The "QAnon" Fraud!


Well-known member
The results as collated and verified. Your 'irrefutable proof' is nothing of the sort.
The machine tabulations cannot be verified in many situations, which is why both democrats and republicans warned Americans ahead of time that voting machines were subject to tampering in ways that are not easily detected. The experts in the Lindell video have a pretty good case. If democrats are concerned about the need to verify the questionable election results they need to do more to prove those experts wrong who claim to have irrefutable proof the voting machines flipped tens of thousands of votes from Trump to Biden.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You are like an ex-wife who despises her husband and condemns him no matter what he says or does. You can spot a liberal democrat by the way he honors wicked democrats no matter how wicked and condemns good conservatives no matter how innocent.
Bizarre analogy, why an 'ex wife' exactly? Trump lied to you and all other Americans. Somehow you still can't or refuse to recognize the fact.


Well-known member
What "leftists" are violating the civil rights of American republicans exactly? Paranoid much?
We can start with the democrats in the House who denied Trump his basic rights, suspended due process, and convicted him on the basis of testimony from a witness who never showed himself, never proved his allegations, and was not allowed to be cross-examined as required by law.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The machine tabulations cannot be verified in many situations, which is why both democrats and republicans warned Americans ahead of time that voting machines were subject to tampering in ways that are not easily detected. The experts in the Lindell video have a pretty good case. If democrats are concerned about the need to verify the questionable election results they need to do more to prove those experts wrong who claim to have irrefutable proof the voting machines flipped tens of thousands of votes from Trump to Biden.
I would ask for corroborating evidence but not really much point with you is there? Be original for once though and provide some?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
We can start with the democrats in the House who denied Trump his basic rights, suspended due process, and convicted him on the basis of testimony from a witness who never showed himself, never proved his allegations, and was not allowed to be cross-examined as required by law.
What basic rights was he denied exactly?


Well-known member
Bizarre analogy, why an 'ex wife' exactly? Trump lied to you and all other Americans. Somehow you still can't or refuse to recognize the fact.
Bill Clinton lied about his illegal and illicit sexual activities, as did Biden. Hillary lied about Benghazi, about her emails, about Trump, about being under fire in Bosnia, and about all sorts of other things. Harry Reid lied about Romney and then bragged about bringing Romney down with his lies. And the list goes on. Why keep accusing Trump of lying? Biden lies so often the major news organizations refuse to fact-check much of what he says.

I know hatred of Trump, just like hatred of cops, hatred of rich and poor whites, hatred of Christians, hatred of conservatives, hatred of Jews, and more, are symptoms of evil biases common among those who have rejected God.


Well-known member
I would ask for corroborating evidence but not really much point with you is there? Be original for once though and provide some?
Americans don't need to see more evidence than irrefutable evidence. If democrats want to restore American confidence in democrat-controlled elections precincts the democrats need to openly refute the existing evidence against them in such a way as to prove to most Americans that the claims are invalid.


Well-known member
No he didn't, he lost, fair and square. Just as he won fair and square back in 2016. Deal with it.
We keep hearing from Boss Tweed at democrat election central proclaiming with an unusually loud voice his innocence in the election which saw so many surprising flips in support from Trump to Biden, but Boss Tweed has lost all credibility in the minds of millions of Americans who are not as gullible as the Jonathan Gruber Obamanite democrats mistakenly think.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Bill Clinton lied about his illegal and illicit sexual activities, as did Biden. Hillary lied about Benghazi, about her emails, about Trump, about being under fire in Bosnia, and about all sorts of other things. Harry Reid lied about Romney and then bragged about bringing Romney down with his lies. And the list goes on. Why keep accusing Trump of lying? Biden lies so often the major news organizations refuse to fact-check much of what he says.

I know hatred of Trump, just like hatred of cops, hatred of rich and poor whites, hatred of Christians, hatred of conservatives, hatred of Jews, and more, are symptoms of evil biases common among those who have rejected God.
You didn't answer. Why the bizarre 'ex wife' analogy? Plenty of folk of any political persuasion are guilty of infidelity, hypocrisy and all manner else. Bracketing people into some ignorant box is just on you and it's also completely dishonest. Trump lied about Covid, that's a fact.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Americans don't need to see more evidence than irrefutable evidence. If democrats want to restore American confidence in democrat-controlled elections precincts the democrats need to openly refute the existing evidence against them in such a way as to prove to most Americans that the claims are invalid.
Then provide some 'irrefutable evidence' then. Should be simple enough if there is any, right? The floor is yours.


