the Spirit anyways, so it may make little difference if a glorified 'flesh & blood' Jesus appears anyways, but perhaps I digress.

As far as those sporting 'God' around like hes some MAN of war, YHWH in the OT seemed like a pretty wrathful tribal warlord 'god', so we cant blame critics of this 'harsh' image of YHWH that he himself portrays in the halls of so called 'sacred scripture'.

The issues of 'war' itself comes down to tribal or national policies and safety issues, while 'self defense' is necessary and proper in some cases, while killing just for the sake of killing is of course unethical, cruel and inhumane for starters. Jesus however does say he came to bring a 'sword' but this was more a sword of truth, cutting away falsehood and motives that promote or encourage human suffering, cruelty and injustice.

It behooves any thinking religionist to consider the primary law taught by Jesus which is LOVE, which includes the synergestic action of loving God and your fellow man, since in truth all life is an indivisible unity anyways, hence harming another is harming yourself, while nurturing another is the nurturing of your own self as well. Any infraction or violation of the law of love would then need to be explained, justified or rationalized away.


Eclectic Theosophist

Not for those investing the time to read, explore, understand and expand consciousness via 'creative writing'.

Be careful before 'judging', until you can show specifically what is 'drivel' and provide a cogent rational counter argument ;)

I've recently acknowledged this is all 'aphabet soup' anyways, but you can have fun and derive some meaning or value in how the 'letters' are arranged, thereby enhancing discussion.

If you're happy with a two-bit microwave pop-theology, so be it.


Eclectic Theosophist


Yeah, quote Revelation to say that you have overcome the flesh like Jesus did, Fake News [MENTION=18157]marhig[/MENTION] also

Oh so Jesus is just an unattainable 'example' of how we are to live our lives and follow in his footsteps, and we can also reject a good portion of Paul's instructions too, about crucifying the 'flesh' to follow after the Spirit. Also if we cannot overcome our lower carnal nature and ego which fights against all that is good and spiritual, then we cannot 'overcome' (specifically anything and everything in general), and therefore the 'rewards' listed in Revelation and the whole Bible in general are unattainable, or more or less frivolous.

Just worship Jesus as some kind of demi-god (who becomes then a false idol) who does all the work for you. Thats very problematic on so many levels, but if it gets you a "free ticket" into heaven, I guess its a good "go to" card when your personal efforts to DO and attain to those levels and conditions of spiritual discipline and holiness are just too difficult for you.


Well-known member
Oh so Jesus is just an unattainable 'example' of how we are to live our lives and follow in his footsteps, and we can also reject a good portion of Paul's instructions too, about crucifying the 'flesh' to follow after the Spirit. Also if we cannot overcome our lower carnal nature and ego which fights against all that is good and spiritual, then we cannot 'overcome' (specifically anything and everything in general), and therefore the 'rewards' listed in Revelation and the whole Bible in general are unattainable, or more or less frivolous.

Just worship Jesus as some kind of demi-god (who becomes then a false idol) who does all the work for you. Thats very problematic on so many levels, but if it gets you a "free ticket" into heaven, I guess its a good "go to" card when your personal efforts to DO and attain to those levels and conditions of spiritual discipline and holiness are just too difficult for you.

You certainly read a lot into that post of PJ's, didn't you?

Quit reminds me of God's Untruth, and I can't take any more like her.


Well-known member
We have to overcome this world. That means we have to overcome sin and that has to do with our flesh.

Jesus is the One who overcame the world. He gets all the glory, and you get none of it.

John 16:33
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

So, anything you say after your initial error is nothing but compounded error.


Eclectic Theosophist
You certainly read a lot into that post of PJ's, didn't you?

Quit reminds me of God's Untruth, and I can't take any more like her.

I'm addressing his comments appropriately, giving him an opportunity to do some 'free thinking' on his own. One can 'read' what they like into anything, but by all means, think for yourself. My posts are also for the general readership, spin them as you wish. Much of it while making very good and pertinent points is 'creative fun' too. Perhaps you may want to lighten up. Isn't the JOY of the Lord your strength? :)


Well-known member
I'm addressing his comments appropriately, giving him an opportunity to do some 'free thinking' on his own. One can 'read' what they like into anything, but by all means, think for yourself. My posts are also for the general readership, spin them as you wish. Much of it while making very good and pertinent points is 'creative fun' too. Perhaps you may want to lighten up. Isn't the JOY of the Lord your strength? :)

Well, as long as you admit to reading things into someone's posts, I guess I can let it go. ;)

patrick jane

Oh so Jesus is just an unattainable 'example' of how we are to live our lives and follow in his footsteps, and we can also reject a good portion of Paul's instructions too, about crucifying the 'flesh' to follow after the Spirit. Also if we cannot overcome our lower carnal nature and ego which fights against all that is good and spiritual, then we cannot 'overcome' (specifically anything and everything in general), and therefore the 'rewards' listed in Revelation and the whole Bible in general are unattainable, or more or less frivolous.

Just worship Jesus as some kind of demi-god (who becomes then a false idol) who does all the work for you. Thats very problematic on so many levels, but if it gets you a "free ticket" into heaven, I guess its a good "go to" card when your personal efforts to DO and attain to those levels and conditions of spiritual discipline and holiness are just too difficult for you.
Have you crucified your homosexuality?


Eclectic Theosophist
Have you crucified your homosexuality?


My former commentary is for your consideration touching on the points relating to your propositions. They stand, - you can ignore or creatively respond to them. - thats one of the wonderful things about actually having a 'dialogue'. Your pot-shot snippet responses do not qualify as engaging in a potentially productive dialogue.

If you're at all familiar with Paul's writings, he instructs his disciples much on cruficying (putting to death) the flesh, so that one may walk in the Spirit, for the Spirit is the life-principle. If you are assuming that you cannot put the flesh under and walk in the Spirit, then you are admitting your own inability in that, and/or assuming that no person on earth can do that.

Furthermore, Jesus said "be ye perfect even as your Father in heaven is perfect". - the context here in matthew was in how one loves others, being perfect like God in showing universal and impartial love like God, to all beings. In and by love are we made whole, perfect. This can be futher carried into the instrction to "be holy, even as God is holy". - Do these commandments no longer apply? Are they just good guidelines to live by,...."but one can really follow those rules". Is that the logic? Is that logic supported in scripture? Are all things possible with God?
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