The "QAnon" Fraud!


Well-known member
Maybe Trump's brain is beginning to slip as Biden's did a few years back. If so, Trump will never be fit to be president again just like Biden is not fit to be president now.
This is misleading. Yes, Biden may well be forgetful and suffering fairly typical cognition problems associated with aging.

But when it comes to out-and-out delusion, the Tangerine Tornado has the market cornered. Name one thing Biden believes that compares to the obvious delusion that the election was stolen?


Well-known member
National Review is also reporting today that Trump expects to be "reinstated" as president some time in August of this year. Trump's level of delusion is utterly staggering. He is clearly and obviously not sane.
I agree that it is unlikely Trump will ever be made president again and for that I am sad because he did such good things for America. He was unjustly hated for no reason by corrupted and wicked Americans who did not like his support for American traditions, values, and Christian heritage.


Well-known member
How? How do you know that Fauci helped create the coronavirus? Where is your evidence?
I know what you mean. Leftists in politics, in the media, and in science have been falsely claiming for a year that there is no evidence that Fauci was involved in research at the Wuhan lab and that the Wuhan lab was responsible for the development of the coronavirus. I don't blame you for being deceived by leftist liars, but those liars are now having to eat crow as new revelations begin to multiply in the testimony of the truth and in opposition to the lie.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Unless you like the opinion. Then they're great. 🥱
Not really, not from an objective standpoint anyway. Opinion polls can be a good indicator of where the flow of public opinion is going but they're not set in stone by any means. There's a lot of variables that can't always be taken into account so whereas they may be correct more often than not in terms of predicting the likelihood of elections and such, not always.


Well-known member
Well again, no. It didn't take a psychic to know that Powell's Kraken claims were going to amount to nought. Just common sense.
Dozens of democrat politicians and professionals have testified at the end of this enlightening video to the fact that voting machines can be easily hacked and votes easily changed by crooked individuals who know how to do that.

Irrefutable proof of voting machine fraud theft of the 2020 election.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Dozens of democrat politicians and professionals have testified at the end of this enlightening video to the fact that voting machines can be easily hacked and votes easily changed by crooked individuals who know how to do that.

Irrefutable proof of voting machine fraud theft of the 2020 election.
If Mike Lindell is your standard for 'irrefutable proof' then that says it all. He's been pushing this nonsense for months and he is not the full pillow frankly...

It says something when even a Fox News anchor has had enough and walks out of the studio.



Well-known member
If Mike Lindell is your standard for 'irrefutable proof' then that says it all. He's been pushing this nonsense for months and he is not the full pillow frankly...

It says something when even a Fox News anchor has had enough and walks out of the studio.

What ignorant leftists cannot do is disprove facts. These guys just happened to record the transactions over the wires at the time of the election and got this irrefutable evidence of voter fraud on record. Can the democrats prove the evidence wrong? It does not look like it, especially when all they do is attack those presenting the evidence instead of trying to disprove the evidence itself.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
What ignorant leftists cannot do is disprove facts. These guys just happened to record the transactions over the wires at the time of the election and got this irrefutable evidence of voter fraud on record. Can the democrats prove the evidence wrong? It does not look like it, especially when all they do is attack those presenting the evidence instead of trying to disprove the evidence itself.
It's not 'irrefutable evidence', it's a load of bunk from an unhinged, conspiracy pushing nutcase that isn't being taken seriously outside of those gullible and stupid enough to buy into it. This has being going on for months and will have the same impact on anything as Powell's kraken & Giuliani's rubbish. Absolute laughing stock.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I agree that it is unlikely Trump will ever be made president again and for that I am sad because he did such good things for America. He was unjustly hated for no reason by corrupted and wicked Americans who did not like his support for American traditions, values, and Christian heritage.
Hmm, 'good things' such as what? Lying to the American people as to how Covid wasn't a big deal and would 'magically disappear' a year ago last April? Knowing full well how severe it was actually going to be before declaring a national emergency and on record for actually enjoying downplaying it?

Promising to build a wall that never got built? American traditions such as being thrice married, having affairs, bragging about how he can grope women and the like?

It's not like he's the first president to be guilty of stuff like the latter at least but wow, it's mind boggling when far right folk seem to consider Trump a bastion of Christian values or heritage.