The Word Made Flesh

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NO. Definitely not pentecostal. Reformed.

Why NO? Definitely not pentecostal? All of my teachers are penetecostal reform people.. Who messed with your mind to persuaded you away from the "coming upon of the Holy Spirit"?

...That's the problem.

Only to your thinking have I a problem. I don't see it that way.

OMT: I asked you where I was wrong in my understanding? What part, you don't mention. You just accuse without offering up anything.

So how 'bout evaluating what I wrote any way you see fit using whatever commentary you choose?


New member
Why NO? Definitely not pentecostal? All of my teachers are penetecostal reform people.. Who messed with your mind to persuaded you away from the "coming upon of the Holy Spirit"?

LOL. I was raised pentecostal, and am worse off for a fallacious, heretical understanding of the trinity. No thank you.

Only to your thinking have I a problem. I don't see it that way.

OMT: I asked you where I was wrong in my understanding? What part, you don't mention. You just accuse without offering up anything.

So how 'bout evaluating what I wrote any way you see fit using whatever commentary you choose?

The entire foundation is wrong. Everything is subtly wrong because of how you have misunderstood the text, especially the word "kenao."

I am not using a commentary. I'm using Greek.

Cross Reference

New member
LOL. I was raised pentecostal, and am worse off for a fallacious, heretical understanding of the trinity. No thank you.

The entire foundation is wrong. Everything is subtly wrong because of how you have misunderstood the text, especially the word "kenao."

I am not using a commentary. I'm using Greek.

How do you KNOW my foundation is wrong? Who told you?

Why not try this out: Quit worshipping the Greek language. It desn't hold a candle to being taight by the Holy Spirit who gives insight. You forfeit insight by the way you go about getting understanding, i.e., standing with man's reasoning. If the Greek language floats your boat it does so only to the degree you permit. If it doesn't you simply do a refit by choosing another Greek scholar where enjoyment in his agreement might be found. Dollars to donuts everyone of your Greek opinions are of the Coptic Greek.


New member
How do you KNOW my foundation is wrong? Who told you?

Why not try this out: Quit worshipping the Greek language. It desn't hold a candle to being taight by the Holy Spirit who gives insight. You forfeit insight by the way you go about getting understanding, i.e., standing with man's reasoning. If the Greek language floats your boat it does so only to the degree you permit. If it doesn't you simply do a refit by choosing another Greek scholar where enjoyment in his agreement might be found. Dollars to donuts everyone of your Greek opinions are of the Coptic Greek.

My Greek only makes sense because of the knowledge of the Spirit. Appealing to "The Holy Spirit" is more subjective than appealing to the Greek. Look at the diversity of nonsense in the past two centuries. All under "The Holy Spirit."

Over the past 2 millennia, those that have studied the text in Greek come to largely akin conclusions. Even Erasmus and Luther were closer to eachother than most people are today.

Where do you think you got your English Bible? It's like saying that because you have steak, you don't need cows or butchers. Well, I appreciate the cow and the butcher, and actually talk to my butcher about my cow. (Not just figuratively, but literally, I do so with my meat.)

The kind of doctrine you are putting forth here is what is leading millions into heresy. Many people I love are lost in it. And I am deeply grieved.


New member
The entire foundation is wrong. Everything is subtly wrong because of how you have misunderstood the text, especially the word "kenao."

I am not using a commentary. I'm using Greek.

They have to re-write the bible to get their hyper-grace trash to fly. The layman who reads the bible and prays for the Holy Spirit to guide him is not good enough anymore. I need the re-incarnation of Greek philosophy to guide me now.

Cross Reference

New member
My Greek only makes sense because of the knowledge of the Spirit. Appealing to "The Holy Spirit" is more subjective than appealing to the Greek. Look at the diversity of nonsense in the past two centuries. All under "The Holy Spirit."

"All under the Holy Spirit"? You are off base, son. You are calling Jesus Christ a Iiar and a cheat. Surely you have better discernment than that even without pentecost in your life?

Over the past 2 millennia, those that have studied the text in Greek come to largely akin conclusions. Even Erasmus and Luther were closer to eachother than most people are today.

But you don't know that! What do you know at all after struggling for understanding from the various Greek scholars which have fed you their opinions?

Where do you think you got your English Bible?

And what Bible has persuaded more people to Jesus Christ than any other, hmmm? How come that is so except God has performed it? Do you think He performs His teaching using any other in like fashion?

It's like saying that because you have steak, you don't need cows or butchers. Well, I appreciate the cow and the butcher, and actually talk to my butcher about my cow. (Not just figuratively, but literally, I do so with my meat.)

Great! Are you any closer to the "Meat" because of your preferences?? I know that you aren't.

