Vs. the truth, that the Church's bishops are featured in Scripture, and are the Lord's own authorized teachers of the one Christian faith, in Him.
Incorrect. The Roman Catholic Church did not exist before Jesus birth, during Jesus' time on earth, after Jesus' Ascension until the supposed 'conversion' of Constantine.
Even reading the New Testament (NT) in a cursory manner reveals that the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) did not originate in the teachings of Jesus or His apostles.
No mention of the papacy in NT.
No mention of worship/adoration of Mary
No mention of the immaculate conception of Mary.
No mention of the perpetual virginity of Mary.
No mention of the assumption of Mary.
No mention of Mary as co-redemptrix and mediatrix.
No mention of petitioning the dead.
No mention of apostolic succession.
No mention of the ordinances of the church functioning as sacraments.
No mention of infant baptism.
No mention of confession of sin to a sinner even though called priest.
No mention of purgatory.
No mention of indulgences.
No mention of the equal authority of church tradition and Scripture.
etc., etc., etc.
For around 280 years Christians were persecuted terribly and Christianity was banned by the Roman Empire until the supposed 'conversion' of Constantine around 313 AD.
You should start a new thread as this thread is about the Trinity not the RCC.