Ah, no. That is NOT what Jesus said.
The serpent of false doctrine mixed with God's Truth just reared her head.
Abraham SAW my day. Past tense. NOT when Jesus was dying on the Cross of Calvary. Abraham had ALREADY heard the Gospel of Salvation, BEFORE Jesus came to this earth, EXACTLY as Peter said that Jesus was slain before the foundation of the world.
Paul was referring to the Old Testament saints who looked forward to the coming Promise, Who is the Lord Jesus Christ, and what He would do at the Cross to Redeem mankind. They died without seeing the Promise.
Unquestionably, yes, based on FAITH proven by WORKS.
If they could have cleansed themselves, they would not have had to bring a sacrifice to the altar for the forgiveness of their sins.
It would have been nice had you provided the WHOLE verse, instead of only what YOUR FALSE DOCTRINE wants others to see.
And the Law is not of Faith (the two principles of Law and of Faith as a means of Justification are mutually exclusive of one another) : but, The man who does them shall live in them. (The Believer has a choice. He can attempt to live this life by either Law or Faith. He cannot live by both) .
If you, gt, only really believed God's Truth.
Has the reader seen the serpent of false doctrine mixed with God's Truth just reared her head.
And they told you, gt, all about them taking God's offering of protection for granted, right?
And they told you, gt, all about them taking God's offering of protection for granted, right?
Has the reader seen the serpent of false doctrine mixed with God's Truth just reared her head.
If you only read what you write, gt. I can only hope.
Has the reader seen the serpent of false doctrine mixed with God's Truth just reared her head.
Obviously, you don't gt, the Law WAS NEVER GIVEN to the lost sheep of the house of gt.
By giving scriptures that go against your false doctrine.
Has the reader seen the serpent of false doctrine mixed with God's Truth just reared her head. If you haven't I would suggest that you read really slowly.
Oh, yeah. Satan is trembling in his boots when he sees you coming, gt.
Yes, and NONE of them is YOU, gt.
Has the reader seen the serpent of false doctrine mixed with God's Truth just reared her head. If you haven't I would suggest that you read really slowly.
Jesus said, "I have NOT come to call the righteous, BUT sinners" (Mark 2:17)
Foolish woman! They were already His. He even breathed on them BEFORE He sent the Holy Spirit.
Here, full blown reared serpent head on the prowl.
Full blown reared serpent head on the prowl.
Jesus said of those who TWIST God's Truth:
"You snakes! You brood of vipers!"
"You do not enter the Kingdom and you impede others from entering."