The kind of doctrine you are putting forth here is what is leading millions into heresy. Many people I love are lost in it. And I am deeply grieved.

And I am positive you are about reclaiming as many as you can, right? <bilge>

Your 'knowledge' has had its way with you for sure. "Now as touching things offered unto idols, In this case Greek scholarship, Knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifieth.
1 Corinthians 8:1 (KJV). Got any charity at the end of your work day?

I believe that glove fits your hand quite nicely.

And you still have not refuted what I have written but only say it is based on a wrong foundation. Tragic you can't address any of it from your foundation, you being so much more important than me.

Cross Reference

New member
My Greek only makes sense because of the knowledge of the Spirit. Appealing to "The Holy Spirit" is more subjective than appealing to the Greek. Look at the diversity of nonsense in the past two centuries. All under "The Holy Spirit."

Over the past 2 millennia, those that have studied the text in Greek come to largely akin conclusions. Even Erasmus and Luther were closer to eachother than most people are today.

Where do you think you got your English Bible? It's like saying that because you have steak, you don't need cows or butchers. Well, I appreciate the cow and the butcher, and actually talk to my butcher about my cow. (Not just figuratively, but literally, I do so with my meat.)

The kind of doctrine you are putting forth here is what is leading millions into heresy. Many people I love are lost in it. And I am deeply grieved.

You are deeply misguided and show little understandng of what the Bible teaches.

I am not using a commentary. I'm using Greek.

Which Greek commentary?

Cross Reference

New member
I agree with Truth friend, "The kind of doctrine you are putting forth here is what is leading millions into heresy."

Stop cherry picking a verse that suits you and be truthful as you claim to be. Agree with Mark 8:38;13:26; Matt 1:27; Rev 1:7 because they are the words of Jesus.


New member
This question although simplistic at first glance actually opens a whole can of issues. First of all - do we even have a universally agreeable definition of flesh? Secondly, does something necessarily have to be exist, if it was made? I think if you answer these questions first we can get down to the root of your problem!


New member
"All under the Holy Spirit"? You are off base, son. You are calling Jesus Christ a Iiar and a cheat. Surely you have better discernment than that even without pentecost in your life?

I have known many people who claim inspiration of the Holy Spirit, but everything they speak is Heretical nonsense. Heretics like Ellen White claim inspiration by God. And many other "prophets." Yet the sectarianization of the church over the past two centuries only demonstrates lawlessness, not the righteousness of God.

(And I'll have you know I'm a woman, not a man.)

But you don't know that! What do you know at all after struggling for understanding from the various Greek scholars which have fed you their opinions?
How do you know where my opinions come from? I've studied the works of and about theologians from the patristics to the reformers. Even the early patristics agreed on more than the various groups of the church do now.

And what Bible has persuaded more people to Jesus Christ than any other, hmmm? How come that is so except God has performed it? Do you think He performs His teaching using any other in like fashion?
If you are implicating the KJV, you have a very narrow scope of the church. Are you forgetting the world church? Are you assuming that all "persuaded" are truly saved?

Great! Are you any closer to the "Meat" because of your preferences?? I know that you aren't.
Actually, I know where my meat comes from, and I not only eat the steak, but the whole cow.

And I am positive you are about reclaiming as many as you can, right? <bilge>
Yes, when I have a sister who believes that she can prophecy/speak tongues/heal because she's filled with the holy spirit and do it as a work for her own self-worth? And I know many others of the same spirit? Then yeah, I would love to reclaim them for the kingdom.

Your 'knowledge' has had its way with you for sure. "Now as touching things offered unto idols, In this case Greek scholarship, Knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifieth.
1 Corinthians 8:1 (KJV). Got any charity at the end of your work day?

I believe that glove fits your hand quite nicely.
...That's not even what that passage means, and it is the only reference to knowledge being puffed up. Otherwise:

Philippians 1:9 And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment;

Colossians 1:9 For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding;

And you still have not refuted what I have written but only say it is based on a wrong foundation. Tragic you can't address any of it from your foundation, you being so much more important than me.

You want a refutation? FINE. Christ only put off the form of divinity, not the very essence of being. Paul writes, "while still being God." He never ceased to be divine. Never. Had he maintained the form of divinity, He would have been omnipresent/omniscient/omnipotent as a man. We would not have been able to behold Him. So He emptied Himself of the form, not the being.

That is the foundational misunderstanding. If Christ has cast off His divinity and is only a man with the Spirit of God, then it denies the very power of the cross.

Which Greek commentary?
Several lexicons, as well as my own language study.

If you are so anti-intellectual, there is no need for further discussion.


