things are different now...for me

Mr. 5020

New member
You're welcome. :)

my personal opinion is its best to follow scripture

and that's been asked and answered already no?
It's certainly possible. I skimmed the previous seven pages and didn't notice it.

Thank you for answering, anyway.

my opinion remains "Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed--not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence--continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling," Philippians 2:12

and as far as getting to heaven...outside of what scripture says I have no clue...I just love and pray and trust and obey
How do you reconcile this with Scriptures like Ephesians 2?


New member
You're welcome. :)

It's certainly possible. I skimmed the previous seven pages and didn't notice it.

Thank you for answering, anyway.

How do you reconcile this with Scriptures like Ephesians 2?

ephesians 2? any particular verse?

reconcile what?

oh works? ha

its like dishes its only a chore when you don't want to do them...but there are times you want them done...

gratitude for His grace causes me to desire to do obey...

no boasting here...just amazed by how awesome the kitchen looks and how hygienic it is

19 "Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household,"

see? my faith through grace makes me no longer foreign...I want to be a good citizen and member of the what are the rules?


New member
"This is the covenant I will make with the people of Israel after that time," declares the LORD. "I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people.Jeremiah 31:33

God's new covenant with the House of Israel and the House of Judah has certainly not happened yet.


New member
That is not in the Torah.
neither was salvation...its intention...

but now the author of the laws, the One who inspired torah, and who was the point of torah, has made us kings and priests...and our bodies temples...

The law was in the Book of the Law placed beside the ark of the covenant.

some of it was...the important part was on stone tablets inside the ark...but yes the handwriting witness against us was placed outside

but tell me...where was Yah's eternal law prior to that? was there law prior the Israelite priests and Temple? and where did it reside?

please recall that the Israelites even made an idol of the its not about the stones or the priests but what is in our hearts and minds...


New member
God's new covenant with the House of Israel and the House of Judah has certainly not happened yet.

temporal or spiritual Israel?

...because the covenant was indeed renewed and extended to anyone as evidenced by the ripping of the curtain between the holy and the most any and all can approach the law and be need for priests or sacrifice...its for all...

but yes the new Jerusalem is yet to descend from above...the promise of our covenant


New member
The church of God is not the ten tribes of Israel nor is it the three tribes of Judah.

The church of God is spiritual Israel with no ethnic distinctions and like Jesus is not subject to the Law of Moses. God has given the church a perfect law. A perfect law needs nothing added or taken away.


New member
The church of God is not the ten tribes of Israel nor is it the three tribes of Judah.

The church of God is spiritual Israel with no ethnic distinctions and like Jesus is not subject to the Law of Moses. God has given the church a perfect law. A perfect law needs nothing added or taken away.

please answer the question

"was there law prior the Israelite priests and Temple? and where did it reside? "

and what specifically do you call the Law of Moses?

Yes, its true, Yah has given a perfect law to Moses for His people those that love Him will obey. King David called the OT law perfect...and Yahusha confirmed that not a jot or tittle would be changed...Paul maintains we are to establish it...the churches in Revelations were chastised for not obeying it...

judgement day is coming and what will be used to point out sin?

oh yes, the law...


New member
and what specifically do you call the Law of Moses?

The Law of Moses is the statutes and judgments God gave for the people of Jacob and that Moses recorded in the Book of the Law. These statutes and judgments were only for Israel and only until the coming of Christ to the Jews.

The Law of Moses is ancient history.


New member
Yes, its true, Yah has given a perfect law to Moses for His people...

If therefore perfection were by the Levitical priesthood (for under it the people received the law) what further need was there that another priest should rise after the order of Melchisedec and not be called after the order of Aaron? (Hebrews 7:11)​

The Mosaic law served as a guide to Israel until the ministry of Jesus Christ. Now that law is history.


New member
If therefore perfection were by the Levitical priesthood (for under it the people received the law) what further need was there that another priest should rise after the order of Melchisedec and not be called after the order of Aaron? (Hebrews 7:11)​

The Mosaic law served as a guide to Israel until the ministry of Jesus Christ. Now that law is history.

the law is does not make perfect...

and Yahusha the high priest did not nullify the very law that authorizes Him...

Yahusha makes perfect...

His father's law remains...all of it...for everyone...

