Because it is impossible,
So you don't see your contradictions in your teachings?
It is the same kind of contradiction and bizarre teaching you do when you are careful that you did not believe and obey to get saved. UNBELIEVABLE how you don't feel convicted with that type of beliefs and teachings.
as you yourself confessed you do not obey all of Jesus' commandments when asked, even though you demand that everybody else must obey all of Jesus' commandments.
You are making up things about me that are not true, it is called bearing false witness.
Have you sold everything you have and given it to the poor? You, gt, say nah, that's not for me, but everybody else must to obey all of Jesus' commandments.
Jesus doesn't command everyone to do that. Jesus had a traveling ministry and those who laid the foundation with him while he walked the earth were required to do that to be a traveling minister, but Jesus doesn't command all to do that. I have told you that many times but you are stuck in a lie and enjoy it.
Have you started your ministry in Jerusalem when ordered to do so by Jesus and went around its villages, etc.? You, gt confess, nah, can't do that either, but everybody else must to obey all of Jesus' commandments.
Again, and again, and again, Jesus, God on earth, was in front of these people, the most important time ever and Jesus asked disciples to be traveling ministers with him. That was during the laying of the foundation time. Jesus doesn't command all to do that. You have no understanding because you don't obey Jesus, as you admit and mock others for doing.
Jesus only left me two commandments to follow. No more nor less.
Jesus didn't tell you to preach no obedience to him.
Why you continue to badger on the 'You must obey all of Jesus' commandments' when you, gt, yourself have confessed that you, gt, do not obey all of Jesus' commandments when asked?
You are not speaking the truth about my not obeying Jesus. What you are saying is deceitful.
The reason I preach obedience to Christ is because it is awesome, powerful, better than any words I can come up with, it is Spirit and life, just as Jesus says.