The Word Made Flesh


Except that Christ says, "Thy Logos is truth." Logos is speech, discourse, thought, and expression. If Logos is truth, words are pretty important.

But if you are going to refuse the wisdom of 2000 years of church doctrine, then go ahead.

All wisdom comes from the Spirit of Wisdom.

I have the Spirit of Wisdom without measure.

And I am older than 2000 years.


There are many spirits that have entered into your world
that existed long before they entered into your world by a woman's womb.

If you cannot believe this simple truth then how can you believe
Jesus existed before He came to your world?

Do you really believe that Jesus is the only one to ever do this?


Well-known member
The term "god" and the term "lord" are titles. Paul said, "...yet for us there is one God, the Father, of whom are all things and we for Him, and one Lord Jesus Christ, through whom are all things and through whom we live." (1 Corinthians 8:6)

However, the Father has given the Son the capability of imparting eternal life, which makes Jesus also God.

There is one God in the same way our nation is one nation, but not one person. You don't comprehend the kingdom of God.

E pluribus unum.

Do you understand that Christ still has a God over him?


Well-known member
A spirit or any spirit for that matter has life.
Therefore it cannot be created.

I disagree.
Christ is a spirit and he was created.
Heb 1:3

Unless you believe that God created Himself
for God is life and the origin of all life.

To be a spirit with life
you have had to be born.

So that brings me back to this question...

Is God the Father of all spirits?

If not then who else is besides God?

Jesus was born but Christ was not.


I disagree.
Christ is a spirit and he was created.
Heb 1:3

Jesus was born but Christ was not.
I have already proved on this thread
that life cannot be created.

It can only be reproduced from it's origin.

Which is God.

Therefore no Spirit or spirit is created.

It is reproduced from it's origin which is God.

God is Spirit.

God did not create Himself.


Now the body of a creature can be created but
the life of that body is the spirit.

Without the spirit there is no life.

The spirit leaves the body the body dies.


Well-known member
I have already proved on this thread
that life cannot be created.

It can only be reproduced from it's origin.

Which is God.

Therefore no Spirit or spirit is created.

It is reproduced from it's origin which is God.

God is Spirit.

God did not create Himself.

You only proved it to yourself friend.

The Father created his son and was pleased that it had his fullness.


New member
All wisdom comes from the Spirit of Wisdom.

I have the Spirit of Wisdom without measure.

And I am older than 2000 years.
You reminded me of the poster The Word aka Brad, is that you?
If so, iirc you thought that your flesh would soon be killed as Jesus' was.
Perhaps things haven't gone entirely to plan? :think:
If not, my bad.
Some people believe the Word is the Bible and I'm here to show you he's alive and well. He didn't need the scriptures when he was using his flesh to preach the gospel and he doesn't need it while he's using my flesh, either.

Cross Reference

New member
Talk more. I think I agree with you, so far I concur with all that you've put forth. Can you elaborate more?

First you have to decide if what I wrote is an accurate assessment. I believe it is.

I will probably say too much in going further but, perhaps this will help in generating some fresh thoughts:

Note: #1 Both Adam and Jesus came from hand of God. Both were innocent purposed to be made Holy. Jesus was not God but had the Spirit of God: *“Who, although being essentially one with God and in the form of God [possessing the fullness of the attributes which make God God], did not think this equality with God was a thing to be eagerly grasped or retained, But [the Word that Moses saw per Ex 33:20-23 KJV] stripped Himself [of all privileges and rightful dignity], so as to assume the guise of a servant (slave), in that He became like men and was born a human being, withheld nothing from Him of His Father’s power indwelling Him until the cross when it was withdrawn for Him to be able to descend into the grave for setting the captives free.

#2 Death could not hold Jesus because He was without sin. At this point in time was His Father’s Spirit free to re-enter the life of the human Jesus to raise Him up to His new Glorified state. *Php 2:6-7 (AMP)
Now, because the new birth from above made possible by His resurrection, add all that to this:

“But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. Romans 8:11 (KJV)

By that fact, I believe we can conclude if we are born again the only difference between Jesus and us is we were born in sin that innocence evaporated soon after infancy due to several factors we might discuss later whereas His didn’'t but went on by the nurturing of the Holy Ghost unto perfection in the Father. The humanly vulnerable Jesus was given to protect His ‘Birth’ right Him against the wiles of Satan. The new born of Him is given the very same responsibility. cf John 17:1ff

Both Adam and Jesus came from the hand of God. Both were innocent purposed to be made Holy. Both were “made” Spiritual ‘babies’ to be brought along into ‘sonship’ and further along unto ‘fatherhood’ in the Godhead. Only by the living out of both lives, both human and divine, would God the Father’s heart’s desire of having “many sons brought unto glory” be realized.

Thus I hope we can see His sinless conception to be the only way for entrance into Adam’s race for man's redemption. A sinless being had come into Adam's race without divinity but subjected to it and from the outside was it the only way. Everything else Jesus did could have been done by, and many times was done by, anyone God chose. [that might have been part of the reason for Moses and Elijah’s conversation with Jesus on the Mount that day]. Paul worked all this out by his life for our understanding. He was an extension of Jesus and performed in the ways of God Jesus could never have done in a world that would not have received Him except for what they could get out it. cf John 6:1ff. Such is the action of a corrupted human nature Paul was given to ‘*witness’ to of God..


All wisdom comes from the Spirit of Wisdom.

I have the Spirit of Wisdom without measure.

And I am older than 2000 years.

You just blew it.

now I understand that you are playing game.

so much for your mysterious questions.


New member
First you have to decide if what I wrote is an accurate assessment. I believe it is.

