All of the Bible is FOR us, but it's not all written TO us. That is not to say what you did above. We recognize that the Bible means what it says, AS it says it and TO WHOM it says it, but it's not all written to us. Simple. You wouldn't read your neighbor's mail as if it were written to you, why approach the Bible that way?
Just want to emphasize that most excellent point Heir made.
If we MADs are guilty of anything, we're guilty of taking the Bible exactly as it lays -- not robbing select chunks from different dispensations and forcing them to fit together a hundred different contradictory ways.
Imagine a small child with three or four jigsaw puzzles made by different companies. All four puzzles depict a lion.
What happens if the child gets the idea to combine ALL the pieces of ALL the puzzles into ONE BIG BEAUTIFUL lion picture?
Confusion and frustration. The picture each individual puzzle was intended to convey cannot come through clearly, if at all. Worse, some children might think whoever created the puzzles were fools because, even though the kids quickly see the combination DOES NOT WORK, they remain convinced that, somehow, ALL the pieces MUST go together because it's all still a lion.
The fact that the puzzle isn't working for them, they blame on the puzzle or whoever made it. It never occurs to them that they're doing it wrong.
Same thing happens with adults who don't realize (or, worse, refuse to believe) that while all the Bible is FOR us, it is not all TO us, ABOUT us, nor intended for OUR application. What the erring child does with different puzzles, these adults do the same with with the Bible...except in this case, the honor and reputation of God and His Word, and the souls of men, are on the line.
And whereas children tend to be more honest and receptive to correction, prideful adults who have invested their faith in whatever can and do find ANY excuse to keep doing what they're doing even though
they know it isn't working. Why? Because the alternative - simply admitting your assumptions have been wrong and you were misled - they refuse to do. So instead of becoming like an honest little child and admitting the error to God and asking for light, they press on in their error and hate those who dare try to expose it (namely, us).
I know this as a first-hand fact. I used to be one of those adults.
Agree or disagree, that's how we see it and that's why we take this matter with the utmost seriousness: reading the Bible wrong can separate otherwise sincere people from the grace of God and send them to the Lake of Fire. As ambassadors, we're doing what we can to help prevent it.