New member
Stop cherry picking a verse that suits you and be truthful as you claim to be. Agree with Mark 8:38;13:26; Matt 1:27; Rev 1:7 because they are the words of Jesus.

I said that I agree with the person "truth friend" with whom you have been conversing.


New member
You want a refutation? FINE. Christ only put off the form of divinity, not the very essence of being. Paul writes, "while still being God." He never ceased to be divine. Never. Had he maintained the form of divinity, He would have been omnipresent/omniscient/omnipotent as a man. We would not have been able to behold Him. So He emptied Himself of the form, not the being.

That is the foundational misunderstanding. If Christ has cast off His divinity and is only a man with the Spirit of God, then it denies the very power of the cross.

Do you believe Jesus was mortal like his brethren (Hebrews 2:17-18).

Cross Reference

New member
I have known many people who claim inspiration of the Holy Spirit, but everything they speak is Heretical nonsense.

I am glad you said it was just many and not everyone but, so what? I have known many self anointed like you. Does that make me right?? Can you save me? I believe you are too consumed by the law of your flesh to allow God to consume you with Himself.

Heretics like Ellen White claim inspiration by God. And many other "prophets." Yet the sectarianization of the church over the past two centuries only demonstrates lawlessness, not the righteousness of God.

Ellen White was the founder of 7th day Adventistism. I am not of her persuasion. Ever read Oswald Chambers?

(And I'll have you know I'm a woman, not a man.)

I forgive you!!

How do you know where my opinions come from? I've studied the works of and about theologians from the patristics to the reformers. Even the early patristics agreed on more than the various groups of the church do now.

Thanks for pointing up the reason for your "headiness".
If you are implicating the KJV, you have a very narrow scope of the church.

The Agape way is a narrow Way and few there be that find it. Now where would you like to go with that revelation truth?

Are you forgetting the world church? Are you assuming that all "persuaded" are truly saved?

No, not at all, however, who made you judge and jury??

Actually, I know where my meat comes from, and I not only eat the steak, but the whole cow.

Wonderful!! Jesus said, "My flesh is true and genuine food, and My blood is true and genuine drink. He who feeds on My flesh and drinks My blood dwells continually in Me, and I [in like manner dwell continually] in him." John 6:55-56 (AMP) Anyone IN Him knows what it means. Are yu there yet?

Yes, when I have a sister who believes that she can prophecy/speak tongues/heal because she's filled with the holy spirit and do it as a work for her own self-worth? And I know many others of the same spirit? Then yeah, I would love to reclaim them for the kingdom.

And I am quite sure that is fully the way it is between you and her.. :rolleyes:

...That's not even what that passage means, and it is the only reference to knowledge being puffed up. Otherwise:

You mean knowledge doesn't puff up?? <scratching head> Then what in the world could be your reason for your condescension?

Philippians 1:9 And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment;

Yes. Knowledge of what? Taught by whom? Jesus said it needs be the Holy Spirit, you say someone else. How come? Question: How does one work out his/her salvation by using Greek lexicons? OK, several lexicons?

Colossians 1:9 For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding;

Thank you.

You want a refutation? FINE. Christ only put off the form of divinity, not the very essence of being. Paul writes, "while still being God." He never ceased to be divine. Never. Had he maintained the form of divinity, He would have been omnipresent/omniscient/omnipotent as a man. We would not have been able to behold Him. So He emptied Himself of the form, not the being.

Though being God = Because of the trust God had in Him that He would NOT fail in His mission, God witheld nothing from Jesus. Jesus was full of Grace and Truth. Do you know any other man for which that can be said of him? But yet:". . . though being essentially one with God and in the form of God [possessing the fullness of the attributes which make God God], [The Word] did not think this equality with God was a thing to be easily grasped or retained, But stripped Himself [of all privileges and rightful dignity], so as to assume the guise of a servant (slave), in that He became like men and was born a human being. And after He had appeared in human form, He abased and humbled Himself [still further] and carried His obedience to the extreme of death, even the death of the cross! Therefore [because He stooped so low] God has highly exalted Him and has freely bestowed on Him the name that is above every name, That in (at) the name of Jesus every knee (will) bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, And every tongue confess and acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." Philippians 2:6-11

That is the foundational misunderstanding. If Christ has cast off His divinity and is only a man with the Spirit of God, then it denies the very power of the cross.

Really? When only a sinless man from conception, totally obedient and righteous before God in every aspect of his life was needed for the sacrifice that would have canceled out Adam's transgression, you say that wasn't good enough and he had to be more? Why? Please answer that question.

Several lexicons, as well as my own language study.

Why several? Isn't one good enough?

If you are so anti-intellectual, there is no need for further discussion.

If I was I would not be going back and forth with you. Intellectualism never saved anyone. . . . only puffed them up.