The "QAnon" Fraud!


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It's not 'irrefutable evidence',

So prove it. Don't just say it.

it's a load of bunk

from an unhinged, conspiracy pushing nutcase

that isn't being taken seriously outside of

those gullible and stupid enough to buy into it.

This has being going on for months and will have the same impact on anything as Powell's kraken & Giuliani's rubbish. Absolute laughing stock.



Well-known member
It's not 'irrefutable evidence', it's a load of bunk from an unhinged, conspiracy pushing nutcase that isn't being taken seriously outside of those gullible and stupid enough to buy into it. This has being going on for months and will have the same impact on anything as Powell's kraken & Giuliani's rubbish. Absolute laughing stock.
Are you saying computer experts cannot track down cyber-attacks and identify the source and content or are you suggesting only democrat sources will be considered reliable in that line of work?


Well-known member
How are you "computerizing" it exactly?
Experts have long admitted that voting machines can be hacked and that the interference may be untraceable. That is why tighter security measures need to be established for machines, especially machines lacking basic security protections.

The country’s voting machines are susceptible to hacking, which could be done in a way so that it leaves no fingerprints, making it impossible to know whether the outcome was changed, computer experts told President Trump’s voter integrity commission Tuesday.
The testimony marked a departure for the commission, which was formed to look into fraud and barriers to voting, but which heard that a potentially greater threat to confidence in American elections is the chance for enemy actors to meddle.
“There’s no perfect security; there’s only degrees of insecurity,” said Ronald Rivest, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


Well-known member
Hmm, 'good things' such as what? Lying to the American people as to how Covid wasn't a big deal and would 'magically disappear' a year ago last April? Knowing full well how severe it was actually going to be before declaring a national emergency and on record for actually enjoying downplaying it?

Promising to build a wall that never got built? American traditions such as being thrice married, having affairs, bragging about how he can grope women and the like?

It's not like he's the first president to be guilty of stuff like the latter at least but wow, it's mind boggling when far right folk seem to consider Trump a bastion of Christian values or heritage.
Don't give me that crap about Trump being responsible for covid deaths after all we now know about Cuomo, Fauci, Pelosi, and the rest of the democrat hypocrites.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Well, firstly, the burden of proof is on the one making the allegations, not on anyone else to disprove them. Lindell has been making these allegations for months with no basis, no foundation and is only taken seriously by those who buy into conspiracy theories about massive voter fraud.

They can be taken with as much of a pinch of salt as Powell's kraken and the like. Was that ever released? if it was it didn't do much did it? Landed Powell and Giuliani with a billion dollar lawsuit is all that seemed to do. Oh, and also Powell backtracking with the claim that no reasonable person would take her claims seriously. Well, reasonable people didn't but some of the more gullible sure did, so that's not an 'ad hominem'. It's simply observation.

The same goes for 'Qanon'. Duped plenty of people didn't it? Pushing wild and cryptic conspiracy theories that had absolutely no foundation and even plenty former supporters have finally distanced themselves from it. Not sure if Bob Enyart was ever a fan but he certainly doesn't seem to be now does he? Why not ridicule it? Why not ridicule conspiracy theories that were derived from such like Trump having a sting operation with watermarked ballots that were going to uncover massive voter fraud? That never happened did it? Sometimes ridicule can be a good thing, especially if it shakes people out of being duped. There's a time where gullibility turns into stupidity and needs to be said.

So, back to Lindell. Can anyone blame that news anchor for walking off set? He was trying to reason with the guy, explain to him that he couldn't discuss baseless allegations etc only to be met with Lindell blustering on regardless. So, no reason whatsoever to take this guys claims seriously, just as there wasn't with Powell, Giuliani, even Trump himself. Heck, if he actually has something or anyone else for that matter that uncovers some huge fraud then hey, let him bring it and I'll gladly acknowledge it on here. Otherwise, I don't need to be a psychic to dismiss it as yet more conspiracy rubbish that will culminate in nothing besides more embarrassment for the right.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Don't give me that crap about Trump being responsible for covid deaths after all we now know about Cuomo, Fauci, Pelosi, and the rest of the democrat hypocrites.
Are you denying he downplayed it? Telling y'all that it was all under control and would 'magically disappear' come warmer weather last spring? Being on record for deliberately doing so and enjoying it even?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Are you saying computer experts cannot track down cyber-attacks and identify the source and content or are you suggesting only democrat sources will be considered reliable in that line of work?
I actually wasn't saying any of that but hey...


Well-known member
Are you denying he downplayed it? Telling y'all that it was all under control and would 'magically disappear' come warmer weather last spring? Being on record for deliberately doing so and enjoying it even?
How is encouraging people to remain calm tantamount to murder? Claiming the virus is under control is one thing, putting sick victims in rest homes and killing millions of others while downplaying the numbers of deaths is entirely another. Try to get your outrage channelled in the right direction.


Well-known member
I actually wasn't saying any of that but hey...
You gave the impression that you think that computer experts who have found deliberate manipulation of votes in voting machines are not telling the truth. Isn't that misleading if you cannot prove them wrong?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
How is encouraging people to remain calm tantamount to murder? Claiming the virus is under control is one thing, putting sick victims in rest homes and killing millions of others while downplaying the numbers of deaths is entirely another. Try to get your outrage channelled in the right direction.
He wasn't 'encouraging people to remain calm', he was flat out lying to them including you.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You gave the impression that you think that computer experts who have found deliberate manipulation of votes in voting machines are not telling the truth. Isn't that misleading if you cannot prove them wrong?
I gave no such impression and your assertion as per usual, lacks any credible evidence.

Trump lost the election fair and square. Disprove it.


Well-known member
He wasn't 'encouraging people to remain calm', he was flat out lying to them including you.
Baloney. The left lied to us and falsely accused Trump for demonic political reasons. You should not let yourself be deceived by demons who want America dismantled and rebuilt into some sort of godless democrat socialist nation ruled by democrat devils.


Well-known member
I gave no such impression and your assertion as per usual, lacks any credible evidence.

Trump lost the election fair and square. Disprove it.
We might be able to prove the democrats committed voter fraud if we can get around them and their leftist court judges blocking honest investigations into the mishandled and maligned voting processes in big democrat precincts.