I will probably say too much in going further but, perhaps this will help in generating some fresh thoughts:

Note: #1 Both Adam and Jesus came from hand of God. Both were innocent purposed to be made Holy. Jesus was not God but had the Spirit of God: *“Who, although being essentially one with God and in the form of God [possessing the fullness of the attributes which make God God], did not think this equality with God was a thing to be eagerly grasped or retained, But [the Word that Moses saw per Ex 33:20-23 KJV] stripped Himself [of all privileges and rightful dignity], so as to assume the guise of a servant (slave), in that He became like men and was born a human being, withheld nothing from Him of His Father’s power indwelling Him until the cross when it was withdrawn for Him to be able to descend into the grave for setting the captives free.

#2 Death could not hold Jesus because He was without sin. At this point in time was His Father’s Spirit free to re-enter the life of the human Jesus to raise Him up to His new Glorified state. *Php 2:6-7 (AMP)
Now, because the new birth from above made possible by His resurrection, add all that to this:

“But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. Romans 8:11 (KJV)

By that fact, I believe we can conclude if we are born again the only difference between Jesus and us is we were born in sin that innocence evaporated soon after infancy due to several factors we might discuss later whereas His didn’'t but went on by the nurturing of the Holy Ghost unto perfection in the Father. The humanly vulnerable Jesus was given to protect His ‘Birth’ right Him against the wiles of Satan. The new born of Him is given the very same responsibility. cf John 17:1ff

Both Adam and Jesus came from the hand of God. Both were innocent purposed to be made Holy. Both were “made” Spiritual ‘babies’ to be brought along into ‘sonship’ and further along unto ‘fatherhood’ in the Godhead. Only by the living out of both lives, both human and divine, would God the Father’s heart’s desire of having “many sons brought unto glory” be realized.

Thus I hope we can see His sinless conception to be the only way for entrance into Adam’s race for man's redemption. A sinless being had come into Adam's race without divinity but subjected to it and from the outside was it the only way. Everything else Jesus did could have been done by, and many times was done by, anyone God chose. [that might have been part of the reason for Moses and Elijah’s conversation with Jesus on the Mount that day]. Paul worked all this out by his life for our understanding. He was an extension of Jesus and performed in the ways of God Jesus could never have done in a world that would not have received Him except for what they could get out it. cf John 6:1ff. Such is the action of a corrupted human nature Paul was given to ‘*witness’ to of God..

Eek. I'm glad I asked for more. Now I understand what you were trying to say. That's Hegelian Kenoticism, which states that Christ emptied Himself of divinity but was filled with the Holy Spirit. That's not what kenao means in that passage. I've left churches that preach that. Not a fan. Definitely not a fan.

Cross Reference

New member
Eek. I'm glad I asked for more. Now I understand what you were trying to say. That's Hegelian Kenoticism, which states that Christ emptied Himself of divinity but was filled with the Holy Spirit. That's not what kenao means in that passage. I've left churches that preach that. Not a fan. Definitely not a fan.

Thanks! I didn't know I was a Heg-what? Keno, who?

Sorry for your unfortunate experience by rejecting a perspective only to embrace another that still leaves you with an opinion that is incomplete. I have enjoyed mine because it has allowed me to connect some dots having to do with the mystery Paul speaks of. BTW, are you a Pentecostal?

The Word did empty Himself to become a human, the son of God in the legal sense and the son of man in the eternal sense. That is why Christ is a title given to Him. Notice that the Word isn't isn't coming again in clouds of glory nor is the son of God. Why not ask yourself why the son of man is? Why did God give the son of man a name higher than any name in heaven, even higher than His own. Why wasn't it written of Jesus that while upon Earth He was never addressed as being:

". . . . Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father [of Eternity], Prince of Peace."
Isaiah 9:6 (AMP) but now is, Hmmm?

Now, what part of it ALL do you think I have incorrectly thought through when speaking of Jesus Christ without the need for Greek or Hebrew language skills?


New member
Thanks! I didn't know I was a Heg-what? Keno, who?

Sorry for your unfortunate experience by rejecting a perspective only to embrace another that still leaves you with an opinion that is incomplete. I have enjoyed mine because it has allowed me to connect some dots having to do with the mystery Paul speaks of. BTW, are you a Pentecostal?

NO. Definitely not pentecostal. Reformed.

The Word did empty Himself to become a human, the son of God in the legal sense and the son of man in the eternal sense. That is why Christ is a title given to Him. Notice that the Word isn't isn't coming again in clouds of glory nor is the son of God. Why not ask yourself why the son of man is? Why did God give the son of man a name higher than any name in heaven, even higher than His own. Why wasn't it written of Jesus that while upon Earth He was never addressed as being:

". . . . Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father [of Eternity], Prince of Peace."
Isaiah 9:6 (AMP) but now is, Hmmm?

Now, what part of it ALL do you think I have incorrectly thought through when speaking of Jesus Christ without the need for Greek or Hebrew language skills?

...That's the problem. Without evaluating the Greek text, people get to weird doctrinal conclusions like this. That is the point of church leadership -- to teach the oracles of truth, and to do all of that hard legwork for the laypeople. But church leadership over the past few centuries have gone astray into shades of heresy. It's horrendous.

So no, I cannot answer your question without referencing Hebrew and Greek for the simple reason that I know what I know by the biblical languages. My time in scripture is at least 51% spent studying the words etymologically before evaluating it in context. That is how I know scripture. How could I reference it by any other means?

For a non-scriptural example, I like foreign film/music. And I remember quotes and verses in the foreign language. It leaves a different impression on my mind, the one intended by the writer/artist in that language. I can translate my understanding from that language, but I cannot give you an English-only perspective. I am incapable, because the original foreign language understanding is already engraved into my perception.

If I am not "allowed" to access the Greek, there is no need to further this discussion.