ECT the Sixth Hour in John 19:14.


New member
correct. it is my true, since I can be wrong.

Jesús is our Passover Lamb and was crucified on place, manner and time as the Passover Lamb. That is: offered by the High Priest (as he was), at Jerusalem (as he was) on time of Passover (as he was).

Passover is a Fest that last 7 days. In each day it is offered a Passover Lamb (the first of them recall the exit of Egypt). It was necesary and sufucuent for Jesús to be crucified one of those days, not necesarelly the first (14th).

The 14th Jesús instructed Peter and John to prepare Passover which he celebrated coming the night (15th), being arrested the 15th early mornig. That means that Jesús was not crucified the first day (14th).

The trial with the Jew (according to my interpretation of the Gospels) took more tan one day. Eventually, some other day, Jesús is with Pilate by noon, and is crucified next morning 9am.

Then: Jesús was arrested the 15th, and crucified few days later, not the same day, but still during the Feast of Passover. Jesús is our Passover Lamb, he is the Christ.

The devil is having such a field day, laughing all the way to Hell about being successful in making Christians take their eyes from what is really important — Jesus Christ and what He did at the Cross of Calvary.

I personally see nothing about the “trial” of Jesus taking more than one day or Jesus “being crucified a few days later” as you state.

I found this article interesting though:


New member
the devil is rejoying woth christians like you that denay the Pasión and invented something else with LIES. How a party Satan have when you preach a false góspel with lies and sin.


New member
I personally see nothing about the “trial” of Jesus taking more than one day or Jesus “being crucified a few days later” as you state.

Jesús was at the Gabata by noon, being trial by Pilate, who didnt sentence him for that time.
Jesús was already crucified at 9am

How do you explain Jesús being crucified the same day of his arrest?


e cou

do not waste our time, beside this you are an excellent help to keep this thread in the top of the first page. THANK

hours are counted from sunrise to sunset. this is how jew, egyptians, mesopotamians, siriacs, greek and roman did count hour: commencing with the sunrise until sunset.

the sixth hour is Kohn 19:14 is noon. denaying that is a LIE.
The word day is defined in two ways. To deny that a Biblical day began at sunset is to deny one of the definitions of a day. Else how were there evening and morning the six days of creation? Else how do Biblical holy days, not to mention the Sabbath, begin and end at sunset?

I do not know what e cou means. I am not interested in the popularity or not of any thread. The point is that discussion is occurring which leads to an understanding of Biblical truth. And that is what this site is about which is at first why I support it.


New member
The Biblical truth that I never denayed is that a Jew day commence at sunset.
The Biblical truth that you refuse to accept is that hours are counted from sunrise to sunset.
The Biblical truth that you constantly denay is that Jesús was at Pilate by noon and was crucified next 9 morning


Active member

re: "There is more LIES, which are untrue repeated knowing are not true."

How about identifying at least one person here who has made an assertion that you know they know is untrue?


New member

re: "There is more LIES, which are untrue repeated knowing are not true."

How about identifying at least one person here who has made an assertion that you know they know is untrue?

I am not the acuser, that is the job of Satan, and you are tempting me.
The important thing is that all we know that the 6th hor mentioned by John in 19:14 is refering to noon. And assuring different is a LIE. If any one have doubt about the real meaning of the 6th hour it would be better they investigate in private before sharen LIES in this thread.

Jesús was at the Gabbatha being trial by Pilate at noon.
Jesús was already at the Golgotha being crucified following 9 morning.


The Biblical truth that I never denayed is that a Jew day commence at sunset.
You did say a Jewish day and a Roman day are not the same.
The Biblical truth that you refuse to accept is that hours are counted from sunrise to sunset.
Jesus said there are twelve hours in the day. This is speaking about daytime. Remember, daytime is of different length each day.


New member
Jesus said there are twelve hours in the day. This is speaking about daytime. Remember, daytime is of different length each day.

and the sixth hour it is always, all year long, at any latitud, noon.
the sixth hour in John 19:14 is noon dosenr matter how many ways you go arround. you can not keep on denaying it:
Jesús was at the Gabbatha being trial by Pilate at noon.
Jesús was already at the Golgotha being crucified following 9 morning.


Active member

re: "I am not the acuser..."

But you are. Below are a few of your accusations:

"...because many liers are trying to desieve other brothers with lies."

"NO. That is a lie."

"please no more pathetic lies"

"after all those desper and pathetic atempts to explain the sixth hour with lies..."

"... the sixth hour is noon. saying different it is LIE."

"There is more LIES, which are untrue repeated knowing are not true."

"the LIE is saying that in the I Century it was any time reconing starting at any other time than sunrise."

"the sixth hour is Kohn 19:14 is noon. denaying that is a LIE."

"...when you preach a false góspel with lies..."

"Christians have fabricated too many lies in reference to the sixth hour in Jhon 19:14..."