Well-known member
You didn't answer. Why the bizarre 'ex wife' analogy? Plenty of folk of any political persuasion are guilty of infidelity, hypocrisy and all manner else. Bracketing people into some ignorant box is just on you and it's also completely dishonest. Trump lied about Covid, that's a fact.
My point is that unjustifiable hateful bias drives corrupted people to see evil in others that is not there, such as the mob of democrat gangsters who kept dredging up false allegations against Trump.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
We keep hearing from Boss Tweed at democrat election central proclaiming with an unusually loud voice his innocence in the election which saw so many surprising flips in support from Trump to Biden, but Boss Tweed has lost all credibility in the minds of millions of Americans who are not as gullible as the Jonathan Gruber Obamanite democrats mistakenly think.
There weren't any 'surprising flips'. They were forecast by major news and media outlets from election night itself and subsequently.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
My point is that unjustifiable hateful bias drives corrupted people to see evil in others that is not there, such as the mob of democrat gangsters who kept dredging up false allegations against Trump.
That still doesn't really address the whole 'ex wife' analogy. There's plenty of people who are divorced who have amicable relations so 'hateful bias' isn't even relevant to the point. Do you see anything even remotely negative about Trump?


Well-known member
Then provide some 'irrefutable evidence' then. Should be simple enough if there is any, right? The floor is yours.
Let me break it down. The Lindell video contains clips of at least six leading democrats claiming voting machines can be hacked and votes changed in ways that are hard to detect. Also in the video are experts claiming they can prove certain voting machines were hacked and votes were flipped from Trump to Biden. How are honest, intelligent, non-biased Americans to respond? By asking for the US government to investigate those claims and to report to the American people whether nor not those claims have validity. Americans would be stupid to dismiss the claims without an investigation.


Well-known member
There weren't any 'surprising flips'. They were forecast by major news and media outlets from election night itself and subsequently.
Hillary was predicted to beat Trump by 10 points in 2016 so those people conducting those polls have been proven to be bad at their jobs.


Well-known member
That still doesn't really address the whole 'ex wife' analogy. There's plenty of people who are divorced who have amicable relations so 'hateful bias' isn't even relevant to the point. Do you see anything even remotely negative about Trump?
Trump has flaws just like the hateful leftists who file one false allegation against him after another. Here is a verse for those hateful critics of President Trump.

Romans 2:1
Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Trump has flaws just like the hateful leftists who file one false allegation against him after another. Here is a verse for those hateful critics of President Trump.

Romans 2:1
Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things.
Yes he does, several. His lies regarding Covid and pathetic attempts to garner votes with Raffensberger for example. You might as well apply that verse to yourself if you're going to apply it to others because you're not acting any differently where it comes to your diatribes against those who don't agree with you.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Let me break it down. The Lindell video contains clips of at least six leading democrats claiming voting machines can be hacked and votes changed in ways that are hard to detect. Also in the video are experts claiming they can prove certain voting machines were hacked and votes were flipped from Trump to Biden. How are honest, intelligent, non-biased Americans to respond? By asking for the US government to investigate those claims and to report to the American people whether nor not those claims have validity. Americans would be stupid to dismiss the claims without an investigation.
The video is a joke, just like Sidney Powell's kraken. It's not 'irrefutable evidence' of any sort and honest, intelligent people of any nationality don't have time for this conspiracy bunk. Reality time. Trump lost. Fair and square. Deal with it. There wasn't anything resembling this when he won fair and square back in 2016...


Well-known member
Yes he does, several. His lies regarding Covid and pathetic attempts to garner votes with Raffensberger for example. You might as well apply that verse to yourself if you're going to apply it to others because you're not acting any differently where it comes to your diatribes against those who don't agree with you.
Trump did not lie about covid. That was Cuomo, Whitmer, and Fauci, to name a few, as well as every news reporter who falsely claimed there was no evidence that covid was developed at the Wuhan lab.

Trump did nothing wrong to tell Raffensberger he should easily find enough fraudulent votes to decertify Biden's alleged win, given the fact that there were likely 3 times as many fraudulent votes cast for Biden as were needed to overturn the election.