The Preterists and Matthew 24:34

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Proper grammar tells us Matt 24:34 means exactly what it says.

But that hasn't stopped the Darby followers from coming up with all kinds of crazy excuses and crazy claims that it doesn't.

16/19=Darby spams. You drunk.

Proper grammar, you spam, eh you lying punk?

You deceiving punk, actress:

"...spelling was never one of my strong points.."- stupid Tet. on TOL

"The rules of grammar have to be thrown out the window.."-].."- stupid Tet. on TOL in the past


"I rarely correct or point out someone's grammer and/or spelling"-stupid Tet. on TOL


"No matter what you say or do, whether it's spelling, grammer, punctuation, etc. Johnny will try so hard to make you look like you aren't smart."-].."- stupid Tet. on TOL


This post, and...

-stupid Tet. on TOL, to a poster:

"Do you even understand the simple basics of grammer?"-stupid Tet.


"will try so hard to make you look like you aren't smart."-stupid Tet.

"At least the TOL user who goes by the name "Colossians" understands grammer (he claims to be a grammarian). This is why when you, and him, and me were debating "This Generation" in Matt 24 he was smart enough to know that your "pronoun argument" falls apart grammatically. That is why he was forced to claim that "generation" meant something other than "generation", while you went on and on about how "this" really means "that"."-stupid Tet.


I find it funny how you dispies obsess with the spelling and grammer errors of people who don't agree with your dispensationalism.Whether it's the improper use of "who vs. whom", or a misspelled word, you guys somehow think that if you obsess with the error it means your opponent isn't as smart as you, and therefore you win the debate……I rarely correct or point out someone's grammer and/or spelling.”-stupid Tet.

You sniveling, lying punk-and you can't even spell "grammar."

Habitual liar-hypocrite. Maybe you should consider a refresher course, from your father, the devil, the father of all lies, on how to lie better, sweetie.

Leave TOL, you demon.
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Yep,and Eusebius,and Epiphanius

Circa 375AD:

"The Nazoraean sect exists in Beroea near Coele Syria, in the Decapolis near the region of Pella, and in Bashan in the place called Cocaba, which in Hebrew is called Chochabe. That is where the sect began, when all the disciples were living in Pella after they moved from Jerusalem, since Christ told them to leave Jerusalem and withdraw because it was about to be besieged. For this reason they settled in Peraea and there, as I said, they lived. This is where the Nazoraean sect began." - Epiphanius, Panarion 29:7:7-8


"For when the city was about to be captured and sacked by the Romans, all the disciples were warned beforehand by an angel to remove from the city, doomed as it was to utter destruction. On migrating from it they settled at Pella, the town already indicated, across the Jordan. It is said to belong to Decapolis " - Epiphanius, (On Weights and Measures 15


" is remarked by several interpreters, and which Josephus takes notice of with surprise, that Cestius Gallus having advanced with his army to Jerusalem, and besieged it, on a sudden without any cause, raised the siege, and withdrew his army, when the city might have been easily taken; by which means a signal was made, and an opportunity given to the Christians, to make their escape: which they accordingly did, and went over to Jordan, as Eusebius says, to a place called Pella; so that when Titus came a few months after, there was not a Christian in the city . . " - John Gill, on Matthew 24:16)


Well-known member
That's like saying a Calvinist has nothing to do with John Calvin, or that a Mormon has nothing to do with Joseph Smith.

If someone's a Dispensationalist, they follow and parrot the teachings of John Nelson Darby.

It's funny, but only Dispensationalists go out of their way to disassociate themselves with the guy who invented everything they believe and parrot.

your playing a game,,,,,

I didn't answer you when you tried to change the subject from rapture to Matthew/Luke last night,,,I didn't participate in the discussion today because I knew how it would end.

So Pella will it change the outcome?,no,,,,but you deceived them and never pointed out that they never left the Provence of Rome (because you knew if you did it would give them ammunition),,,,

Tet,,,if you go to wall-mart and get a puzzle that says "3-5 years" on it and put it together in an hour,,,"its still a puzzle for 3-5 year old children",,,,,,,,,,,,,, come clean with them,,,

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
That's like saying a Calvinist has nothing to do with John Calvin, or that a Mormon has nothing to do with Joseph Smith.