"...more LIES in interpreting John 19:14"

"Christian scholars have made up many LIES in order to make John 19:14 say some different."


and the sixth hour it is always, all year long, at any latitud, noon.
the sixth hour in John 19:14 is noon dosenr matter how many ways you go arround. you can not keep on denaying it:
Jesús was at the Gabbatha being trial by Pilate at noon.
Jesús was already at the Golgotha being crucified following 9 morning.
Are you are speaking of a ninth hour before a sixth hour, so there is something that needs clarified just in the hours.

For example, if a day begins at midnight (in modern time may reckon this way) then the sixth hour would be 6 am. But that is not what we are talking about here. Therefore, when is your ninth hour morning?


New member

re: "I am not the acuser..."

But you are. Below are a few of your accusations:

"...because many liers are trying to desieve other brothers with lies."

"NO. That is a lie."

"please no more pathetic lies"

"after all those desper and pathetic atempts to explain the sixth hour with lies..."

"... the sixth hour is noon. saying different it is LIE."

"There is more LIES, which are untrue repeated knowing are not true."

"the LIE is saying that in the I Century it was any time reconing starting at any other time than sunrise."

"the sixth hour is Kohn 19:14 is noon. denaying that is a LIE."

"...when you preach a false góspel with lies..."

"Christians have fabricated too many lies in reference to the sixth hour in Jhon 19:14..."

"...more LIES in interpreting John 19:14"

"Christian scholars have made up many LIES in order to make John 19:14 say some different."

I never fingerpoint a person. I do as Jesús commanded, rebuke who is on sin, to tell him "you are lieing" in person.


New member
Are you are speaking of a ninth hour before a sixth hour, so there is something that needs clarified just in the hours.

For example, if a day begins at midnight (in modern time may reckon this way) then the sixth hour would be 6 am. But that is not what we are talking about here. Therefore, when is your ninth hour morning?

the sixth hour in John 19:14 is noon and dosnt matter how many ways you go arround trying to confuse the brothers. you can not keep on denaying it:
Jesús was at the Gabbatha being trial by Pilate at noon.
Jesús was already at the Golgotha being crucified following 9 morning.


the sixth hour in John 19:14 is noon and dosnt matter how many ways you go arround trying to confuse the brothers. you can not keep on denaying it:
Jesús was at the Gabbatha being trial by Pilate at noon.
Jesús was already at the Golgotha being crucified following 9 morning.
I just asked you what you mean by 9 in the morning if the only hours are day hours.


9 in the morning is when the smal hand is pointing to the 9 in the morning.
actually, Mark is saying the 3rd hour which is no other than 9am.
You know when noon is but you don't know when the rising of the sun is perhaps?

Did they have a small hand on the clock back then?


New member
You know when noon is but you don't know when the rising of the sun is perhaps?

Did they have a small hand on the clock back then?

We have provide enough evidence of the acurate time they have. For the Jew of the I Century it was enough difference to be in an hour or one hour before or later. Jew in the I Century can clearly and without difficulty distinguish between two consecutive hours.

Noon and after: Jesús at the Gabatha on trial with Pilate.
9 morning and before: Jesús at the Golgotha being crucified.


We have provide enough evidence of the acurate time they have. For the Jew of the I Century it was enough difference to be in an hour or one hour before or later. Jew in the I Century can clearly and without difficulty distinguish between two consecutive hours.
I don't know how they determined hours, but if days are of different length and that makes 12 hours of day or daytime each day, that is something different than every hour having the same length like we do today.
Noon and after: Jesús at the Gabatha on trial with Pilate.
9 morning and before: Jesús at the Golgotha being crucified.
What do the scriptures say? Not what do the notes say.


New member
The scriptures say that at noon and after that, Jesús was at The Gabatha being trial by Pilate. The sixth hour is always noon despite of the lenght of the hours.

The scritures say that Jesús was already crucified by the third hour. That means that he arrived to the Golgotha some time before. In this case, the legjt of the hours can vary. For the time of Passover, an hour was of 60 of our minutes in all latitudes of both hemispheres. The Sun is in the eqinox and days and night last 12 hours in all the planet.

please notice that the 3rd hou goes from 8am to 9am.
Jesús was at the Gabatha at 12 noon and even later.
and Jesús was already crucified by the 3rd hour (8 to 9am)
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The scriptures say that at noon and after that, Jesús was at The Gabatha being trial by Pilate. The sixth hour is always noon despite of the lenght of the hours.
Which noon now? I probably doesn't matter for this discussion.
The scritures say that Jesús was already crucified by the third hour. That means that he arrived to the Golgotha some time before. In this case, the legjt of the hours can vary. For the time of Passover, an hour was of 60 of our minutes in all latitudes of both hemispheres.
You do well to recognize that this is in the Spring, but I don't know your statement to be true unequivocally. Some Hebrew years have 12 months, and some 13. Was this as true then as it is now?
please notice that the 3rd hou goes from 8am to 9am.
Jesús was at the Gabatha at 12 noon and even later.
Here I am not sure what to say. I'm not sure this is true.
and Jesús was already crucified by the 3rd hour (8 to 9am)
Or He was going to be crucified, which was always a done deal so in a sense it had already happened.