Yahusha provides that this law is kept...not destroyed...

sacrifices are no longer needed...and they never achieved perfection/eternal salvation anyway

but the yearly calendar of feasts a memorial of, not means to, salvation
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New member
sacrifices are no longer needed...

That is not in the Torah and the Torah says don't add to me and don't take away from me. Yeah, the Torah says that.

Next you'll probably be claiming the Torah does away with circumcision, but you would be wrong.

Were you born in Israel?

Ye shall dwell in booths seven days, all that are Israelites born shall dwell in booths... (Leviticus 23:42)​

The NKJV says, "You shall dwell in booths for seven days. All who are native Israelites shall dwell in booths."

Does that include you? Were you born in the land?


New member
That is not in the Torah and the Torah says don't add to me and don't take away from me. Yeah, the Torah says that.
but you said "Now that law is history."

so which is it?

please answer the question finally

"was there law prior the Israelite priests and Temple? and where did it reside? "

Next you'll probably be claiming the Torah does away with circumcision, but you would be wrong.
nope wont claim that

Were you born in Israel?

Ye shall dwell in booths seven days, all that are Israelites born shall dwell in booths... (Leviticus 23:42)​

The NKJV says, "You shall dwell in booths for seven days. All who are native Israelites shall dwell in booths."

Does that include you? Were you born in the land?

anyone can dwell in booths...anyone can circumcise...anyone can still sacrifice...but it will merit nothing...just like in the torah...the law failed to perfect...

but once the perfect sacrifice of Yahusha was made the debt was more need for blood shed...

this did not occur in the torah but years later..."If you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote about me."

please define the law of moses and the law of Yah... or are they the same to you?

the blood of yahusha merely paid the debt of law, the witness against us...much remains of the law

Passover and Pentecost were still kept even after the death and resurrection...

the holy days are actually the calendar, the law merely regulated what was done on those days

its like a birthday...once the person born on that day is dead the parties are over but the day remains...and people remember it as a birthday but usually only if you loved the deceased...

but now we are on a roman calendar so people are more confused than ever and distant from the is not only ritual and ceremony but it also designates time and identity

see? that moon which was created on the fourth day was given a job and set into place to foretell the seasons...planting to harvest...

the laws merely help to regulate a calendar and organize a be saved and a witness...
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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
ephesians 2? any particular verse?

reconcile what?

oh works? ha

its like dishes its only a chore when you don't want to do them...but there are times you want them done...

gratitude for His grace causes me to desire to do obey...

no boasting here...just amazed by how awesome the kitchen looks and how hygienic it is

19 "Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household,"

see? my faith through grace makes me no longer foreign...I want to be a good citizen and member of the what are the rules?

What are you supposed to be? The newest Biblical expert on the forum? I think you boast whenever you post, big shot!:mmph:


New member
What are you supposed to be? The newest Biblical expert on the forum? I think you boast whenever you post, big shot!:mmph:

you ever have some good news to tell? some understanding to share?

no I am certainly not an expert but just thought I would share some stuff I am excited about...

Therefore, as it is written: "Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord."1 Corinthians 1:31

this is about Him not me...I just see things different now...


New member
"was there law prior the Israelite priests and Temple? and where did it reside? "

Yes, the people of Jacob obeyed Egyptian law for several years. I don't understand why you ask the question.

Sumaria's law code long preceded the Mosaic code.


New member
this did not occur in the torah but years later..."If you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote about me."

please define the law of moses and the law of Yah... or are they the same to you?

God thundered his law from the top of the mountain and then he wrote it on tablets of stone.

God dictated the statutes and judgments he wanted for the nation of Israel.

All spiritual law comes from God, he is the Lawgiver.


New member
God thundered his law from the top of the mountain and then he wrote it on tablets of stone.

God dictated the statutes and judgments he wanted for the nation of Israel.

All spiritual law comes from God, he is the Lawgiver.

even the Sumerian laws? Did He give those?

So those laws statutes and judgments He gave were only for the nation of Israel?

And made known only at the time they were thundered down from the mountain?

Or why was Joseph more concerned about doing great evil against his God and not his master when he refused his masters wife?

Why was Sabbath given to the stranger within their gates? or the foreigner allowed Passover but only after circumcised?