The Trinity

The Trinity

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Jesus doesn't tell everyone to do those things to enter his covenant.

However, YOU, gt, keep on vociferously declaring that YOU, gt, OBEY ALL of Jesus' commands EXACTLY as He said.

Jesus' list stands, Jesus left only two commandments for His followers to follow.

I have to conclude that your famously invisible list of ALL commands you do follow exactly is one composed by yourself which compared to Jesus' list don't stand a chance.

God's Truth

New member
However, YOU, gt, keep on vociferously declaring that YOU, gt, OBEY ALL of Jesus' commands EXACTLY as He said.

Jesus' list stands, Jesus left only two commandments for His followers to follow.

I have to conclude that your famously invisible list of ALL commands you do follow exactly is one composed by yourself which compared to Jesus' list don't stand a chance.

I do obey everything that Jesus commands all to get saved and to stay saved.

Jesus is the Way and He tells us what to do.

I can hardly believe that you don't know what Jesus says to do to get saved and to stay saved.

If you would tell me what you say we have to obey from what Jesus said while he walked the earth, then I will give you a list.

God's Truth

New member
Jesus was flesh, not God.
The logos that was in him is the true son of God.
When folks assume they distort, and that has been going on for 2000 years.

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Our flesh bodies account for nothing, we are our spirit. Jesus' Spirit is the Spirit of God the Father come as a Man's spirit. God the Father made Himself as a Man, and He lived as a Man on earth in the flesh as a Son.


I have been authorized by Jesus Christ to share my faith.
You're sharing your own personal views of the one Christian faith, and your view diverges from those who are actually authorized to teach the authoritative verbal expression of our faith.
Your in a state of delusion if you think the Apostles were Roman Catholics.
Says you.
But you are right, I seem crazy when I see the words of our Lord distorted like your church does.
The Catholic Church, among all the other various Christian traditions, takes the words of our Lord the most literally, the most seriously, and the most at face value, without trying to explain them away, or worm or wiggle their way out of what He actually said, as is recorded for us in the Scripture.


Correction, it is the church of Satan for over the years it has distorted truth and filled itself with pagan traditions. Some of which are carried over into the protestant religions. She is the Mother of Harlots.
Vs. the truth, that the Church's bishops are featured in Scripture, and are the Lord's own authorized teachers of the one Christian faith, in Him.


New member
I do obey everything that Jesus commands all to get saved and to stay saved.

Per your own confession not that long ago, maybe a couple of responses ago, gt, you do not follow EVERYTHING that Jesus commands because you, yourself, gt, said that the commands that I asked you about that Jesus commanded, you, yourself, gt, said that those commands were not for you. Therefore, I have to conclude that your list is invisible but you want everybody else to follow your invisible list.

Jesus is the Way and He tells us what to do.

What is it that your list tells you, gt, besides the two commands Jesus said His followers are to follow?

I can hardly believe that you don't know what Jesus says to do to get saved and to stay saved.

Why don't you have the guts to enlighten me and show your precise list with all the minute details so that we can all follow it like you do! :nono:

If you would tell me what you say we have to obey from what Jesus said while he walked the earth, then I will give you a list.

Don't have the guts to show your list. Got it.

These are the ones Jesus said I must follow:
Matthew 22

36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

38 This is the first and great commandment.

39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
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New member
What do you mean on my own? People were righteous in the Old and New Testament for doing right and fearing God.

Wrong! For example, Abraham was NOT righteous, GOD IMPUTED to Abraham righteousness. Of his own, Abraham, and EVERYBODY else in the Bible were not righteous, UNLESS GOD IMPUTED to them God's righteousness, it matters not how much good they did, without God they were all UNrighteous.

Being that God's standard is PERFECTION, there is not one person in the world except of God incarnate, that can even come close to righteousness. God will only ACCEPT HIS OWN righteousness. God knowing quite well that man, no matter how much good they do, cannot reach God's righteousness, He came to provide a way for sinful man to be able to obtain His righteousness.

For as long a person keeps on saying that they obey all of Jesus' commandments exactly as He said and then turns around and say that they cannot, are providing their own righteousness and their own way of salvation, which God cannot and will not accept. God will only accept what He provides and God has provided all that He is going to accept.


New member
You're sharing your own personal views of the one Christian faith, and your view diverges from those who are actually authorized to teach the authoritative verbal expression of our faith.
Says you.
The Catholic Church, among all the other various Christian traditions, takes the words of our Lord the most literally, the most seriously, and the most at face value, without trying to explain them away, or worm or wiggle their way out of what He actually said, as is recorded for us in the Scripture.
So why not follow the teachings of the Christ?


New member
Vs. the truth, that the Church's bishops are featured in Scripture, and are the Lord's own authorized teachers of the one Christian faith, in Him.

Incorrect. The Roman Catholic Church did not exist before Jesus birth, during Jesus' time on earth, after Jesus' Ascension until the supposed 'conversion' of Constantine.

Even reading the New Testament (NT) in a cursory manner reveals that the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) did not originate in the teachings of Jesus or His apostles.

No mention of the papacy in NT.
No mention of worship/adoration of Mary
No mention of the immaculate conception of Mary.
No mention of the perpetual virginity of Mary.
No mention of the assumption of Mary.
No mention of Mary as co-redemptrix and mediatrix.

No mention of petitioning the dead.
No mention of apostolic succession.

No mention of the ordinances of the church functioning as sacraments.
No mention of infant baptism.

No mention of confession of sin to a sinner even though called priest.
No mention of purgatory.
No mention of indulgences.
No mention of the equal authority of church tradition and Scripture.
etc., etc., etc.

For around 280 years Christians were persecuted terribly and Christianity was banned by the Roman Empire until the supposed 'conversion' of Constantine around 313 AD.

You should start a new thread as this thread is about the Trinity not the RCC.