If someone's a Dispensationalist, they follow and parrot the teachings of John Nelson Darby.

It's funny, but only Dispensationalists go out of their way to disassociate themselves with the guy who invented everything they believe and parrot.

17/21 "Darby" spams, from the admitted sodomite.


As we see, Matthew 24, Luke 21, and Mark 13 played out exactly as Jesus said.

The Romans came and surrounded the city. The Christians fled to the mountains, and not one stone was left standing upon another at the temple.

Yet, Darby followers deny these historical facts, and they claim some of the things Jesus prophesied would happen before the destruction of the temple didn't happen.

Dispensationalism is a mess.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
your playing a game,,,,,

I didn't answer you when you tried to change the subject from rapture to Matthew/Luke last night,,,I didn't participate in the discussion today because I knew how it would end.

So Pella will it change the outcome?,no,,,,but you deceived them and never pointed out that they never left the Provence of Rome (because you knew if you did it would give them ammunition),,,,

Tet,,,if you go to wall-mart and get a puzzle that says "3-5 years" on it and put it together in an hour,,,"its still a puzzle for 3-5 year old children",,,,,,,,,,,,,, come clean with them,,,

That is his MO on TOL-deceit, habitual lying, sophistry.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
As we see, Matthew 24, Luke 21, and Mark 13 played out exactly as Jesus said.

The Romans came and surrounded the city. The Christians fled to the mountains, and not one stone was left standing upon another at the temple.

Yet, Darby followers deny these historical facts, and they claim some of the things Jesus prophesied would happen before the destruction of the temple didn't happen.

Dispensationalism is a mess.

18/22 posts-"Darby" spams.

"Dispensationalism is a mess"-16 times in the last week.

That explains why the mutt is going through a divorce.


Well-known member
As we see, Matthew 24, Luke 21, and Mark 13 played out exactly as Jesus said.

The Romans came and surrounded the city. The Christians fled to the mountains, and not one stone was left standing upon another at the temple.

Yet, Darby followers deny these historical facts, and they claim some of the things Jesus prophesied would happen before the destruction of the temple didn't happen.

Dispensationalism is a mess.

more than that Tet,,more than that, you proved that although you knew it did "you are telling us a story about a God that is not your's",,,so you proved that they didn't understand their own God,and that their God was not yours,,,that is you hid things and wont come clean to them about it like your god said do,,,,,,,,,,


So Pella will it change the outcome?,no,,,,but you deceived them and never pointed out that they never left the Provence of Rome (because you knew if you did it would give them ammunition),,,,

Again, I have no idea what you are talking about.

Luke 21:21 was fulfilled when the Christians left Jerusalem in 66AD and went to Pella.

Who am I deceiving by saying this?


more than that Tet,,more than that, you proved that although you knew it did "you are telling us a story about a God that is not your's",,,so you proved that they didn't understand their own God,and that their God was not yours,,,that is you hid things and wont come clean to them about it like your god said do,,,,,,,,,,



Well-known member
Tet,,I don't care what you have to say if your going to attack their foggy grey area,,,,point out the foggy grey area in your doctrine,say "actually they never left the Roman Provence of Judaea they only went 46 miles from Jerusalem to the town of Pella,but in a leap of faith I believe it still means the same thing"

If you do come clean,then they will as well as you want to solve the actual puzzle,and you all can solve it together,,,,


Tet,,I don't care what you have to say if your going to attack their foggy grey area,,,,point out the foggy grey area in your doctrine,say "actually they never left the Roman Provence of Judaea they only went 46 miles from Jerusalem to the town of Pella,but in a leap of faith I believe it still means the same thing"

If you do come clean,then they will as well as you want to solve the actual puzzle,and you all can solve it together,,,,

According to the following map, Pella wasn't in the Roman Province Judaea:
