ECT the Sixth Hour in John 19:14.


New member
Not necessarily. Fundamentally a clock or timer will mark off time from a starting point.

is it correct saying that an hour is in Roman hours and other hour is on Jew hours? if that is the case, what will be the difference between Roman hours, and Jew hours? arent both noon?


is it correct saying that an hour is in Roman hours and other hour is on Jew hours? if that is the case, what will be the difference between Roman hours, and Jew hours? arent both noon?
A Roman day and a Hebrew day begin at different times, and for each an hour may be measured different. I don't know them to be the same.


New member
A Roman day and a Hebrew day begin at different times, and for each an hour may be measured different. I don't know them to be the same.

the truth, the only truth is that for both, romans and jew, the sixth hour is noon.
saying different it is LIE.


the truth, the only truth is that for both, romans and jew, the sixth hour is noon.
saying different it is LIE.
Not necessarily. One point I can make here is that they did tell time differently back then. That is, time was kept different then that it is now.


Active member

re: "a lie?..."

Yes. You said that lies were being put forward to explain the 6th hour. I asked if you could provide at least one of the comments that you know for a fact was known by the author to be untrue.


Well-known member
Hours are the same.

I have read a couple of patristic commentaries, and there is no unanimity of opinion on the hours - One says the same, the other different...

You seem pretty upset about it, calling people liars and generally spitting accusations around... Does it help you somehow to do so?



Active member
Is there anything in scripture that makes it absolutely, positively, unequivocally necessary for John 19:14 to mean something different than noon?
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New member

re: "a lie?..."

Yes. You said that lies were being put forward to explain the 6th hour. I asked if you could provide at least one of the comments that you know for a fact was known by the author to be untrue.

can you refrase? please.
many christians as pastors, seminar teachers, book authors, etc, apeal to LIES in order to denay what the World of God is clearly saying: that Jesús was at the Gabata(Pilate) at noon. Some of the LIES are that the Romans have different time tan the Jew. Aditionally, that John is using Roman time instead of Jew time.

The fact is the Romans use the same time as all the ancient civilizations, including at the I Century, including romans, greek and hebrew.
The fact is that (independently if the romans have different time) John is using Jew time all along his Gospel.

There is more LIES, which are untrue repeated knowing are not true.


New member
I have read a couple of patristic commentaries, and there is no unanimity of opinion on the hours - One says the same, the other different...

You seem pretty upset about it, calling people liars and generally spitting accusations around... Does it help you somehow to do so?


You are saying that the Gospel it is being preach in base of LIES since the time of the patristics? Is it that the LIE was firstly fabricated by one of the patrictics? I should like to live in that time to stop such sin from it very beginig. But I live today and is today when I have to do my best to stop the preaching of the Gospel in base of LIES


New member
Is there anything in scripture that makes it absolutedly, positively, unequivocally necessary for John 19:14 to mean something different than noon?

In contrary. We have many scriptures making it absolutedly, positively, unequivocally necessary for John 19:14 to mean exactly noon


New member
Could you give an outline of your true gospel?

correct. it is my true, since I can be wrong.

Jesús is our Passover Lamb and was crucified on place, manner and time as the Passover Lamb. That is: offered by the High Priest (as he was), at Jerusalem (as he was) on time of Passover (as he was).

Passover is a Fest that last 7 days. In each day it is offered a Passover Lamb (the first of them recall the exit of Egypt). It was necesary and sufucuent for Jesús to be crucified one of those days, not necesarelly the first (14th).

The 14th Jesús instructed Peter and John to prepare Passover which he celebrated coming the night (15th), being arrested the 15th early mornig. That means that Jesús was not crucified the first day (14th).

The trial with the Jew (according to my interpretation of the Gospels) took more tan one day. Eventually, some other day, Jesús is with Pilate by noon, and is crucified next morning 9am.

Then: Jesús was arrested the 15th, and crucified few days later, not the same day, but still during the Feast of Passover. Jesús is our Passover Lamb, he is the Christ.


"not necesarelly"? which other time could be the sixth hour if not noon?
I'm not talking about that.

Consider this, sunset begins the day at different times each day of the Hebrew calendar. When does the Roman day begin?

Sunrise is at a different time each day, and when is 6am?

So we see that if a day begins at midnight or 6am we have a different reckoning than the Hebrew day which begins at sunset.


New member
I'm not talking about that.

Consider this, sunset begins the day at different times each day of the Hebrew calendar. When does the Roman day begin?

Sunrise is at a different time each day, and when is 6am?

So we see that if a day begins at midnight or 6am we have a different reckoning than the Hebrew day which begins at sunset.

the LIE is saying that in the I Century it was any time reconing starting at any other time than sunrise. hense, the only posible interpretation for the 6th hour is noon. anything else is LIE


the LIE is saying that in the I Century it was any time reconing starting at any other time than sunrise. hense, the only posible interpretation for the 6th hour is noon. anything else is LIE
If you read the Torah you will see that a day began with evening or sunset.


New member
If you read the Torah you will see that a day began with evening or sunset.
e cou

do not waste our time, beside this you are an excellent help to keep this thread in the top of the first page. THANK

hours are counted from sunrise to sunset. this is how jew, egyptians, mesopotamians, siriacs, greek and roman did count hour: commencing with the sunrise until sunset.

the sixth hour is Kohn 19:14 is noon. denaying that is a LIE.