The Word Made Flesh


You read in your bible and you believe that
people use to live upwards to 900 years and
God flooded the whole earth by water.

Sons of God came down from heaven and bred with women
The Red Sea parted for Moses and a multitude of people
to walk upon dry land.

And not to mention all the great signs and wonders
that God performed at the word of Moses.

People brought back from the dead.

Samuel brought up from hell at the request of King Saul.

I could go on and on and on.

But yet I tell you that I am over 2000 years old
and you cast me off as a jester.

No wonder Jesus said...

If I have told you earthly things,
and ye believe not, how shall ye believe,
if I tell you of heavenly things?


Why do you make statements you are not willing to honor?

If you do not honor your own words
then you bring dishonor upon yourself.

It is better to say nothing
than to say something
worth nothing.

good day, you are on ignore.


God is the origin of all life.

In fact, God is life.

God has always existed.

Therefore life has always existed

because God is the origin of life.

God did not create Himself.

Therefore God did not create life.

It always existed.

Because God always existed.

God is a Spirit.
John 4-24 :God is a Spirit:

The Spirit of Life.

God did not create Himself.

Therefore God hence the Spirit of Life has always existed.

Therefore God is the origin of all life.

Note*** There are no dead spirits.

God did not make Himself come alive.

Is God the Father of all spirits?


I have read and heard many interpretations and variations
of diverse kinds of doctrines to which all derived from
the phrase " the word made flesh ".

Class begin.

John - Chapter 1

Verse 1

In the beginning was the Word
and the Word was with God
and the Word was God.

1. The beginning of what?

Note*** God has no beginning or end.

Therefore it cannot be the beginning of life.

for God is life and has no beginning.


New member
I am glad you said it was just many and not everyone but, so what? I have known many self anointed like you. Does that make me right?? Can you save me? I believe you are too consumed by the law of your flesh to allow God to consume you with Himself.

Ellen White was the founder of 7th day Adventistism. I am not of her persuasion. Ever read Oswald Chambers?

I forgive you!!

Thanks for pointing up the reason for your "headiness".

The Agape way is a narrow Way and few there be that find it. Now where would you like to go with that revelation truth?

No, not at all, however, who made you judge and jury??

Wonderful!! Jesus said, "My flesh is true and genuine food, and My blood is true and genuine drink. He who feeds on My flesh and drinks My blood dwells continually in Me, and I [in like manner dwell continually] in him." John 6:55-56 (AMP) Anyone IN Him knows what it means. Are yu there yet?

And I am quite sure that is fully the way it is between you and her.. :rolleyes:

You mean knowledge doesn't puff up?? <scratching head> Then what in the world could be your reason for your condescension?

Yes. Knowledge of what? Taught by whom? Jesus said it needs be the Holy Spirit, you say someone else. How come? Question: How does one work out his/her salvation by using Greek lexicons? OK, several lexicons?

Thank you.

Though being God = Because of the trust God had in Him that He would NOT fail in His mission, God witheld nothing from Jesus. Jesus was full of Grace and Truth. Do you know any other man for which that can be said of him? But yet:". . . though being essentially one with God and in the form of God [possessing the fullness of the attributes which make God God], [The Word] did not think this equality with God was a thing to be easily grasped or retained, But stripped Himself [of all privileges and rightful dignity], so as to assume the guise of a servant (slave), in that He became like men and was born a human being. And after He had appeared in human form, He abased and humbled Himself [still further] and carried His obedience to the extreme of death, even the death of the cross! Therefore [because He stooped so low] God has highly exalted Him and has freely bestowed on Him the name that is above every name, That in (at) the name of Jesus every knee (will) bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, And every tongue confess and acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." Philippians 2:6-11

Really? When only a sinless man from conception, totally obedient and righteous before God in every aspect of his life was needed for the sacrifice that would have canceled out Adam's transgression, you say that wasn't good enough and he had to be more? Why? Please answer that question.

Why several? Isn't one good enough?

If I was I would not be going back and forth with you. Intellectualism never saved anyone. . . . only puffed them up.

Cross, I have to apologize. I haven't been on forums in years, and I get too easily defensive and caught up. what I say may have been true (even if you disagree) but it was not said in Love. I did not bring forth the quality/character/activity of Love, and for that I am truly sorry. I am confessing my fault to you. I have felt awful all day since I reacted such. Please forgive me.

We clearly have a lot of disagreements here, coming from very different perspectives. I want to from henceforth more graciously, thoughtfully, and intentionally respond.

My problems with kenoticism are thus:

1. It emphasizes Christ's humanity inordinately, and so

2. Too much distinguishes Father and Son into separate beings, not just separate persons. I have heard many who teach/are taught this doctrine to refer to the trinity as three GUYS, or DUDES, which the fathers at Nicea never intended.

3. It is not about what Christ's actions. It is about who He was, and what He did only because of who He was. If he was not authentically divine, then it is invalid.

And that 1 Cor passage is only talking about passing experiential knowledge (gnosis) according to meat sacrificed to idols, not clear and exact experiential knowledge by divine revelation of faith (epignosis).


Would you all please take your petty arguments
and disagreements somewhere else.

And not pollute my thread of knowledge and wisdom with
any more of your stupidities.

Thank you


God is the origin of all life.

In fact, God is life.

God has always existed.

Therefore life has always existed

because God is the origin of life.

God did not create Himself.

Therefore God did not create life.

It always existed.

Because God always existed.

God is a Spirit.
John 4-24 :God is a Spirit:

The Spirit of Life.

God did not create Himself.

Therefore God hence the Spirit of Life has always existed.

Therefore God is the origin of all life.

Note*** There are no dead spirits.

God did not make Himself come alive.

Is God the Father of all spirits?

I have read and heard many interpretations and variations
of diverse kinds of doctrines to which all derived from
the phrase " the word made flesh ".

John - Chapter 1

Verse 1

In the beginning was the Word
and the Word was with God
and the Word was God.

1. The beginning of what?

Note*** God has no beginning or end.

Therefore it cannot be the beginning of life.

for God is life and has no beginning
nor no end.